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Neck repair questions


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I had a mishap last night. While changing basses during rehearsal for the shows we have coming up later this week, I tripped over the strap on my Brice 5 string fretless and it fell off the stand, face first, onto the cement floor of my basement. It impacted on the G string tuning peg, which has cracked the neck on the back, from the tuner out to the edge. The crack does not run all the way through from the back of the neck/head to the front, and it's about 1 inch long. I don't think it's fatal if treated, but I want to do something to reinforce it because having it fail catastrophically during a show would be bad.


I was thinking of removing the tuning peg, packing some wood glue into the crack, and clamping it overnight. I was planning to play this bass for several songs this Thursday and Saturday.


Do you guys think this sounds like a good plan for repairing this, and do you think it will be good to go by thursday night?



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Delusional Mind

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How long do you think? I'd want to use this bass for a show Thursday night.. I'll glue and clamp it on Tuesday. I have to work Thursday right up to show time so I wouldn't really have time that night to put the bass back together. I could glue it tomorrow afternoon and remove the clamp about 10pm Wednesday night. That's well over 24 hours. Is that enough? I'm not very skilled in the details of wood working. I can do the tasks, I just don't know the ins and outs..



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Delusional Mind

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Usually, normal wood glue sets fairly quickly, one hour should be plenty of time for near maximum strenght, overnight is plenty of set time.


Make sure to wipe the excess glue while it's still wet, it's a lot easier to clean wet than dry.



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Bring lighter fluid and marshmallows and have a little campfire.




Get something that will allow you to get glue into the crack (needle, whatever). Use a clamp along the lines of this one - basically you want something with rubber stoppers on both ends of it. Ideally you'd put a small piece of sacrificial wood on either side of the area you're clamping to insure that you don't damage the neck wood further with the clamp(s). 24 hours will be plenty of time for the glue to reach maximum strength. Something like Elmers probond will be fine for this.


But I still like the idea of a campfire.

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Well, I also checked with Rondo to see what a replacement neck would run me, and it's about $60.. So if the glue fails I have a backup plan.


I have a lot of confidence the glue will work. The crack isn't that bad, but I just want to head it off at the pass before it gets worse.

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Delusional Mind

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