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What bass should I get?


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'most anything from a reputable brand like Squier, Cort, Ibanez, Peavey, Warwick Rockbass... (there are others of course - they're just a few that popped into my head)...will do just fine.


Get out to some stores, and find a bass that you like the look and sound of. One that feels comfortable to you, and is in your budget.


Grab it and start playing ;)


It's far more important in my opinion to get something you like and start playing rather than worrying too much about what to buy.




Good luck - and let us know what you get (we will need to see pics of your new bass of course :D ) ;)



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Grab it and start playing ;)


It's far more important in my opinion to get something you like and start playing rather than worrying too much about what to buy.




Good luck - and let us know what you get (we will need to see pics of your new bass of course :D ) ;)



+1. Just bringing one home is more important than which one you buy. Bonus points are awarded if you have some money left over for lessons!



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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You can usually find a "like new" used Squier for $100 to $125

That is where I would start. A good practice amp will do more for your "sound" than the actual bass you use. Welcome to the Forum.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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*sigh -- another #$@%& newb who doesn't have the general intelligence or manners to participate in this forum appropriately -- how do we get rid of this bonehead...wait, I know!*



Here, get this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=260172702779&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=016


That's what beginner basses cost, so if you can't afford it you should probably not play bass or hang around here anymore.


Go away. Run along. Shoo!

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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Uh, jcadmus. Are we having a bad day? Harsh much?


Prism312, welcome to the forum. Luke73 and Paul K hit the nails on the head. Pick out something comfortable (sonically, physically, & financially) and bring it home.


And please stick around. You'll learn alot here. We only have a few buttheads to deal with.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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*sigh -- another #$@%& newb who doesn't have the general intelligence or manners to participate in this forum appropriately -- how do we get rid of this bonehead...wait, I know!*



Here, get this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=260172702779&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=016


That's what beginner basses cost, so if you can't afford it you should probably not play bass or hang around here anymore.


Go away. Run along. Shoo!


:o ouch




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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*sigh -- another #$@%& newb who doesn't have the general intelligence or manners to participate in this forum appropriately -- how do we get rid of this bonehead...wait, I know!*



Here, get this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=260172702779&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=016


That's what beginner basses cost, so if you can't afford it you should probably not play bass or hang around here anymore.


Go away. Run along. Shoo!


So you don't like "which bass should I get" threads?


Don't read 'em.


I for one (like many others above me) am happy to help out a newcomer and make them feel welcome.


Sure these sorts of threads seem a little ignorant - but hey, we were all new to bass (and bass forums) at one time or another, and I remember asking some pretty newbish questions myself.


Take a happy pill jcadmus.




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'most anything from a reputable brand like Squier, Cort, Ibanez, Peavey, Warwick Rockbass... (there are others of course - they're just a few that popped into my head)...will do just fine.


Get out to some stores, and find a bass that you like the look and sound of. One that feels comfortable to you, and is in your budget.


Grab it and start playing ;)


It's far more important in my opinion to get something you like and start playing rather than worrying too much about what to buy.




Good luck - and let us know what you get (we will need to see pics of your new bass of course :D ) ;)



Like he said...


Also important, here's NOT what to base your decision on-


1) The one just like {insert star's name here} has- Just because someone famous is using one doesn't mean it will work for you.


2) The one that plays like sandpaper but it looks cool- Sweet looking finishes don't make them play nice. You want something you can play, not something that looks cool under the dust in the corner of your bedroom 'cause it's too hard to play it. Get the one in your price range that feels natural.


3) The first one you pick up. Take your time and try a few different brands and styles. Don't be too judgmental of brands, either. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. Granted, some are better than others, but whatever brand you choose, someone will swear by it and someone else will swear at it. If you find one you like and it fits you, that is the one you should get. This is a learning tool, not a fashion statement. No matter what you buy, once your skill sets grow, you will probably want to upgrade anyways.


Other Helpful Hints- If you are getting a 'starter' bass, figure on getting new strings. Most budget instruments come with junk strings on them, so figure on a string replacement. This is one of the cheapest and best improvements to make to a starter bass.


If you don't have an amp and need one, they do make Value Packages that come with a bass, amp, cables, strap, tuner, and udually some Getting Started On Bass video. Keep in mind, the accessories are usually not the best quality. The amps are usually somewhere between 10-20 watts, which is just about loud enough to hear yourself and that's it. The strap, cables, tuner, that stuff is low quality too. But, it will give you the bare essentials to learn the ropes. Just don't depend on it to keep up with you as your skills grow.


There is some of the basic stuff to think about. Good luck,



"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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*sigh -- another #$@%& newb who doesn't have the general intelligence or manners to participate in this forum appropriately -- how do we get rid of this bonehead...wait, I know!*


Bit rough, don't you think?

No, happy to help out newbies who respect the forum and the people who hang out here.


A considerate newbie would hang for a bit, read some threads of interest, run a few searches to find info that's germane to his interests, and phrase his queries a little more thoughtfully than "which bass should I buy."


But guys like this are the equivalent of the "New Year's Resolution Newbies" at the gym, who "rest" on the gear between sets, don't wipe stuff down when they're done, make a mess in the locker room, and basically get in everyone's way -- you know they're not going to be around in the three weeks anyway.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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Gee jcadmus, did you get some tainted Turkey? I don't see anything inconsiderate in his request. I thought one of the most important aspects of this forum was to help and encourage ALL players. I think you owe Prism312 an apology.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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A considerate newbie would hang for a bit, read some threads of interest, run a few searches to find info that's germane to his interests, and phrase his queries a little more thoughtfully than "which bass should I buy."


I think you're missing the point.


People are "newbies" when they don't realize that there's a right way to go about introducing themselves to this, or any other, forum. If they did everything you say, then they wouldn't be newbies, would they?



But guys like this are the equivalent of the "New Year's Resolution Newbies" at the gym, who "rest" on the gear between sets, don't wipe stuff down when they're done, make a mess in the locker room, and basically get in everyone's way --


So you say. We don't know anything about this person. They could be a 12 year old kid, or someone that isn't confident when writing in English. Or... they could be just like you say, but you're coming up with a whole life history for this guy (?) based on a one line post.


And, yeah, I'd prefer to deal with people that explain that they "have ... to spend. Favourite band is ..." so we can help them a bit better, and maybe we can even have a bit of a discussion on "the best value-for-money bass for playing Bulgarian Heavy Metal" or whatever. But hell, if they knew how to phrase questions, again, they wouldn't be newbies!


you know they're not going to be around in the three weeks anyway.


Not if you keep treating them like sh!t they won't. :D

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+2 Kramer, +2!


If you are getting a 'starter' bass, figure on getting new strings. Most budget instruments come with junk strings on them, so figure on a string replacement. This is one of the cheapest and best improvements to make to a starter bass


That's a fantastic point! Nice strings can make an average bass feel, play and sound so much better ;)

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Actually, I help out newbies all the time -- some of them as young as 12 -- and most of them know better than this.


We don't know anything about this person? That's largely because he couldn't be bothered to tell us who he is OR take the time to figure out who we are.


I treated him like sh*t? I think it was the other way around -- he's the one who posted a dumbass question. I just called him on it.


I'm going to stay with my answer -- lazy and inconsiderate.


"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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Actually, I help out newbies all the time -- some of them as young as 12 -- and most of them know better than this.


Yeah? Well, we ALL help people out on this forum. It doesn't mean we have to be selectively rude to people who wouldn't have known any better.


We don't know anything about this person? That's largely because he couldn't be bothered to tell us who he is OR take the time to figure out who we are.


Erm, so who are we, precisely?


I treated him like sh*t? I think it was the other way around -- he's the one who posted a dumbass question. I just called him on it.


Well, perhaps that person's mind-reading skills weren't up to your exacting standards today. So what? A simple "Price? Style of music?" answer would have sufficed. And hey, if you're tired of newbies... just don't read their threads.

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In the previous century, there were not internet experts to ask these kinds of questions.


Even so, I'm going to give the advice that worked for me, 41 years ago.


Go out and buy the first used bass you see that you can afford.

Then find out if you like and/or have an aptitude for playing bass.


You'll be able to sell it later without much money lost when you either change your mind or have learned enough about the instrument to know what you are looking for.


The more time you spend researching the decision, the more you will be confused and you may lose that initial excitement that makes you want to start playing bass.


Go for it! Have fun! Join the club!

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In the previous century, there were not internet experts to ask these kinds of questions.


Even so, I'm going to give the advice that worked for me, 41 years ago.


Go out and buy the first used bass you see that you can afford.

Then find out if you like and/or have an aptitude for playing bass.


You'll be able to sell it later without much money lost when you either change your mind or have learned enough about the instrument to know what you are looking for.


The more time you spend researching the decision, the more you will be confused and you may lose that initial excitement that makes you want to start playing bass.


Go for it! Have fun! Join the club!


Sagely advice indeed ;)



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I think it's all been said at this point.


If you want to waste you're time "helping" the dullwitted and inconsiderate folks who wander in here and clog up the supermarket aisle with their carts while they browse, that's your prerogative.



"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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A considerate newbie would hang for a bit, read some threads of interest, run a few searches to find info that's germane to his interests, and phrase his queries a little more thoughtfully than "which bass should I buy."


I have only been a member of this forum for a little over a year, but have noticed that even the members that have been here longer have a difficult time with the search function. Not everyone is familiar with the advanced search on Google either. Maybe I'm "dullwitted" too, but there are times that I can't find what I'm looking for after many attempts. Just because this isn't a face to face conversation doesn't mean that treating a person with a modicum of respect gets shot out the window. Or perhaps you are like this in the "real" world, if so, it would shock me if you didn't receive a few bruises because of it. Hopefully you haven't scared away a newb because of your inconsiderate actions in response to what you perceived as inconsiderate. (Kind of the pot calling the kettle black there isn't it?)


Anyway, I'll extend another welcome to Prism312. There are a lot of helpful folks here and a wealth of knowledge to be gained by sticking around. :)


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Apparently, it hasn't all been said.


There's a significant difference between posting "hey guys, I've been hanging here a bit and running the search function, but I can't really find what I'm looking for -- can you point me to some recent threads on xxxxx, or offer me some advice..." and lobbing an idiotic "which bass should I buy" out there.


The difference between the two is just basic Web etiquette.


Again, anyone who posts the latter has failed to show this forum and its members any respect at all -- you gotta give it to get it.


And yeah, I am like this in real life -- when someone cuts in front of me in the checkout line I say "excuse me, I believe I was here first." To do otherwise is to cede the world to ill-mannered clods and bullies -- almost all of whom will scuttle out of the way quickly if dealt with firmly, and will think twice before pulling that crap again.


"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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If you want to waste you're time "helping" the dullwitted and inconsiderate folks who wander in here and clog up the supermarket aisle with their carts while they browse, that's your prerogative.


Yes, of course it's my prerogative. Do you really believe it's your prerogative to insult them?

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Prism312, As you can see, 99.9% of our Forum members are polite and glad you are here. We try to answer questions as best we can. Please feel free to ask. There are no dumb questions, but occasionally a dumb answer, and on rare occasions some very rude answers.

Welcome again,


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Again, anyone who posts the latter has failed to show this forum and its members any respect at all -- you gotta give it to get it.


There is only one person losing any respect here.


It isn't Prism312.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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