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Sad minor chords sounding in my mind!!!


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Hi guys!: I slap too and apologies This post isn´t about music but in some sense should worry us. My dear cousin who plays piano and gigs as first-cello in two orchestras (hard working man), uses to spend his holidays traveling arround the world and making nice films. Three weeks ago he went to Congo to see and record one fo the last Mountain-Gorillas family (Remember the film "Gorillas in the mist"). Next day my cousin recorded video linked below, gorillas were murdered by unknown reason...near to be wiped out who can benefit of that atrocity?. YOU CAN SEE A SHORT TRIBUTE AT:...http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=_TFbiXJd0vM or Youtube (Gorillas- killed in Congo) WHY??????????


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My bad, I saw some pics on the newspaper of some gorilas being killed that's why i said that.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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It's a sad thing, but in many cases the gorillas are killed as bushmeat, or for some of their body parts. There's big bucks in tropies and voodo associated with gorillas. Other times they're in competition with humans for the land. The locals don't seem to care what happens to them.

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Noooo you´re totally wrong my friend!!! Those gorillas were shot and their bodies were untouched! A great armed guerilla went into that restricted area. Only two possible explanations, a terrorist act or economical interests from neighbour country (Rwanda) to take in more benefits of touristic visitors to their gorillas...Think they kill Diane Fossey (remember "gorillas in the mist" based on her life), She tryed to stop touristic overbooking...hope you understand...
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actually I just read an article about this. The diamond backs right? The article was about gorillas that were under the protection of people looking to stop the hunting are murdered and the bodies just left there untouched. From what the article explained theres a huge mafia type thing in the bushmeat trade and they are trying to get to the protectors. It was in newsweek.
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Thanks Kenfxj!: For your contribution, I´m sorry for my low level in English...and apologies for this post near to be spam.


"Many years/drugs ago I didn´t care for nature...I´ve no children but yours won´t know many species"

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Monkeys, parrots and dolphins are considered to be the smartest animals. Their IQ while hard to technically measure is generally given to be around 45. That means if they were human they would be moderately retarded. That's just under mildly retarded and not as bad as severely retarded.


Animals are the idiots. We rock.

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ZZ: I´m not a crazy amimal defender, only worried about the post sad situation. You have the Intel.Q. enough to understand about evolution, apes are th most similar to humans, specially gorillas i.e orangutangs are genetically wiped out (not in number but no variations=dead specie)...Gorillas are close to have same fate.



"A woman perhaps abandone a man, his dog won´t do it"

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Ourangutan (from the language Bahasa Indonesia) stands for "treeman" - Oruang (man) utan (tree)...just because they are stinky and furry doesn't mean they deserve to be executed for no good reason and that they don't feel pain.


Deer??? Now those are the stupid animals...I've never had a gorilla jump out of the bushes right in front of my truck while I'm driving down the highway...but many a deer has felt compelled to become roadkill...


I'm with Alex...humans are over-rated...with all the terrible things we do in this world, I'm trying to figure out how we made it to the top of the evolutionary heap...


Though yes...we are the best musicians...

My doctor says I'm A.D.D. - I just like to think of it as "multi-tasking"...


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TreR1969: Wow! I´m learning Bahasa language hahaha...I didn´t knew Orangutan name-roots. Out of kidding, Thanks to teach us!

As I explained Orangutans are wiped out in genetic sense, Gorillas not yet and there´s something to avoid.

I will never lay in bed with a gorilla (I love so much my ass :-)


"Obviously men is most clever animal, enough to destroy their own planet"


American instruments are the best and overrated too!

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We made it to the top of the evolutionary heap because it's not even close with our nearest competitor! Seriously, monkeys are overrated. Compared with humans they're practically brain-dead. And this doesn't make them any nicer - they're constantly fighting and throwing feces at each other.


Animals could never destroy the planet - nearly all can't even figure out how doorknobs work. The few that can get feted like some kind of geniuses...go figure.


Deer are indeed stupid animals. But stupid animal is redundant - like jumbo shrimp.

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...they're constantly fighting and throwing feces at each other.


Hey now, that sounds like some of the humans I know. :cool:


I think part of our mission here on the planet is to be kind to everyone and everything...including animals. Nature is a delicate balance, and is self-correcting in many ways. We humans are certainly the most dangerous species in that we can use our intelligence to either improve that balance, or damage it.




Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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