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O/T Santa Alert!


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News Flash....Date line...the South Pole...


Santa found wandering aimlessly...says he couldn't find his way home.

At first, Alzheimers was suspected....but upon further evaluation, the Doctors realized he was Bi-Polar! :grin: :rawk:




Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. :grin:





"Just play!"
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I guess before I lived through five years of hell watching my mom degenerate from a vibrant highly educated and talented woman to a shell of herself and die due to Alzheimers I might have found any reference to this desease to be funny. Is this kind of thing really necessary?


Yea....I wasn't gonna say anything, but you are right on here, ellwood.


Perhaps if it's "bad or corny" humor, we should just NOT present it here. This was in poor taste, and offensive to those unfortunate amoungst us who suffer personally, or have family members who suffer from Bipolar Disorder, which is a biochemical brain disease. Personally, I don't find any humor in such a joke.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Oh, I ignored this thread, thinking it was going to be about "what overdrive should I buy my kiddies"?


But yeah, my grandfather had Alzheimer's too. Not a pleasant thing at all.





Santa's getting old and one day he gets a letter telling him to come in and resit his pilot's license.


So he turns up in his sleigh to the airport and is joined by one of the testers, who's carrying a clipboard and 12 gauge shotgun.


Santa looks puzzled and asks, "What's the shotgun for?" And the tester replies, "Well, I shouldn't be telling you this, but halfway through the test, you're going to lose an engine."

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My mom had alzheimers as well along with cancer.


It's a joke people....geez.


Oh yeah, did I mention that both of my parents died of cancer?

One 2 years ago, one 4 years ago.


It's a joke....nothing more than that.

Life goes on.

Trust me, both my parents would've laughed at this one. :grin:


Laugh a little...it'll make your day much better. :)



"Just play!"
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The issue is not that we don't have a collective sense of humor. I think we do fine in that department.


The issue here seems more to be your apparent lack of sensitivity. If you cared about the feelings of those that expressed that they were bothered by the Bipolar "joke", I'd think a simple "sorry, I didn't mean to offend" would work.


Defending what others here consider a joke that was in poor taste, or perhaps offensive, seems to reinforce the feeling that you are insensitive.


Perhaps attacking other's sense of humor also reinforces this perception.


I dont' want to belabor this....it was a stupid joke. Maybe we should just drop it at that.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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