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US Suspends Military Aid to 50 Countries

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The US has suspended military aid to about 50 countries, including my own, because of their support for the International Criminal Court. A former president of my country, Arthur N Robinson was one of the prime movers behind the ICC. He described the move as "astonishing" and said that it goes against the grain of everything the US stood for after WWII. He also said that the only people who will benefit from this are the drug cartels. More details [url=http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3978.htm]HERE[/url] The Clinton adminstration agreed and signed on to the ICC. Bush rescinded the order. Comments?
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[quote]Originally posted by Abnorm: [b]Excellent! I hope we suspend aid to all other countries too. That from a Libertarian. We're against all foreign aid.[/b][/quote]Whee - a return to the Old Days as a nation completely separate from the rest of the world, eh? Brilliant. That'll teach them. :rolleyes:
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b]Its ABOUT time. :thu: maybe now we can pay our own bills.[/b][/quote]Yeah! I need some aid!Keep the money here! A lot of people from other countries don't like the USA anyway! But they complain when they don't get aid :rolleyes:


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I'm not sure when this all started, it's been going on for a while, but the United States has become a power unto itself, much like Rome, in it's day. The U.S. rules the world...... and we make the rules, in a very real way, by our economic and military power. There are no challengers left. Are there? I'm not saying whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, it's something I just became aware of. Am I being arrogant in saying this? It seems to be the truth to me.
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[quote] I don't see China really challenging us, do you? Where? When? Korea? I don't think so. Capitalism is becoming a big part of China. I predict China will eventually become the biggest ally of the U.S. [/quote]You speak the truth wise one, but it could go either way, they are a communist country. The almighty dollar is better than a bomb.
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b] [quote] I don't see China really challenging us, do you? Where? When? Korea? I don't think so. Capitalism is becoming a big part of China. I predict China will eventually become the biggest ally of the U.S. [/quote]You speak the truth wise one, but it could go either way, they are a communist country. The almighty dollar is better than a bomb.[/b][/quote]I know dat's right, but, maybe we can work the [url=http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/classics/manifesto.html]communist manifesto[/url] into the plan somewhere.
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It's not so much about the military aid. In my country all it amounted to was some US Army helicopters coming every now and then and burning down a few marijuana plantations while conveniently ignoring the vast quantities of cocaine that pass through here. No, the problem is that this move was designed to intimidate smaller countries into supporting the current administration's position on the ICC. Also, the fact that the 19 NATO members and 9 allies were exempt should tell you who the US still views as a threat.
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b] [quote] I don't see China really challenging us, do you? Where? When? Korea? I don't think so. Capitalism is becoming a big part of China. I predict China will eventually become the biggest ally of the U.S. [/quote]You speak the truth wise one, but it could go either way, they are a communist country. The almighty dollar is better than a bomb.[/b][/quote]It will be very interesting to see where China is in a few more years. Combine a huge, almost totally literate and hard-working population, an extremely oppressive government, the Internet and other forms of covert communications, then plant a seed at Tianneman (sp?) Square....


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b] There are no challengers left. Are there? [/b][/quote]Ha, ha, ha! Good one! My God! You're [i]serious[/i] ! Guess you forgot what 19 guys with knives (!) were able to accomplish. I'm sure every military in the world sat up and paid attention to that one. And thought long and hard about what would have happened if those planes had a biological agent or nuclear weapon on board.
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Yeah, we should really keep our eyes on China. Check out [url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A34868-2003Jun26.html]this[/url] article about India and China wanting to form a tech alliance.
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[quote]Originally posted by mars: [b] [quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b] There are no challengers left. Are there? [/b][/quote]Ha, ha, ha! Good one! My God! You're [i]serious[/i] ! Guess you forgot what 19 guys with knives (!) were able to accomplish. I'm sure every military in the world sat up and paid attention to that one. And thought long and hard about what would have happened if those planes had a biological agent or nuclear weapon on board.[/b][/quote]Well, if you look at it realistically, what did they accomplish? They blew up three buildings, killed about 3000 civilians. That's a trivial loss in the scope of a real war. It's real easy to sucker punch anyone, [b]ONCE[/b] . In the final anaylsis what they did was insure their own demise, by calling down upon themselves the might of the most powerful industrial-military complex in history. No bravado there, it's just the truth.
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[quote] Guess you forgot what 19 guys with knives (!) were able to accomplish. I'm sure every military in the world sat up and paid attention to that one. And thought long and hard about what would have happened if those planes had a biological agent or nuclear weapon on board. [/quote]I think he is on to something here. :) Good thread.
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I could use some military aid. Where do I sign up?

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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No, I mean will they give me some tanks and attack helicopters and stuff and maybe some of those Hellfire missiles, and perhaps some "advisors" to operate them? That'd take care the those raccoons that get into my trash fer sure.

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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Look, I'm not saying I support what is happening, I'm just recognizing the fact. The United States Of America has become a power, the power, unto itself. That's why our government can thumb their nose at The United Nations, The World Court, or whoever, we hold all the cards. How that power is used is still somewhat in the hands of the citizens of this country. Whether it remains there, is still to be seen.
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Why bother bullying little countries? It's not like US troops would commit any war crimes anyway, they're the good guys .... Does anyone have a sarcasm emoticon I can use?
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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[quote]Originally posted by Rog: [b]Does anyone have a sarcasm emoticon I can use?[/b][/quote]Rog, you don't NEED a sarcasm emoticon when you've got THEWEWUS posting right behind ya! :freak: Gas :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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[quote]Originally posted by Rog: [b]Why bother bullying little countries? It's not like US troops would commit any war crimes anyway, they're the good guys .... Does anyone have a sarcasm emoticon I can use?[/b][/quote]Yeah, here you go man. :rolleyes:
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]I don't see China really challenging us, do you? Where? When? Korea? I don't think so. Capitalism is becoming a big part of China. I predict China will eventually become the biggest ally of the U.S.[/b][/quote]China already stated years ago that if the U.S. took any military action against them they will NUKE us. Kcbass

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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b] [quote]China already stated years ago that if the U.S. took any military action against them they will NUKE us. [/quote]There is your answer wewus.[/b][/quote]Only if you're really simplistic in your view of world politics. Why doesn't anyone with (real) nuclear capabilitiies threaten the US? Because the whole world knows that we are laden with ICBMs. Hell, why didn't the USSR ever attack us? Same issue - they had bombs, we had bombs. Start shooting them off, and there's massive damage with absolutely NO spoils of war. If North Korea could launch a missile at us (best they can do at the moment is to maybe hit the West Coast) then the US would retaliate - hard. We have more than enough nukes to obliterate the country entirely. So - what's the payoff? The leader of a country takes a big hit at a big country, and then gets creamed. There's no benefit to it. :wave:
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