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electro-harmonix pedals

Such ODolsky

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hello guys

could anyone help me? there is nowhere I could try them, and they look quite interesting:

black finger tube compressor

white finger compressor

micro POG


anyone owns any of them? I'd like to know if they are any good, especially compared to EBS and Boss pedals. Is the Black Finger noticeably better than White Finger? It sure is dearer...

I will be sooo thankful for any info or advice. Hope it's not bothering you too much ;)

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Such- I use the Black Finger compressor; Love it! I tried it out against a Boss, and a Digitech. I wanted to like these, especially the Digitech's 2-band compression; but they just weren't dynamic enough (ironic, wanting dynamics in a compressor). The BF can give a slight squeeze to down right squashing it (great with fretless); and can be used to boost the signal, too. And the tubes aren't just a gimick; there's a big difference in tone with them. Sure, it's pretty pricey, when compared with those other two; but well worth it.

I haven't tried the White Finger, so I can't really give you any comparison to that. But try the Black Finger- once you go black, you never... oh enough already.

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I've used none of these, but there was a review in BP. I'll be digging in my archives for something else - I'll see if I can find it.




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the Black finger is one of the best compressors out there, and thats from experience. The Pog, Im not sure with the micro but I tried bass on the big pog and it sounded decent. It handled alot better than alot of other octave machines. it can also create some excellent effects.
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The Micro POG is amazing, easily the best +1/-1 octaver on the market. It tracks perfectly even on chords.Just like it's big brother.


I have an order in on one at my local music store for their next shipment.

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The Micro POG is amazing, easily the best +1/-1 octaver on the market. It tracks perfectly even on chords.Just like it's big brother.


I have an order in on one at my local music store for their next shipment.


Curious about this. The POG is a well-loved pedal in my board, but I'd be really happy to be able to cut down the size.


If the Micro is as good in sound and tracking as the full-size POG, it would far surpass the BOSS OC-3 and Harmonizer, IMO. The OC-3 doesn't track well, and the Harmonizer has a nasty digital steeliness to the sound - the POG tracks really well, and actually sounds musical ...

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