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Upright bass and uptight neighbors- keep them both quiet


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Hi, everyone- it's been a while...


I'm looking for suggestions on controlling the volume of my upright bass in a rehearsal setting- my apartment. I can play electric with no problem (easy to control the volume there) but the upright bass is causing neighborly problems. Arco playing is definitely too loud and I suspect that even pizzicato playing is problematic due to mechanical coupling of the bass to the floor below.


What suggestions can anyone offer on ways to quiet the practice volume of the upright bass? I would love to find something that attaches to the bass itself (although not permanently) so that it would allow something like choir-loft warm-up exercises in addition to allowing me to rehearse in my apartment again...



...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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Get an 8x10 ampeg cab and an SVT head.


Lie the cab face down on the floor and plug your bass into the head. Crank it up and play. When the neighbors complain, say, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll only play acoustically from now on."


The contrast between the amp and your unamplified bass will make the bass seem much softer.


Seriously, there must be some acoustically neutral something that you could put the end pin on. I wonder how a GRAMMA would work.

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