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OT: Should We Impeach Bush Or Just Jail Him?

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Just about any halfway honest person as a truly elected official would be head and shoulders over the criminal enterprise headed by Bush/Cheney. We could soon see the following headline: [b]Grand Jury Indicts Bush and Cheney for Fraud, Bribery, Graft, and Corruption --- Long Prison Terms Expected[/b] --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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Ah SuperLame we know where you stand, or should I say "kneel." You'd brown nose any corrupt, neo-nazi, criminal, lying bastard as long as he attaches the word "republican" to his sorry ass. It's sad, but now a historical fact, that what was once a legitimate party has been taken over by right-wing extremists hell-bent on engaging in criminal activity to grab all the green they can suck out of the taxpayer's treasury while causing millions of jobs to be lost and the federal budget to go into massive red-ink deficit territory. These new lows are record-setting, which far exceed the lows that Hoover caused during the Great Depression of the 1930's. The sooner that the criminal enterpise now occupying the White House is removed, by way of jailing them, the better off the country, and indeed, the entire world will be.
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Super 8, Johnny is doing you a service by his constant efforts to refute your reasonable (but wrong) faith in Bush. Mr. WOW you must be really lonesome with taunting me with this JohnnyB = alcohol stuff.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]you must be really lonesome with taunting me with this JohnnyB = alcohol stuff. [/quote]Good to see ya, you and bralalala are starting to sound alike. We have a new NUT CASE on the board to take johnnys place and his/her name is Peak. johnny has lost the crown of incompetence. It has been inherited by a newbie. :wave:
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"A little Indian brave who before he was ten, played war games in the woods with his Indian friends, and he built a dream that when he grew up, he would be a fearless warrior Indian Chief. Many moons passed and more the dream grew strong, until tomorrow He would sing his first war song, And fight his first battle, but something went wrong, Suprise attack killed him in his sleep that night And so castles made of sand, melts into the sea eventually." Jimi Hendrix ---------------------------------------------- [President Bush] "We won't be proven wrong.... I believe that we will find the truth. And the truth is, he was developing a program for weapons of mass destruction. "And so castles made of sand, melts into the sea eventually." ---------------------------- What happens to Mr. WOW when October comes around and there's still no WMD found? You still going to call us names?

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote] What happens to Mr. WOW when October comes around and there's still no WMD found? [/quote]Then I will ADMIT I was wrong. What happens when October rolls around and they HAVE found WMD?
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If in October we find that there have been WMD found that can be construed as a credible threat than all of us critics will have egg on our face.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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Hey anyone find any Nukes or missles today? What??? I'm shocked. So it's still just Bush and Cheney's lies and those "forged documents" Bush and Cheney knowingly used. Hey, but wait a minute, more info is leaking out about those no-competition contracts that Bush and Cheney made sure went to Halliburton. If it meant a billion or more dollars in your pocket, would you lie, kill innocent civilians, and shead the blood of America's boys and girls in uniform? If it meant a billion or more dollars in your pocket, would you send America into record-setting debt? If you would be tempted by the billion or more dollars, would you hide it in secret Swiss Accounts?
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Hey, I was listening to Imus this morning checking to see if he was interviewing someone interesting. Instead he was taking a hissy fit cause his producer made some kind of mistake. He called his proucer a Taliban ass face. I would have told Imus to shove his efffin job up his ass myself. All those syncophantss surrounding Imus are a bunck of ass kissin whores anyway. I got tired of Imus' effeminate ranting, so I changed the channel to some classic hits.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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Say, has anyone found any Nukes or missles? No, is it still just the lies that Bush and Cheney passed off and those "forged documents?" I hear Tony Blair is gonna resign because the Brits don't like the lies that Blair, Bush and Cheney used on the people. Good for them. I don't like liars like Bush and Cheney either.
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[quote] All confused about these political threads? Don't know which way to turn? Well, my friends, take this quiz and you'll know which side to lean toward. [/quote]i got a 21 LOL i was expecting a 35-40. thought i was more conservative than that... [quote]And the red ink keeps flowing and the jobs keep going, but Halliburton and Bush and Cheney just keep looting more and more. [/quote]jobs keep going??? going where?? war has always been good for the economy, what we have 40K civiians now employed either in Iraq or close by. GE and other military contractors are hiring.. bottled water companies are hiring etc... get a grip man! Scott
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jcskid, 40,000 civilian jobs in Iraq don't put a dent in the 3.2 million private sector jobs lost since Bush took office. http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ny10_towns/080103prjobsdata.html War is supposed to be good for the eocnomy in the short run because of the fiscal stimulus of government spending. However, even with his deficit spending and a war the Bush economy just loses jobs. jcskid, you should read more so you can keep bettter informed.
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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol: [QB] What happens to Mr. WOW when October comes around and there's still no WMD found? You still going to call us names?[/quote]Of course. It's his core competency. It certainly beats having to think about what's actually happening :-)
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you conservative little 8===D suckers are funny. if g-dub bush told you faries are helping hide wmds for saddam and that gypsies with magic dragons were helping osama hide in caves you would probably contribute to the pixie dust fund to erraticate muslim faries from neverland. grow some nutts and look at how badly america is being screwed by these nazis disguised as republicans. this ain't america anymore. ever since the fall of the soviets there has been no one to keep these republican empire builders in check. but i still believe in us americans as a people and eventually we the people will deal with g-dub, dickie and the rest of the neo-nazi republicans. i'm not republican bashing, i'm speaking specifically about the illegal regime that is in control of our government not the republican party as a group, concept or entity. i tend to lean conservative myself but i refuse to be lied to.
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How about this, as you somehow managed to talk about something OTHER than the topic once again: 40,000 civilian jobs in Iraq don't put a dent in the 3.2 million private sector jobs lost since Bush took office. http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ny10_towns/080103prjobsdata.html
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And hey, that's just one fact to deal with. I know that you haven't noticed the rest, as they interfere with your name-calling duties, but perhaps at some point you'll wish to join the discussion and respond to the damage Bush has done.
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[quote] And hey, that's just one fact to deal with. I know that you haven't noticed the rest, as they interfere with your name-calling duties, but perhaps at some point you'll wish to join the discussion and respond to the damage Bush has done. [/quote]If you choose to ignore the fact that the Dot-com bubble busted, 9/11 terror attacks , and the fact that our country is at WAR, then there is not alot for you and I to talk about. Do YOU really think that our economy is the result of GWB alone? WAKE UP! Your hatred for the American President has BLINDED you to the actual facts, you sound like all of the other LOONIES on this board that don't know shit. By posting here, I have figured out that the MAJORITY of Americans are just plain STUPID when it comes to politics. I had hope for you. :)
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No, I don't subscribe to single-cause theories regarding the economy, but I do put responsibility for _doing_ something about it in the hands of the current office. Looks like millions of folks are going to have to wonder about that as well. And what is Bush doing about it? Mmmm? Perhaps the trillions of dollars of debt will help?
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