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Goodbye Flatwounds


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I originally put flatwounds on to help me get that old 70's tube sound and it worked. I even liked the feel of the smooth strings.


I did not realize just how much more tension it causes on the bass and makes it harder to depress to stay away from the buzzing sound. I recently removed them since I have the Sansamp BDI and WOW what a difference. The strings seem so easy to play now. It was like the tension from the flatwounds worked as a muscle builder and my playing has improved now that I am back to "normal" strings.


Just thought I would share this small bit of info.


I just bought some Fender 7250's for when the original strings I put back on wear out.

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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If you like the feel and sound of the flats and want the low tension I'd highly recommend TI Jazz Flats. They are a little pricey but well worth it in my opinion.
Music has no boundaries. It is yours to discover, to enjoy, to draw from and to pass on to others.
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Three people all agree on TI Jazz Flats. I will have to pick up a set just to try them out. I still need to improve on my playing skills so I can finish my collection.


I only have one Bass, a Fender American P-Bass (Highway One Sunburst)


My dream is to own a matching Fender Jazz and a:


Stingray 5


Then I will be done.


First I need to deserve them by continuing to practice. You can have the best equipment in the world and still suck.

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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Jeremy C said:

I hate to burst your bubble. You will never be done wanting more gear.


OH NO! Is this like a curse? Maybe it is the musicians form of addiction.


I was not talking about amps & pedals, only guitars.


I just talked to a kid in the music store near me and he is in his early 20's and has 9 1/2 guitars. I did not feel like asking what the 1/2 was. :)


"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know" by Me
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....so I can finish my collection......Then I will be done......


I hate to burst your bubble. You will never be done wanting more gear. :)


Not true!!! As soon as I get another fretless and one of them there Epifani UL-902C and maybe a really nice DI and a couple of those Bergantino powered cabs, I'm done! Oh yeah, can't have a powered cab without a really nice preamp. And I definitely should consider a new upright. Then again, I was reading the tread about Max's set up...



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My dream is to own a matching Fender Jazz and a:


Stingray 5


Then I will be done.


Ho Ho Ho, Ha Ha Ha, You will be done? I don't think so :laugh:

Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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What type of flats did you have on your bass..

The Jamerson set of Labellas .52 -.73 .95 and .108 are brutal on bass necks but if you drop down to the

Labella LAB_760FL light flats .43 .60 .82 and .104 -

they work real well...different from the TI's


Maybe you need to experiment with a few differnt sets before saying good bye to flats..they do sound great...




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