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Music Man Question


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I'm of a mind for a Music Man 5'er. Really was considering the Stingray, but was looking at various reviews of the SUB5 (discontinued by Ernie Ball) and was wondering if there was really any reason to pony up the extra cash for the Stingray. I'm looking for a used one in great shape and notice the SUB runs about 400-500 bucks cheaper. Hence my question for you in the know...is the Stingray really worth the extra dough, or will anyone really be able to hear the difference?

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I've only played the SUB and the Stingray in stores. I didn't care for the feel of the SUB. The funky front plate was cool, but the painted neck just didn't feel right to me (and I'm not a raw-wood neck guy). They were different enough that I liked the Stingray better.


$500 better? I've been known to wait years to save for a bass, so I may not have a good answer for that.


And if it was me? I've been tempted by some Bongos....




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Might I suggest an alternative? Check out some other 5 strings. In fact, if you can, A-B a Stingray 5 with some other, comparably priced 5 strings. I found my own Stingray 5 to be a little bit of a one trick pony. At least from a tone standpoint.

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Nicklab...I think the one trick is exactly the trick that I am looking for. I have my six string ESP that more than works for everything else. The majority of what I play requires a nice growly rock thump that the Music Man is known for producing. My question is regarding the two models and whether or not the Stingray is really worth the extra money. I've played the Stingray 5, but have not been able to find a SUB5 locally to test.

Love God...Love People!



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I chose a Stingray 5 HH and the versatility is unbeatable with the 5 position selector switch. Outstanding American quality. Like someone else said, last a lifetime.
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Nicklab...I think the one trick is exactly the trick that I am looking for. I have my six string ESP that more than works for everything else. The majority of what I play requires a nice growly rock thump that the Music Man is known for producing. My question is regarding the two models and whether or not the Stingray is really worth the extra money. I've played the Stingray 5, but have not been able to find a SUB5 locally to test.


If that's what works for you, hey, go for it. From a build quality standpoint I'd recommend the Stingray over the SUB. I've played some SUB's and thought that they felt a little cheap in comparison. The painted neck was definitely a negative, IMO. Although I have to admit that I like the look of the pickguard on the SUB 5 more than the pickguard on the Stingray 5.


I only mentioned the possibility of checking out another instrument entirely because of my own experience with Stingrays. Over the years I've owned three of them. And because I wasn't totally happy with them I only have one of those three currently. I know some people who've had similar experiences, but in the same right there are a good number of people who are really into their Stingrays. All I would suggest is that maybe you broaden your search, because there are some similar instruments out there that might give you something similar to a Stingray. Such as?


Lakland Skyline 55-02 5-String Bass

G&L 1505

G&L L-2500


These basses still have that hunbucker that's close to the bridge, and definitely some serious growl. But I've also heard some tonal variety from these basses. Hell, I'd recommend my own beloved Roscoe Beck V but Fender discontinued that model.

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I may have messed up, but I went for the SUB. I did some research and the only difference between the 'Ray and the SUB is the paint job, some body sculpting, and 2 band active preamp vs a 3 band. Not worth $500 in my opinion. Money is tight right now, so I really could not justify it. I have the option of returning the bass if I don't like it, so I'll let you guys know and send pics of the new fish when it arrives. By the way, with the money I saved, I bought a nice new MusicMan hard case, a really nice Hercules stand for it, straplocks, strap, and a visual volume pedal.


Sorry I didn't see your last post before I dove in to buy. Those are some seriously nice basses. I've played a few G&L 5 'ers in my time. Nice basses, and I had already considered buying one instead of the MM. I just personally don't think they get quite the same punch and growl as the MM.

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