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Fleshy Phalanges


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Ok so for the past to months my finger tips have been getting really tore up and its starting to affect my playing. Its quite painful during excessive bending and my brain telling my fingers are in pain seem to recess whatever I'm trying to do on the guitar meaning I can't bend as well nor vibrato as well and the likes of that which goes along those lines. I have these problems with both hands, my right hand is almost as bad resulting in trouble with finger picking stuff. Do you guys know of any method to get rid of this annoyance? pharmacy and hobby store products aren't helping much either, I've tried ridiculous amounts of super glue and "Skin Shield". Thanks.
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Can you post pics of your finger tips???


And, try to be specific...what is the problem? Finger nails separating? Fingertip callous coming off???


Need more details.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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A couple of ways to keep your fingertip calluses conditioned, is to take a typical credit card (use and old one in case you break it)...and just place it in the palm of you hand, and then place you fingertips on the edge of the card, and flex the card with finger tip pressure.

You can do this while watching TV...surfing the net...or whenever you don't need to use your hand(s) for anything else. You just keep the card in your pocket, and it's always there when you have some time. Make it a habit.


Another thing you can do is go to the supermarket and head to the spice racks. Look for Alum. McCormick brand has it.

You place a teaspoon of Alum into a small saucers, add a bit of water, just enough to get your fingertips covered...and then while watching TV/etc...soak your fingertips in that. The Alum will toughen the skin.

You can also use plain salt with water...or add salt to the Alum (which is also a salt compound).


Playing will also condition the calluses.

But if you are play too much/too hard... then your fingertips will always be tender. Try skipping a day or two AFTER you play real hard and maybe gotten some blisters.

You will notice that the blisters will harden...and then you should play some more, but a little lighter so as not to completely tenderize the growing calluses.

After awhile...they should becomes rather permanent if you play regularly.


Heck...I switched over to 11's not too long ago, and it's not a problem. When I do play a lot and real hard...it does "crush"/tenderize the calluses a bit.

Then a day later, they firm right back up again.

You dont' want to play real hard all the time, so that you always blow out the calluses that are forming.


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Playing the acoustic is typically tougher on the fingertips than electric.


Derrick...listen to you body. If you fingertips are sore, give them a break for a day. Then, the next day play softer. Pace yourself!!


IF this is a real problem, you can always go to a lighter set of strings for a while, until your fingers feel back to normal.





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Playing the acoustic is typically tougher on the fingertips than electric.


Derrick...listen to you body. If you fingertips are sore, give them a break for a day. Then, the next day play softer. Pace yourself!!


IF this is a real problem, you can always go to a lighter set of strings for a while, until your fingers feel back to normal.



Shoot, take off two or three days! It'll help your callouses and the muscles in your hands. You'd be amazed how much a little rest can help your chops.



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If you fingertips are sore, give them a break for a day. Then, the next day play softer. Pace yourself!!




I've destroyed perfectly good calluses by ripping too hard for 2-3 days in a row...and then my fingers are sore. But one day of rest, and the calluses harden back up even better! :thu:


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Damn, you must be playing 24/7! ;):D


Hey, go to the Spice section of the grocery store and get some "ALUM" powder.




Put some in a small bowl with luke warm water...mixed up, and soak your finger tips in it.

Alum is unsed in the "Pickling" process like for home pickling of cucumbers into pickles or whatever.

Don't laugh, this works.

It will toughen your finger tips up for sure.

It sort of dries them out a little.


Hey...you're going to have to give your fingers a break for a few days.

If you've got them in that bad of shape, you're simply going to have to give them time to heal and for new calluses to reform.


Just my 2 cents worth.



"Just play!"
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Well I guess the reason practice has been so intense recently is because of my chops, It feels like they've gotten worse and worse since this problem and I never thought this could be related I've just been working my tail off trying to get back to normal. But I guess this fits since I can still "play" everything I and more than I could than before it just sounds awful. Its going to be hard to take a break but I guess I really need too, with spring break starting I was ready to work my fingers to the bone to get to the bottom of this suckness phase but I guess it won't hurt to try this first. Thanks for all the pointers guys.
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A few years ago, I was really serious into weightlifing...5 or 6 days a week I was lifting. Didn't really see much muscle growth and I was sore all the time.


After reading some bodybuilding mags, I took their advice and took a WHOLE WEEK off!! :) I think my biceps grew 2" over that week. After that, I dropped to working out 3 times a week and resting the other days; I got thin and buff fast! :)


Moral of the story: Rest is just as important as doing the "exercise"; whether it's weights, guitar, hiking etc.


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Dude, seriously it does sound like you just need to rest for a couple of days.


But if you ever get in a jam and your fingertips are coming apart and you have to play you can take crazy glue and apply it to the tips of your fingers and let it dry. Instant calouses.


If feel like I should be posting some sort of disclaimer now....

Rob Robitaille


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