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What bass should I get?


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Again, anyone who posts the latter has failed to show this forum and its members any respect at all -- you gotta give it to get it.


And yeah, I am like this in real life -- when someone cuts in front of me in the checkout line I say "excuse me, I believe I was here first." To do otherwise is to cede the world to ill-mannered clods and bullies --


The only one who seems to have a problem with anything is you. This person is not a bully or being aggressive in any way, yet you want to come out swinging? So you didn't like how he phrased his question, which is your right. You want to talk about ettiquette and respect, have some ettiquette of your own and respectfully point him to the search feature, or suggest browsing for awhile and trying his question again. You may think you are saving this forum from 'ill-mannered clods and bullies', but the only thing you are doing is making an ass of yourself.

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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It's a free country -- at least here, anyway.


Personally, I think the person with a zero post count who lobs a generic "which bass should I buy" query over the transom is the one showing disrepect -- to both you and me. And I'd prefer to discourage someone like that from hanging around.


But if you're content to be doormats, who am I to argue with you?

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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Okay, people, I'd like to see the discussion about the appropriateness of the opening post and the interaction around its appropriateness cease here. While I disagree with jcadmus on this and really see nothing wrong with the opening post, I also respect his right to voice his opinion.


That said, I would much rather that in this online community we follow our general trend of being welcoming to new participants, especially those who are new to the bass playing community.


In the absolute I think the initial post is clear, straightforward, and brief. Were I brand new to bass and brand new to this forum, I'm not sure how else or what else I might have posted. While it might come from someone who never posts again or who doesn't play bass for more than 3 months, it could also be the first post from someone who will change bass playing forever. My guess is that Prism312 will fall somewhere in between those extremes.


Speaking relatively, we've had so much worse from other newbies in terms of first posts -- posts that were rude, presumptuous, brash, antagonistic -- that this thread-opener seems quite tame.


I would like this to be the last word on the subject of the poster's appropriateness or intent. Please continue with this thread in the interest of providing information to someone who would like to begin playing the bass and needs guidance.


My two cents in that regard:

1. Go to a music store with a bunch of choices and play a bunch of basses. Get the one that feels right to you within your budget. If you can, make that trip with someone who has at least a little experience.


2. Very, very seriously consider setting aside some $$$ for lessons as you get started.


3. Try to find people to play with as soon as you can. The real fun is in making music with others, and making the music go with the rhythmic and harmonic function that the bass serves so well.


Prism312, if you're still reading this thread, responding to some of the questions raised about your budget and what kind of music you listen to or would like to play, may help some of us give you more specific advice.









Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Prism431, buy a Peavey, Fender (Squier), or Ibanez that fits your budget and then find a teacher.


*sigh -- another #$@%& newb who doesn't have the general intelligence or manners to participate in this forum appropriately -- how do we get rid of this bonehead...


Not very Christian of you, is it?


You know the only thing worse than dumbass noob?


A dumbass that has been around for 800+ posts and thinks he is super.


Congratulations, jacksadumbass, you are a winner!

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Yeah, I admit it -- I find low-post-count queries of "which bass should I buy" to be a bit of a social irritant -- the equivalent of someone blocking the grocery store aisle, oblivious to the people trying to get around him.


And I do think it's disrespectful to the community and violates generally accepted Web etiquette -- I don't spend much time there, but I'm guessing that this type of post might elicit a similar reaction on, say, TalkCrochet.com as well.


Frankly what touched more of a nerve with me was the people who attacked me so viciously for what was, admittedly, a bit of a cranky post.


I mean, are you supposed to be the GOOD examples of civil, tolerant and courteous conduct?


If you want to see rude, disrespectful and generally ass-like behavior, take a review of your own posts.


And don't you dare lecture me, you sanctimonious hypocrites.


"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I'm looking to buy my first bass, what brand/guitar should I get?(perferably something cheap)


:love: ROTFL, Oh, baby! Cut it out! AlterEgo: You're killing me! :rimshot:THE funniest post of the year!

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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There are no winners in flame wars. http://rest.plastic.com/img/topics/flamewar.gif


One moderator has already asked politely for it to stop.


Everything you post on a forum is placed in your permanent record and your employer or a potential employer can find it.




And if the original poster is still here, buy a red or black bass.

Black is louder and red is faster.

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"the best value-for-money bass for playing Bulgarian Heavy Metal"

That's my genre :)


BOT, (new lingo for 'back on topic') if you don't know whether or not your going to stick with the bass, most music stores have some sort of return policy, so I would look into that before making a purchase on the used market, such as eBay.


BOT, (new lingo for 'back off topic'...this might get confusing in the future) I think this back and forth throughout this thread can be summed up with a friendly:


Your a back and forth.

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My first bass was ordered from the 1981 Sears catalog. It taught me alot.
Like, never buy a bass from the Sears catalog? http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e397/reifspano/Smileys/avatar_6315.gif


And if the original poster is still here, buy a red or black bass. Black is louder and red is faster.
Yes, it will be many years before you're ready to move up to a blue one...



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Maladjusted that issue was addressed by our moderator SW above, let's leave it at that.


A first bass is a first bass, and as Jeremy rightfully pointed out you (prism) should get the bass as soon as possible so he can enjoy the joys of the bass, better basses will follow.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Prism, your first bass will be an important purchase. The make, model, style, quality, color, etc, etc, will not be so important, but many years from now when you look back and realize how that first instrument changed your life you will smile and be thankful that you got started. Proudly display it in your collection of basses that you purchaed over the years, (as most of us have done) it will always hold a special place in your heart. Never sell it. This is important, never sell it, just move up to something that fills your need at the time. You will find that finding the "Perfect Bass" will be a lifelong quest. Get your bass, find a teacher and begin. That is your fist order of business. And, keep coming to this forum, you will find us a pretty good group than can give you a tremendous amount of knowledge and encouragement.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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