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Playing/auditioning at big volume (outdoors)

Ross Brown

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Played a street fair yesterday. We had a nice stage to play on. This event draws 60,000 to 100,000 people each year. Lots and lots of people watching us. It was a blast!!


As you may or may not remember from other threads, my wife is putting together a band of her own (I will play bass). She has a well known guitarist from the area on the hook. The guy is very good. I had met (and heard) him before. He is full of confidence (to put it nicely) and I warned her. She accepted the challenge and spend and hour and half on the phone with him the other day. She lined up a good drummer that this guy and I both knew, for a get together this Saturday to see if it works. Then she invited him to come see my current band play at the street fair. So now we are playing in front of a large crowd and I am auditioning (in my mind). He and his wife came and met with her while we were playing. Apparently I passed the audition. He had nice things to say and said he was looking forward to Saturday.


I guess every gig is an audition in some form or another. We also got a wedding gig booked from this show.


Oh yea The reason I posted. I learned that at the volumes we were playing at, things are different. For example, Come Together. The slide up can create some interesting harmonics that can get out of hand. I learned real fast to back off a little.


Also was reminded taht the volume drops off so quickly as I moved from the stage. I was afraid we were too loud but as I wandered out during sound check, all was good. Good feedback on volume from trusted folks too.


My overdrive pedal was very useful but at this volume, when I chose not to use it, I lost too much volume. I need to play with that to figure what I am doing wrong. Sometimes I dont want the overdrive sound but still need the volume. Still wasnt bad.


Was definitely a gig in which I got better through experience. Thanks for reading.


"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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The coolest thing about music in all areas is that there is always...let me yell that ALWAYS something new to learn, whether it is a new scale, stage presence, miking, vox trick.


Cool post and good luck with the new crew.



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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Nice post Ross. I'm glad to hear you passed the "audition". I'm not really surprised though. Being the owner of a shirt with so much mojo you must be one of the meanest mojammers around. :D

Sounds like the new band will be fun.

Visit my band's new web site.









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Thank goodness the shirt was on tour. Your wife would have been trampled by the hopelessly lovelorn.


Glad for your wife that the pieces are coming together.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Glad it went well! That's a LOT of people!

I've done a couple of street fair type of events, but nothing that size.


You're right on the mark about the "every gig is an audition". It pays to be prepared.

A stiffy somewhere in the city sewer system...
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