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Any Dallas area bassists?

Dave Martin

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Dave Brown...


Maybe Bob Gollihur is connected to some Dallas-Ft. Worth acoustic bass resources through his double bass site. Try dropping him a PM.


Also, by acoustic do you mean upright or acoustic bass guitar?





PS: I may be in Nashville for work at the end of Oct or start of Nov. I'll holler if that solidifies and perhaps I can check out JavaJive!



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Hey, Willie!

Yeah, I realized when I pressed 'send' that Dave would have had all the answers...

This is for upright bass; I'm doing a show that revolves around the music of Hank Williams, and that's definitely upright... I've got some contacts among texas swing players as well, so I'm also getting the word out in that direction.

Let me know if you're gonna be down here - I'd be happy to show you around the place!


Dave Martin

Java Jive Studio

Nashville, TN



Cuppa Joe Records


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