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Top 40


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This just came in the mail thought I would share...


Guitar Player Mag


Top 40 Common Newbie Guitarist Mistakes


1. Investing in distortion boxes instead of a good amp.


2. Learning 100 intros and no songs.


3. Limiting your self to one style of music-usually metal.


4. Not taking the time to learn music theory.


5. Playing Smoke on the Water on the high-E string.


6. Playing too loud, and with too much distortion.


7. Setting your amps Gain on 10, and Mids 0.


8. Relying on picks.


9. Not learning how to perform a basic setup.


10. Not maintaining your gear.


11. Not jamming enough with other players.


12. Over use of legato with a complete disregard for tempo.


13. Poor phrasing.


14. Week vibrato.


15. Buying too many effects.


16. Listening to tone snobs.


17. Immediately launching into thirty-second notes during a blues solo.


18. Thinking that playing a local bar circuit constitutes a tour.


19. Believing that opening for a national act means youre on your way.


20. Not knowing the difference between tube watts and solid-state watts.


21. Relying too much on printed music and tabs.


22. Thinking a year of lessons and $5000 worth of gear makes you

ready to play in a band.


23. Wearing the guitar way too low.


24. Using too much hand/finger pressure when fretting.


25. Taking guitar lessons from a friend.


26. Giving up immediately because you sound like dog doo.


27. Not learning how all your gear works.


28. Tuning every guitar at Guitar Center to dropped D, and then not retuning them to standard pitch.


29. Bringing full stacks to tiny bar gigs.


30. Saying All [insert hated style of music] sucks, dude!


31. Learning with your eyes, instead of your ears.


32. Not learning to play in time with good groove and feel.


33. Not investing in good earplugs for playing loud gigs.


34. Obsessing about playing burning solos, and not caring about rhythm guitar.


35. Thinking that playing fast pentatonic-box patterns makes you a hot guitarist.


36. Not putting casters on viciously heavy amps.


37. Wearing bowling shirts emblazoned with flames and dragons.


38. Realizing guitar is too difficult and taking up bass instead.


39. Spending more time on Harmony Central than actually practicing.


40. Forgetting that playing music is meant to be fun.


the beginning of a 40 step program







all chucks children are out there playing his licks


*Bob Seger

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Oops. 33 years later, still making a few of those mistakes...


I ran into Mr. 34 who made for a miserable jam session last weekend. When he wasn't soloing/noodling, he stopped playing. Zero rhythm playing.






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Classic, but I'll bet must of us are guilty as charged on at least one count! I almost got caught up in #16 and quickly realized it's the music dummy. Good tone is important for you pro's but some of us just need to play and forget about the amps and pedals and all that. I guess we all have our faults. I question #25, if your friend is a really good teacher then go for it.
I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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