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one cab is enough?


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Bass on back with accessories in the pocket, amp in the other hand and one hand free to open the door. If we need to bring a PA, we all will help with that as well, but my personal gear usually takes one trip.


If it's a jazz gig, I need 2 as I haven't yet memorized all the tunes so I need a stand and books.

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You can actually carry your gig bag with bass, amp (mark bass, eden, focus) and a neo cab in one hand.


Leaves a free hand for a cigarrete. :)


I just let mine dangle from the corner of my mouth. Chicks dig it.


Bass, rack, cab, mic stand, guitar stand, gigcase - 2 trips.

3 if I'm using both cabs.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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You brought an 8x10" cabinet and a 2x15" cabinet for a 20 minute set? Wow.


He has the other guys in the band carry the stuff in for him!


How can I work that out with the guys I play with? Our rule is "every man for himself",

Same here J!

NOBODY touches my stuff. The last thing I wanna do is end up waiting around to help the drummer load out and the guitarist hauls the lights and PA so forget all that noise. Yeah, yeah - he gets the tip jar.

When I'm done I wanna go home!

"He's usually gone before the last song is over." Damn skippy.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I think one point to be made is that Jeremy is often hired in. It's not always a "band" in the same sense that some of us have.


For Stonefly, I make two trips, and that's because I carry a large heavy gig bag with PA cables, powered monitor, and mic stands (my amp rig goes on the handtruck - with the bass, that's the first trip). Still, I help the drummers and the singer (he's got the PA), so maybe that's 4 trips total. The sax player helps as well. I don't mind - and they offer to help me as well. It's really a team effort, and we've been together for quite a while.


For church, it's the hand-truck only - one trip.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I can carry all of my stuff in one trip, too...

My head and pedalboard ride on top of the 6x10, and my two basses fit in my two bass gig bag on my back. All of my cables and whatnot fit in in the pouch outside of the gig bag.


Now, granted, it's not exactly a lightweight set-up, but I can do it all in one trip.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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We all help each other. Pain because the drummer is slow. I don't divvy out the money until we are loaded, or almost loaded...


Th damn drummer. In the bar band the drummer is the one loaded. Helping him is guaranteed to get you home at 4.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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My bandmates won't let me carry anything as my back is shot to hell.. Believe me.. I get yelled at by them every show for trying to help.. Anyway, we carry all our gear in a trailer.. taking the whole rig is really not any harder than carrying a small combo in that context until it comes time to load in at the venue.. Most of the venues we've played have ramps to load in on. At the place we've played the most at they have a lift to carry the gear up to the stage level.

Feel free to visit my band's site

Delusional Mind

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One trip regardless of venue or band. Everything fits on a hand truck that I did in fact purchase at Home Depot - however I only paid ~$40 for that same hand truck. Whatever.


Even when I would bring two 4x10 cabs, a rack, effects board, multiple basses, and a garmet bag with gig clothing. One trip.

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I just mentioned Matt Freeman and Rancid in another thread.


Matt has one 8x10 on stage. Rancid is pretty loud. For part of the show I was onstage behind Matt's amp.


If I was in a touring band of that size playing venues like that I'd have an Ampeg 810E cab and the matching SVT Classic head. I'd also have a roadie or two that moved it about for me. :)

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I have not done more that one trip in a while, even the last time I played CBGB's Lounge (RIP) with something other than my Gallien Krueger 1x12" combo. CBGB's lounge had a flight of stairs that included one right turn and two left turns, and I only made one trip. Gigbag on my back, amplifier over my shoulder (Eden WT-330), a Bergantino EX112 in my left hand and a Bergantino HT112 in my right hand.


I would not do it for a long walk, but very manageable from the front door to the stairs and to the stage.

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Ive got one of these (1x15) and I know I'm a wimp but I find it hard to move by myself.




Kudos for admitting it. :laugh: I bet that H&K blares eh? Love those.


I had a Fender combo that weighed just under 100 lbs. It had castors but everything up here in Hee-Haw-Hell has stairs. Loading in I could do it alone but at the end of the night I was usually at the mercy of my bandmates.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I have not done more that one trip in a while, even the last time I played CBGB's Lounge (RIP) with something other than my Gallien Krueger 1x12" combo.


Hey... which one was that? I bought last year (After some years of lusting for one of those) a GK MB200 1x12 combo. I found out for a couple gigs I did right after buying it it was not enough (were open air gigs, so I ended using it as a pre-amp (speaker switched off), and DIed it to the PA and heard myself through a couple of fine sidefill monitors the soundguy had. Then I realized I could make several nice arrangements with it, to suit most situations. I got built a couple cheap ozite-covered cabs, one is a 4x10 and the other a 1x15. I filled them up with some repaired speakers I had laying around (thankfully the 10s were same model and wattage, from a local Venezuelan brand) and had them guys find me a cheap 15".


What I´ve found is the MB200 has a NICE sound when combining its internal 12" with any of the other cabs (Either the 4x10, the 1x15 or a 1x12 which was indeed a Washburn bass combo of which I only have left the -closed back- cab with the speaker). Different sounds, but enough to fit almost any situation I have been involved in, without having to haul out the 6-spaces rack and building a bass soundwall.


Just wondered if it was about the same case. By the way... isn´t it peculiar that the MB200, being somewhat of a "practice" amp (Yet a powerful one for its size), has WAY more features (compressor, chorus, built in DI, efx loop, ext spkr out, phones out -even tho this would be expected from a "practice" amp) than his bigger siblings, RB400 and the Backline series heads? I wonder why couldn´t them keep all those equally fitted... been lured into having a RB400, but when comparing, I always go back to having the MB200 with an extra cab... most of the times the 1x12 is sweet enough...

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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More fuel for this fire:


Friday night I played at a pretty good sized venue that has a ridiculously huge sound system - and a very good one at that. This is a place that big acts play at all the time. Steve Vai has played there on a number of occasions. One of Motorhead's setlists was still taped up back stage for the lighting guys.


My band played second. To save change over time the opening band used our drums and my bass rig - we'd discussed this beforehand as we are friends with this band. The bass player in said band usually brings 3 2x15 cabs. Yes. You read correctly. 3. Three. One song into their set the front of house soundman was yelling at him to turn down.

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