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OT: Conservatives: Take your best shots at the Dem Candidates

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Mr Wow, You can do better than that, in fact, Al Sharpton, makes more sense on the major issues than does the moron, Bush. I'm not saying that Al will get the nod, just that he's better than Bush, like all the democatic candidates are better than Bush. And YES, YES, YES, ...The US Trade Policy sucks big time, NAFTA and all the rest of these treaties need major overhauls or repeal. I believe Dennis Kucinich would repeal all the bad trade treaties like NAFTA. On that issue, he's like Ross Perot. I like that position.
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No question about it, Bush is so bad that even Al Sharpton is better, And Al makes ten times more sense about all the major isuues than does Bush. A recent Noble Prize-winning economist said that Bush was THE WORST president that America has ever had. Period. According to this highly acclaimed expert, Bush has screwed things up so badly that it will take years and years of pain for America to get back on track. Thanks for nothing, Resident Bush. You know I kind of like the spunk shown by democratic hopeful, Senator Graham. He talked about Impeaching Bush on the floor of the US Senate.
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Mr. Wow, I think you are making up stuff, but if you have a link to Al's official website and you can point out the position you say he has, I'll be grateful. Otherwise, I'll just conclude that your remark has no factual underpinning and is just more bashing of everything liberal, and good, and democratic. Mr. Wow, I know you can do better because you like Hendix's "Red House" as representive of a great blues song, nut when will your political rantings rise to this higher level. Hendix was liberal left-wing guy you know.
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[b]Originally posted by Johnny B: Mr. Wow, I think you are making up stuff, but if you have a link to Al's official website and you can point out the position you say he has, I'll be grateful. Otherwise, I'll just conclude that your remark has no factual underpinning and is just more bashing of everything liberal, and good, and democratic.[/b] Al Sharpton was on The O'Reilly Factor and told Bill that taxes are not nearly high enough for the "rich". Anyone making over $100,000 a year should be paying as much as 75% to the government and if elected, Mr. Sharpton would push for the higher taxes. Funny how you, of all people, can call making remarks with no factual merit "bashing". I had to laugh. This from the king of the factless, meritless bashers.. And you think Al Sharpton would be better than Mr. Bush? Whatever you're smoking, please keep it up. By all means don't let reality get in your way. You know, like stating Hendrix was a liberal.. Also a completly out of control drug addict that nobody could stand to be on stage with because of his behavior. Maybe that's why you relate to him.. Nice set of role models you have...

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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I agree with the view that we should look a the independants before getting into bed with any candidate. I voted for Nader in the last election as my own sort of "None of the above" vote. I live in Texas, so I knew who would carry the state (rendering my vote useless) and instead of sitting the election out, I went with my concience first and foremost. As for the coming election, it seems to me that Dean makes the most sense as a candidate so far. He has a far better plan with regards to economic policy and education than what is currently in place, and his record of achievements dwarfs what our current president had during his first election campaign.



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Yet, the Democratic powers-that-be want him out of the race. They say he's 'unelectable'; does anyone really believe Lieberman (or any of the others) is electable? Dean seems their best chance right now - at least he energizes people and has something to say. [quote]Originally posted by Guruman: [b]As for the coming election, it seems to me that Dean makes the most sense as a candidate so far. He has a far better plan with regards to economic policy and education than what is currently in place, and his record of achievements dwarfs what our current president had during his first election campaign.[/b][/quote]As for CONservatives, another of their supposed core values is total hogwash. When Slick Willy was Prez, they kept braying about his less-than-total honesty and made that grounds for impeachment. Now, in reference to Iraq, the CONservatives say "well it really doesn't matter if Bush lied about African nukes, since the result is that Saddam is out of power." Sounds a lot like moral equivalence, doesn't it??? So much for core values, folks.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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This thread has gotten completely away from it's original intent so despite the fact that I'm not a conservative I'm going to chime in. First off I'm disappointed none of the conservatives took the bait. Are you guys really that out of touch? As a resident of Iowa I'm seeing TV ads for John Edwards and have seen some for Howard Dean. No one else is making an investment here. As for the candidates; Howard Dean supported an intitiative in Vermont that took education funding and made it statewide. I'm working from memory so if I have any details wrong someone please correct me. They basically took the average student funding for the whole state and collected from and disbursed to each town accordingly (about $5,400 per student per year). Towns that spent more were welcome to as long as double that surplus was sent to the state education funding agency. In other words if you wanted to spend $6,400 per student you would have to tax $8,400 and send the extra $2K to the state to be shared with all the other towns. The other alternative was to organize unofficial foundations to encourage residents to make up the shortfall between wjhat they had been spending (some as high as $9,000 per student) and what they state allowed. Most towns chose this option and it led to fractious relations between neighbors since not everyone chose to contribute. The law has since been repealed. I called Gov Dean's campaign and asked about his involvement in this initiative. Their position is that he's proud of his involvement. For that reason I would only support Gov. Dean if he was the Democratic candidate against Bush and there was no viable 3rd party alternative. As for Kerry, as a former resident of Massachussetts I liked him then and like him now. He's as honorable as they come and a war hero. He's a bit liberal for my taste, but not unreasonably so. He's a smart guy. I know John Edwards only from his commercials which means I don't know squat about him. As for Gephart, he's a bit too closely tied to labor for me. As for Phil Graham (sp?), Al Sharpton and the others they're long shots, thankfully. That's the view from here, site of the 1rst in the nation caucuses. :wave: Cheers, Steve Chandler http://www.mp3.com/stevechandler
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[b]Originally posted by pantonality: As for Gephart, he's a bit too closely tied to labor for me.[/b] I think you will be surprised at who the unions endorse for president. It looks like a toss up between Dean and Kerry. As long as the unions force their members to give their dues money to the party the union leadership supports, and the Trial Lawyers and American Bar Association support the democratic party, our economy will have a tough time recovering. The cost of doing business for corporations, the increasing cost of health care, the increasing cost of government and social programs all mean it will place a larger burden on those who work for a living. A lot of these increases can be traced directly to union demands, environmental group lawsuits, liability insurance increases because of lawsuits and huge government employee unions. There must be a point when we realize that we cannot simply throw money at all the problems in the country. We have been adding social programs for years and nothing has gotten any better. More poverty, more homeless, more sick, more elderly, etc. regardless of democratic of republican administrations and legislatures. I also don't think there is any difference in the big money that is supporting the democrats and the big money that is supporting the republicans, but all of the socialist programs supported by the democratic hopefulls would certainly bankrupt America. These guys are promising everything to every group they talk to. A simple test...add up the dollars they are promising to spend on their social programs and then try to figure out where the money will come from. Got a job?

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Hi GZsound, Thank you for a thoughtful response. It strikes me though that the issue is one of priorities. The combination Bush's tax cuts and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will bankrupt the country equally as fast as any prescription drug or jobs program. The question is who benefits? I find it odd that we can work out a deal to give AIDS deugs to Africans, but not Americans. You say nothing has gotten better as a result of programs, yet studies show Head Start has a strong positive impact, Bush wants to cut it. There are other programs that have been shown to be effective, but the current administration has plans to cut them as well. I'll refer you to Gore's speech of week or so ago and the excerpt from the Howard Dean weblog (I think that was on this forum somewhere). for more info. And which is REALLY more important, lying about a blowjob or lying to justfiy starting a war? The thing that really bugs me is our two party system has broken down into political teams. Too many people think that if the Republicans get their way your team wins and tif the Democrats win, my team wins. We've completely lost sight of the fact that WE ARE ALL CITIZENS of this great country with differing ideas about what the problems are and how to solve them. We both want a robust economy (and had one just a few years ago). My biggest issue with the Republican agenda is they're too ideological and have ignored information and data that disagree with their political preferences. Steve
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