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You only live once...New Fish (ETA: 3/24)


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Well since there are no pics or sound clips, the new fish doesn't exist, but is has been ordered, and will arrive sometime next week. What fish you ask?


4003 JG Rickenbacker, mack-daddy of the seas. After endless research and price quotes, I decided to pull the trigger from MusiciansFriend. They gave me the worst price out of all the small/large dealers around the country, but the selling point was that they had it in stock. The Jetglo was my color of choice, even though it is not the most popular. The fireglo did not do it for me, the mapleglo was cool, but the black and white was just a thing of beauty.


I was given an 18-36 month time-frame from all other dealers as to when to expect delivery, so I decided to pay a little more to get it sooner.


A few months back, I sat down with the same model (4003 jetglo) in SamAsh for a very long time and wasn't able to afford it (believe me, I haggled my heart out, but still...). I went back a week later to play it again and it was sold. I played an 80's 4001 last week and my Ric juices started to flow once again and I decided I was going to do it. With not having a wife/serious girlfriend to spoil, I would spend some money on myself. My B-day is coming up in a week, I just got promoted, this was the time it had to be done.


So sit back and wait for the pics and sound clips to come flowing in. The fish of my dreams will be here shortly...



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Congrats on the newly ordered fish! :thu:


Of course I'm a little biased here. But you've played one so you know you're going to like it, too.


I bought mine used, from a friend so I didn't really have a choice on finish. My previous basses were black and natural wood. I think I would have had the hardest time adjusting to fireglo. But yes, jetglo is a good, good choice.


Patiently awaiting pics.

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Nice catch rizzo. If I recall, you've rewarded yourself quite a bit this last year. Being single does have it's perks though, as well it should.

Pics, pics, pics....

Visit my band's new web site.









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Awesome acquisition! Never played a Ric myself, and probably a good thing because I'd probably have to buy it. Can't wait for pics/clips.

[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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Rics seem to be the Citroen or SAAB of the bass world. They are either on your radar or simply not all. I have never even picked one up, which is amazing really since I must have played around 200 bass guitars in the last 32 years. I do look at them though and wonder where you position your RH. Do you take the bridge PU cover off and play behind the PU? Why are the PUs different sizes?


Funny really cos Chris Squire was one of my early influences. He seemed to get a very meaty tone from his Ric.


My local store has a fretless Ric. Should I try it?




"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Welcome to the world of Ric. They are great basses.


Sad story time:

To this day I still kick myself for not figuring out a way to buy one of the 1959 Rics that Mike Lull used to own. Yes. I typed correctly. 1959. He actually had 2 1959s and a 1958. Rickenbacker only made 126 basses in the first two years (58/59) and Mike had three of them. He offerred to sell me one of the 59s for $5000. I'm a dumbass for not selling my soul (or whatever) to make that happen. He later sold all three for well more than that to some collector. Angry angry angry. I played all three of those basses. They sounded simply amazing.


Rics seem to be the Citroen or SAAB of the bass world. They are either on your radar or simply not all. I have never even picked one up, which is amazing really since I must have played around 200 bass guitars in the last 32 years. I do look at them though and wonder where you position your RH. Do you take the bridge PU cover off and play behind the PU? Why are the PUs different sizes?


I took the cover off mine for the short time that I owned it. The stupid thing is very in the way. Come to think of it I don't believe I've ever seen anyone playing a Ric who still has that cover on.

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Come to think of it I don't believe I've ever seen anyone playing a Ric who still has that cover on.
I leave mine on. Yes it can get in the way but I actually do rest the side of my hand on it sometimes.


That and I'm too lazy to order the 3rd party cover that covers up the huge, gaping, potentially finger slashing hole that is left when the original part is removed. :o:D


But yeah, it's mostly in the way.


Oh, and good going on the 58/59s. :rolleyes:


You're an angry angry angry. :P

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Rics seem to be the Citroen or SAAB of the bass world. They are either on your radar or simply not all.
We played an originals gig last Friday and split the ticket with several other bands. The bass player that got up after me (and my Ric) played a Thunderbird. :o When's the last time you've seen a Tbird? When's the last time you say a Ric and a Tbird back-to-back on the same night? :freak:
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You wheel-and-deal more basses than anyone I've ever heard of.


Not that there's anything wrong with that...


Nice catch rizzo. If I recall, you've rewarded yourself quite a bit this last year. Being single does have it's perks though, as well it should.

Pics, pics, pics....


Hello, My name is Anthony, and I have an addiction... :crazy:

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Oh, and good going on the 58/59s. :rolleyes:


I know... I know...


If I had my current job when that offer was made to me I would have bought them in a heart beat. At the time (~12 years ago) I was making less than $25K a year and swimming in debt.

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Rics seem to be the Citroen or SAAB of the bass world. They are either on your radar or simply not all.
We played an originals gig last Friday and split the ticket with several other bands. The bass player that got up after me (and my Ric) played a Thunderbird. :o When's the last time you've seen a Tbird? When's the last time you say a Ric and a Tbird back-to-back on the same night? :freak:


Actually, that happens a lot in the whole stoner rock scene... one thing I am learning rather quickly--stoner rock bands are HUGE gear snobs, and they make a big deal about owning Sunn, Orange, Ampeg, Matamp, Hi-Watt, Guild, Rickenbacker and Gibson products. The other night, I saw TWO gorgeous, early-'70s Ric basses, an EB-0 and a T-bird bass... that was just for two of the bands on the bill. The other guy had a raggedy-lookin' P-bass, and I'm sure there was some special vintage cred happening with that thing.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I took the cover off mine for the short time that I owned it. The stupid thing is very in the way. Come to think of it I don't believe I've ever seen anyone playing a Ric who still has that cover on.


Cough cough. I leave the cover on, and CS leaves the cover on his horseshoe (same position, similar type of cover). And Geddy left his cover on for a BRIEF spell (long enough to be filmed that way for the Anthem video).


I actually really like having the cover on there. If I play behind it, there is a great sort of caustic tone, or if you dial off your tone pot for the bridge pup, a bright, hi-middy voice emerges. One of my favorite things to do, though, is run the treble cap on the bridge pup, mix the two pups together with the bridge dominant, and slap in front of the pup cover. I couldn't believe the tone that resulted the first time I tried this, especially after all of the warnings that Rics "couldn't be slapped".


If you are willing to adjust to the pup cover, you will find it your friend, not your enemy. Frankly I don't think I'd play right on top of the bridge pup if I had the choice, so I've never even considered taking the cover off, ever since I've owned my Ricky.


Here's a video of me playing my Ric so you can get an idea of how I play "around" the guard... Again, I really like having it there. Oh, and if I play in front of it, fingerstyle, I rest my thumb on the pickguard most of the time.



Song is "Via Volpes", a la me.



Different style, "Be With The One You Love", A. R. Roberson (guitar).

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Actually, that happens a lot in the whole stoner rock scene... one thing I am learning rather quickly--stoner rock bands are HUGE gear snobs, and they make a big deal about owning Sunn, Orange, Ampeg, Matamp, Hi-Watt, Guild, Rickenbacker and Gibson products. The other night, I saw TWO gorgeous, early-'70s Ric basses, an EB-0 and a T-bird bass... that was just for two of the bands on the bill. The other guy had a raggedy-lookin' P-bass, and I'm sure there was some special vintage cred happening with that thing.


Reminds me of Kyuss' Scott Reeder, who played a Ric. And I believe Nick Oliveri played a TBird during his stint with the band!

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Cough cough. I leave the cover on, and CS leaves the cover on his horseshoe (same position, similar type of cover


A little qualifier on that. The cover on that bass is part of the (horseshoe) pick-up. Unlike the plasic toy used from the ~70s on it does not come off unless you replace the entire assembly. Plop in a '70s++ style p-up or some such similar butchery. (Be quiet :mad:. I too am guilty as hell. Did it to my first 4001. :blush:)


And, I've read, on Squires bass that pick-up isn't even connected. He does it all with the neck pick-up. And still leaves the bridge P-up and it's cover there. Cant be bugging him much.


OK, I leave mine on. Why? Because it's the McCartney reissue and, like Squire's Ric, it's a real horseshoe. Not a plastic thing for show. It's part of the pickup and I like that sound. So I gave it some time.


It took some getting used to but I'm happy with it now. Don't even really notice it. Unless I go for the false harmonics, 2 8va up, in the second half of the Birdland head. Then the damn cover's exactly where I need to pinch. But, er, that one doesn't really come up much.




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That's right, the horseshoe cover is part of the pup... thanks for reminding me.


Eh, it may not be true chromed aluminum or what have you, and its usefulness is debatable save perhaps as a noise reducer (this, of course, is really only purported by John Hall himself; I don't know that it makes much difference at all), but I'm going to leave mine on. I like it. :)


4003 JG Rickenbacker, mack-daddy of the seas.


Enjoy your new Fish. Congrats man! My friend Derek got a 4003JG that was made in December 2007 and it's a real beast! The bubinga fingerboard on his is one of the prettiest I've seen of late, and it came in the unique "matte" finish "GrayGlo" that probably drives up the bass' value. Cross your fingers and yours could well be the same.


The Jetglo was my color of choice, even though it is not the most popular. The fireglo did not do it for me, the mapleglo was cool, but the black and white was just a thing of beauty.


I like my Amber FireGlo quite a bit, and have a MapleGlo on order (been waiting a year), but JetGlo is a solid choice. The only colour I can't really stand is Midnight Blue.

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Evidently my post didn't make it the first time.


I leave my cheap plastic cover on and play around it. Sometimes I like to rest the side of my hand on it. I'm too lazy to buy a replacement cover to hide the huge, ugly, and potentially finger slashing hole. So there. :P

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CMDM wrote, "stoner rock bands are HUGE gear snobs, and they make a big deal about owning Sunn, Orange, Ampeg, Matamp, Hi-Watt, Guild, Rickenbacker and Gibson products."


Don't forget Acoustic, Marshall and Hi-watt. Well if you want to capture that late 60's & 70's sound a lot of stoner bands like. That's the stuff that will get you there.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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Agreed... Marshalls and Acoustics, too... It's kinda funny... so many stoner bands have bazillion-dollar rigs and then make two-dollar recordings. Strange.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Actually, that happens a lot in the whole stoner rock scene... one thing I am learning rather quickly--stoner rock bands are HUGE gear snobs, and they make a big deal about owning Sunn, Orange, Ampeg, Matamp, Hi-Watt, Guild, Rickenbacker and Gibson products.


Oh, I am definitely going to become a snob, looking forward to it actually :D


To prepare for the Ric's arrival on Monday, I am reading Sylvia Plath. I started to eat tofu. I won't conform to typical social norms. I will start to run and work out and take yoga classes to open my mind and free my spirit.

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The pics, my god, the pics!!!










As soon as I figure out how to innotate this thing, sound clips will flow. Ican't wipe the smile from my face :)



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"Ican't wipe the smile from my face."


Then can you at least wipe the drool of the bass? It'll ruin the finish!


Nice score, Rizzo! Play it in good health! For richer, for poorer...till death do you part.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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That is very very very wicked. Congrats!


You'll find intonating a lot easier if you have an offset Phillips screwdriver. That feature of the bridge is a bit of a downside... but the good news is that it's so stable that once you've set it up, you may not need to mess with it again for a few years. Really. For instance, I haven't had the truss rods on mine adjusted since last century--and since then it has literally circumnavigated the globe. Neck is still straight as an arrow.


For all your Rickenbacker setup information needs, go here:



Seriously. A Ric does NOT setup like any other bass does. Arm yourself with knowledge.

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