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Nash Basses


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Anybody have any experience with this brand?


He is very popular in the guitar community and his basses look very nice. Great reviews on Harmony Cemtral....





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So he builds Fender copies? Right down to the Fender patent number stamped on the bridge? What a business plan. . .


I'm going to go into business building Fords, but I won't call them Fords, I'll call them "EdCars." But they'll look just like Fords. I'll have a "T-Series" that looks just like a '56 Thunderbird. And an "M-Series" that looks EXACTLY like a '64 Mustang. . .


WTF??? Somebody tell me this is a joke. It could be a joke, and I'm just not getting it. I had a rough day at work today, and I'm in a bad mood. It's a joke, right?




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They look suspiciously like other instruments I have seen before. ;)


I've never heard of anyone using one.


There are a few strange statements on various of this guy's pages.


I've already got a beat-up old Fender and a modern version of the old design by Mike Lull, so I think I'll pass on these.



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Bah! Skeptics! What you don't see is that his instruments are professionally aged. He has taken relic instruments to a new level... now they look old and beat up. Some prefer to call them "loved."


He actually has quite a following at Talkbass. It seems Nash is the relic version of Lull and Sadowsky; he does Fender better than Fender does, then he applies a belt sander.

- Matt W.
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To each his own, I suppose -- personally I think the whole "professionally aged" thing, whether done by Fender or this guy, is kind of goofy.


Who are they trying to fool?

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I love the old school look on basses.

A nice sunburst with a tortoise pickguard.

Black with a white pickguard.

That beautiful vanilla color that white ages into.

A nice block inlaid neck with binding.


But this whole aged relic look? I never understood it, never will.

Push the button Frank.
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But this whole aged relic look? I never understood it, never will.


+1 And paying top dollar for it is even weirder. It's like wearing a wig 'cause you're too lazy to grow your hair long. Those "Look at me, I'm an old blues master" dings and scratches really be earned the old school way. No shortcuts.


But that's just me. If the guy can make a living doing what he's doing, then good for him. I'm just won't be signing on to the program.


Paul K


PS The guitar player in my band has one of those brand new vintage looking Telecasters. 60 Hz buzzzzzz like an SOB at every stinkin' gig!

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Seems that Phil's Guitars in Bellingham is all sold out except for the $1600 one from c.1979. Either they are very popular or Phil needs to update his website from time to time. Has them listed under the "Fender" catagory.


$1600 for a c.1979 "aged" Nash, or $1600 for a c.1979 "aged" Fender J? Hmmmm.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Is he building instruments that are identical to Fenders and then aging them? That would seem like copyright infringement. You can't make instruments using the Fender headstock and logo and claim you made them yourself without breaking a few laws.


Or is he buying Fenders and then aging them himself?


If he is building handmade instruments, $1600 is a very good price. Just build the thing and stop before starting the aging process and charge $1200 and now you've got a real bargain.


Or if he is starting with a Fender, why not just skip the middleman?

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His FAQ pretty much tell all. He buys licensed bodies and necks from various sources, pickups are Lollar unless otherwise specified, most hardware is Gotoh.


One interesting note, "[Nash] guitars come with a special chip that senses [Freebird and Stairway to Heaven] and several other songs. If played, the guitar will melt and mutate into an 8 track player (thus voiding the warranty)." Nash FAQ


I don't understand either, but a guy found a way to make a buck and is apparently doing well at it.

- Matt W.
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I can buy licensed "Fender" headstocks and bodies from Warmouth. I can get the headstock decals from e-bay. I can get the licensed "Fender" hardware from the local music store. PUPs look pretty much alike from a distance (within reason, I would not try to represent that a single coil P looks like a pair of soapboxes from 50 feet).


Can I put it all together and sell it, even if I don't represent it as being a true "Fender"?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I can buy licensed "Fender" headstocks and bodies from Warmouth. I can get the headstock decals from e-bay. I can get the licensed "Fender" hardware from the local music store. PUPs look pretty much alike from a distance (within reason, I would not try to represent that a single coil P looks like a pair of soapboxes from 50 feet).


Can I put it all together and sell it, even if I don't represent it as being a true "Fender"?


Of course you can. But saying it is a "Social Critic Brand" bass might be pushing it a little. This guy is not building instruments: he is assembling them. I can do that and so can many other people here.


A few posts back I said I thought his prices were reasonable. Now I don't think so. Let's add up the price of buying all the parts. Add on another $100 or so for assembling it. What is our total?

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Let's add up the price of buying all the parts. Add on another $100 or so for assembling it. What is our total?

My total came to around $700. Might have missed a few parts and wrongly estimated some prices, but that's still better than what he's charging for putting together a bass and giving it the relic look.


I would rather check the local music stores and classifieds for a reasonably priced used bass with character and save a thousand bucks.


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I fired off a spreadsheet to Warmouth not too long ago. "Vintage" Tele style alder bass body with 2 tone tobacco sunburst - $400


"Vintage" tele style P neck, fretted, maple fret board - $200


DS single coil P (hot), Badass II bridge, Gotoh cloverleaf tuners, ashtray bridge cover (with embossed Fender "F"), all assembly hardware (body and neck pre-drilled!!!) and electronics (including football jack, two pots and cover), Tele sytle pickguard (white on white) about $300.


And I can get Fender immersion decals on eBay.


All told, I show up and all I have to do is assemble and string it, costs me $921 and change out door, if I pick it up while I'm in Seattle next time. And I can take the belt sander to it for free!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Well, he is assembling the pre-made parts, but he is also finishing them and giving them the relic treatment. All of that takes some skill and knowlefge, and a bit of time, too. If he can folks to pay that much for his work, more power to him. If I had only had $200 at the time I saw it, I would have been the proud owner of a strat that didn't one single Fender part on it, but it was the coolest looking relic job I had ever seen. SOOOOO schweeeet!

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Hadn't looked at it that way. Many years ago I was looking for an older Chevy "muscle" car and came across this guy who had a '68 Malibu 4 door in great shape, but he wanted too much money for it. When I asked, he told me it was because it was an "SS". I told him that there wasn't an SS in a 4-door (don't bring up the '98 Impala SS). Someone took mom's old family sedan, put some SS logos on it and sold it to you. He insisted it was a genuine Malibu SS 4 door and wasn't about to check the VIN, call Chevy or even open the hood and check the engine size.


All told, someone is going to end up with one of these things thinking - for whatever reason - that they own a vingate Fender and sell it on e-bay until someone who knows something about guitars gets their hands on one and wants a refund. Then the fun begins.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I like the 36 year relic work you did on that awesome J-Bass, Jeremy C!


The reissue stuff is pretty cool, I like the retro look. Paying the extra $$$ for something to look like it's been used for decades is a bit crazy to me though.


When I found this bass about 15 years ago it had an extreme relic job on it. It was painted white with a spray can and had runs, cracks, bubbles, etc. Really looked in sad shape. Why someone would cover up a nice looking piece of wood like this is beyond me.


Click for a larger version:



The chrome covers aren't original, and the neck pickup cover has been removed recently. Basses and cars look good with at least a little shiny stuff on 'em.




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he states on the website:


" A portion of the proceeds from your purchase may go to support the complete dismantling of the US Government. I have had enough taxation without representation - how about you? Are you better off than you were 10 years ago?


Since you are still reading on, turn in your cable TV box, unplug your television and seek healthy connections with other human beings. Stop ingesting the manipulations of corporations who's sole function is to make you feel inadequate without buying their products and ideas. A bigger wallet, faster car, smaller waistband or younger spouse will not make you happy."


Now the second paragraph I can identify with, the first one makes me a little uneasy about him

music is the answer, who cares what the question is
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