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OT: Should We Impeach Bush Or Just Jail Him?

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[quote] Ignoring threats posed by Saddam Hussein would have been ''irresponsible in the extreme,'' Vice President Dick Cheney said Thursday, doing his part to defend the Bush administration's mission in Iraq. Had the Bush administration not acted, Saddam and his sons would still be in power, torture chambers would still exist, mass graves would still be undiscovered, terrorists would still have a safe haven in Iraq and Saddam would still have vast wealth to finance weapons programs, he said. ''Knowing these things,'' Cheney said, ''how could we, I ask, have allowed that threat to stand? These judgments were not lightly arrived at. And all who were aware of them bore a heavy responsibility for the security of America.'' [/quote] http://www.boston.com/dailynews/205/wash/Vice_President_says_threat_fro:.shtml Interesting, looks to me like Cheney just admitted that there was absolutely NO VALID REASON to go to war. Talk about extreme irresponsibility!
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Well anyone find any Nukes today? Or is it just those forged douments that Bush and Cheney used to lie. These guys are criminals and belong in jail. I can's wait for them to be indicted by a Grand Jury. -------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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I see Powell may be sick of all Bush and Cheney's lies, looks like Powell has quit the gang. Hey. anyone find any Nukes today? No! Just more lies from Bush and Cheney. Is it still just those "forged" documents that Bush and Cheney used to lie to the Congress and the public? Well, were there any more multi-billion dollar "no bid - no competition" contracts being given to the close personal friends of Bush and Cheney? Maybe one sea of oil ain't enough, looks like Bush and Cheney want yet another country "swimming on a sea of oil." Bush and Cheney are real tough guys, as long as they don't personlly actually face any combat, and it's someone else's kids that are dying. Most tough-guy criminals are like Bush and Cheney, they are wimps and cowards when they themselves face any real danger. They run and they hide and they lie like dogs. Criminals like Bush and Cheney are so transparent and are always motivated by greed, power, and money. But perhaps an honest prosecutor will take the Bush Crime Family to task, and a Grand Jury can Indict these corrupt bastards and send them all to jail. --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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George Bush and his gang of Nazi's ain't got nothin' on George Orwell or Hitler. The "Big Lie" lives, and now these facists want the "thought police." In fact, the Bush Crime Family's financial support of Hitler's Nazi'z is well known, as is Bush and Cheney's belief in eugenics and race-cleansing via science and bio-warfare. The corruption and secret meetings and backroom deals with Enron's Ken Lay in the Bush Crime Family's White House are also well known. California and other states lost billions as a result of their energy market rigging and outright fraud. Millions have suffered as the direct result of Bush and Cheney's criminal enterprise. Bush and Cheney should be Indicted by a Grand Jury and sent to a maximum security prison. ---------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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I almost forgot, anyone find any Nukes or missles today? No! Just more lies by Bush and Cheney and those forged documents they knowingly used. How about any more "no-bid--no-competition" contracts being given to Bush and Cheney's close personal friends, like Halliburton, you know, the company that was headed by Cheney. Any more corrupt insider "Backroom Deals" worth billions!
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Here's another "Backroom Deal" for you all, Bush and Cheney want to give legal immunity to oil crooks from civil and criminal prosecution by way of "executive order." Bush and Cheney are taking another page from Hitler's facist playbook, doing things by unilateral fiat. They trash the environment, they trash the economy, lose 3 million jobs, send the nation into burdensome debt, what's next for the Bush Crime Family?
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Remember that episode of MASH with 5 o'clock Charlie (you know the guy in the little plane that always 'bombed' the 4077 at 5 PM every day? Well, people, we got us a 5'o clock Johnny. Every day, like clockwork... :rolleyes:
"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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Well I'm not killing innocent people, but your new Hitler is doing that isn't he? Saw an excellent speech by Al Gore on CSPAN, he really nails Bush to the wall and makes a great case to fire the SOB. Many of us would go further on our way to seeing true justice done and demand that the entire Bush Crime Family illegally occuping the White House be sent straight to a maximum security prison. The corruption going on in the White House stinks to high heaven. No Bid Contracts for Dick Cheney's Halliburton? Who are these guys trying to fool? These are billion-dollar felonies that need to be prosecuted and the Bush/Cheney anything-for-a-dollar graft needs to be swept out of the White House. Bush and Cheney should be Indicted by a Grand Jury, given a fair trial, and sent to jail. -------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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Well I guess Bush and Cheney have not found any Nukes or missles to day, just the ability to keep lying about everything. Soon we could see the follwing in the newspapers: [b]Grand Jury Indicts Bush and Cheney For Multiple Counts of Fraud[/b] -------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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I'll give it rest when Bush and Cheney are in prison where they belong. On CSPAN today I heard of a great book about the Carlye Group. They're the ones making scandlous amounts of cash off of Bush and Cheney's dirty little war. Sorry I don't yet have a title or link to the book on the Carlye Group. There are also new revealations on the no-bid-no-competition contracts worth billions that Dick Cheney gave to his company, Halliburton. We may be closer than you think to the following headline: [b]Grand Jury Indicts Bush and Cheney---Massive Graft and Corruption in the White House Uncovered[/b] ------------------ Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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JohnnyB You do us a service. For everyday Bush is in office, people should be reminded that he got us involved in Iraq and all the criticism leveled against us going there has come true. When the Bush apologists have the courage to admit they were wrong then they'll have earned a reprieve.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol: [b] For everyday Bush is in office, people should be reminded that...[/b][/quote]That's where you're wrong... This is NOT your podium to belabor a point ad nausium, just because YOU think it's WE all need to be told. YOU do not make those decisions for everybody else. You do not have the right to do this.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Do we have Ashcroft's "Thought Police" here? No right to think and speak as we please? You call yourself a musician and an American? Ever hear of protest songs? How about anti-war songs? Ever hear of songs with, dare I mention it, political overtones? Beatles, Bob Dylan, Hendrix? Ever hear of these guys? You would dare to silience these people? Or would you just censor me and millions of people around the world who happen to disagree with the Bush Regime? Musicians have a God-given duty to speak up when the goverment or corporations oppress and lie to the people. They have a duty to stand up, show some courage, and protest graft, corruption and "Crime in the Suites." Bush is traitor, a coward, and has betrayed the sacred trust given to those who hold public office. Bush is about big money and lining his and his friends pockets with money stolen or fraudulently acquired from the taxpayers. The sooner that Bush and Cheney are convicted of all their crimes, the sooner they will go to prison, and the better off we will all be.
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[quote]Musicians have a God-given duty to speak up when the goverment or corporations oppress and lie to the people [/quote]Why musicians? What makes us so frickin special? :confused:
"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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That is absolutely disgusting. :eek: I'm not "for" abortion except in cases of rape, incest or due to threats to the mother's life - or in cases of likely massive developmental defects in the child... but that's irrelevent. Posting those pictures isn't likely to sway anyone's opinion, and IMO, you should reconsider them. Maybe pulling them is a good idea. I don't think they're really appropriate here.
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I'm very much not in favor of abortion, but that was totally unnecessary, the pictures and all. I'm sure this has and will disgust all who see it, but I'm also pretty certain that it's not likely to change anyone's mind.

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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Please control yourselves or I will have to close this thread. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech (FYI the first amendment says Congress shall make no laws abridging freedom of speech...we're not Congress here). I would prefer a civilized discourse that debates the issues. I would NOT discourage anyone from trying to convince others not to have abortions. I'm one of those people who is anti-abortion but pro the right of someone to have one. There are religions that say that life DOES NOT begin at conception, but that the soul enters the body at a certain point. To them, an abortion during the first few weeks would be like trimming your fingernails, and an abortion later on WOULD be murder. Issues like this are NOT digital, where things are either right or wrong. It's an analog world. Abortion as a means of birth control for people who are too lazy to use condoms or whatever? Disgusting. Abortion for someone raped by a hardened criminal? I could never say to a woman, "You must bear this child so that you can be reminded every day of the horror you went through." Some women HAVE had children that were the result of rape, they are saints as far as I'm concerned. Not everyone's a saint. Arguments don't get us anywhere. Discussion does. But above all, if we don't RESPECT other people's opinions -- regardless of whether we agree with them or not -- we have failed to establish our own credibility. 'Nuff said.
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