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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]Alright... This is my first time posting in this thread... I didn't go to work tonight. [url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/bassguy21/TwentySix.MP3]HERE\'S[/url] what I did instead. Please, tell me what ya' think.[/b][/quote]Hey, I took a listen, as well. I agree with DJDM that it could use more variation. The basic drum and bass tracks didn't change throughout the song, as far as I can remember. Also... and this strictly a matter of personal taste... you have a lot of the root going on. The bass line drones on the root (and at the end of the line, goes down either a half step or a minor 3rd), and you have a high rhythmic figure playing the root. If you want to keep that high figure on one note, so that you can create space for the strings to change, I would probably use the fifth or ninth, and fade it in and out according to what else was happening. Otherwise, I would make it a more melodic figure, or change it up throughout the song to highlight some of the chords the strings are playing. Good work. :)
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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b]NICE, Very very nice stuff. Thanks for posting it, i quite enjoyed that. Man, cool band! You are frikkin monsterous, the stuff you play in Dromos is so perfect for it, space and everything, wow! Really great stuff. :thu: [/b][/quote]Wow... thanks! So, uh... you don't happen to work for a record label, do you? I could use some work. ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by DJDM: [b] Not bad. Is it totally Reason? I like the bass wah sound. The drums are a little quite and repetitive. The lead strings could be a little less mono. By that I mean they may fair better with a little layering, panning and a bit of chorus perhaps. Over all not a bad track musically but could use a bit more variation. Perhaps a break down or some sort of change up? Particularly in the drums. Overall nice job. - DJDM[/b][/quote]Yes, it's all Reason. I know it needs a change, and I'm still struggling with that. But when you talk about the strings, what exactly do you mean by layering? Could you clarify that or give me some places to look? I'd appreciate it greatly. Thank you both, DJDM and eljefe, for taking the time to listen and giving me honest feedback. I love this place.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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Very nice song! I was looking for a bridge, though. I'm tired of you chicks looking for a Prince! Most of us are frogs out here :p [quote]Originally posted by Anifa: [b]Here is my latest written in it's entirety on Feb. 14th, 2003. I have not laid down the strings section, or other layers, but this is complete enough to give a good idea of what's going on. I created a web page that shows the lyrics, and also I placed the chords accordingly over the lyrics below the lyric sheet; to the best of my "VERY" limited music ability (I've just a few private theory lessons at a University along with one credit course of piano)The sound is loaded in as background music, and can also be downloaded by clicking the supplied link. [url=http://www.musicbizbuzz.net/questionsofaheart.htm]Questions of a Heart[/url] [/b][/quote]
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You guys is smokin'! Great tune, great playing, and the hi-fi play stream sounded fine. [quote]Originally posted by eljefe: [b]I've been trolling this place long enough. It's time to do a little show-and-tell. Notes/disclaimers: This is a jazz band I'm in called "Ballast." I wrote the first tune ("And We're Back"), and play the piano in all three tunes. I did not record this band, since my small setup is not equipped to record a live, 7-piece band. We made these recordings in one day (along with 3 other songs not posted here) in a friend's studio. I intend to post some of my home studio's output as soon as I make something worth posting. The quality stuff coming from my home studio right now is actually mostly commercials (literally, radio spots with voiceovers & music). My home studio music is more rock and electronica heavy - so the MP3's posted here are about as straight-ahead jazzy as I get. I apologize for the blandness of the MP3 page. I basically set up this bare-bones page so you guys could take a listen. I look forward to your feedback! Thanks! http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/536/the_ballast.html [/b][/quote]
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I like it. As is, everything fits. Before I read the other comments, I thought "hmmm...layering", and that a few breaks, and dynamics, would impart a structure. Reason makes all this easy, doesn't it. [quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]Alright... This is my first time posting in this thread... I didn't go to work tonight. [url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/bassguy21/TwentySix.MP3]HERE\'S[/url] what I did instead. Please, tell me what ya' think.[/b][/quote]
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[quote]Originally posted by Midimonk: [b] [url=http://home.attbi.com/~mcgwdproductions/spazztic101.wma]Song 1[/url] Well,i figured it was time to share a tune. Here's the pre-production track for a new tune,it has no vocals, was combination of acid,pro-tools and real instruments.I have others but any comments would be greatly appreciated :thu: this is a work in progress so it's not final.It's wma file i will get an mp3 later. Midimonk[/b][/quote]Great groovin' start. I want to hear the finished version. It does have Acid written all over it, but I'm not saying that's a bad thing.
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[quote] Great groovin' start. I want to hear the finished version. It does have Acid written all over it, but I'm not saying that's a bad thing. [/quote]Doug, Thanks for listening.Yes,acid was a little over used but i will hopefully have a real drummer play to get the groove even better.I had a groove in my head and acid is just so quick sometimes. Thanks again, Midimonk I will update w/ the final real soon.
I cannot be bought, and I cannot be threatened. But if you put them both together then I'm your man!"
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New tune for your listening pleasure. [url=http://www.seaweedmusic.com/picsfornet/10/snapshot.mp3]snapshot[/url] or [url=http://www.seaweedmusic.com/picsfornet/10/snapshotlofimix.mp3]snapshot loafeye[/url] Halljams and I did this last night using Acid and a bit of crack (just kidding) .
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[quote]Originally posted by Midimonk: [b] [url=http://home.attbi.com/~mcgwdproductions/spazztic101.wma]Song 1[/url] Well,i figured it was time to share a tune. Here's the pre-production track for a new tune,it has no vocals, was combination of acid,pro-tools and real instruments.I have others but any comments would be greatly appreciated :thu: this is a work in progress so it's not final.It's wma file i will get an mp3 later. Midimonk[/b][/quote]I liked this tune alot. The different ambiences go real nice together. Great drums!
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[quote]Originally posted by Midimonk: [b] [url=http://home.attbi.com/~mcgwdproductions/spazztic101.wma]Song 1[/url] Midimonk[/b][/quote]I really like the vibe here. And the bass, I hope that's a real one or I'm out of a job. Make sure you let us hear the completed version.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]Alright... This is my first time posting in this thread... I didn't go to work tonight. [url=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/bassguy21/TwentySix.MP3]HERE\'S[/url] what I did instead. Please, tell me what ya' think.[/b][/quote]I liked the beginning minute or so, but then i felt it needed to go somewhere or have an energy change or something. Maby some new drums or percussion jumping out at me or a chord change. Maby an opposing lead line that had some interesting or abrasive sonic character. Nice sounds overall. :)
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[img]http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/lilback-sb.jpg[/img] >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/speedbomb-web.mp3]hippie speed bomb[/url] (mp3) roll off the couch spin over to the machine put a spoon or three and make the brew real mean fill up the pot whether it's clean or not flip down the switch and come back when it's hot slip open a bag and here's the real caper pack your means of choice but hand me the papers take a load off lay back on the scene take a big gulp and smell the surreal serene the whispers and whirs the creeping, sunny angst the paranoid delusions and the memories that you thanked come flowing quite freely and now matter where from it'll deal real neatly like the hippie speed bomb... /smiley :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b]New tune for your listening pleasure. [url=http://www.seaweedmusic.com/picsfornet/10/snapshot.mp3]snapshot[/url] or [url=http://www.seaweedmusic.com/picsfornet/10/snapshotlofimix.mp3]snapshot loafeye[/url] Vortex and I did this last night using Acid and a bit of crack (just kidding).[/b][/quote]I love the groove at the beginning. This is one jammin' tune. Good job.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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>> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/freeus-web.mp3]free us[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/lilback-fu.jpg[/img] [b]"you gonna take that shit?"[/b] (you can) free us... from the pluralistic ignorance we're under gun where are we gonna run? who are we gonna screw? what are you gonna do? (you can do it today) (that's what they say) (N'Kay? :wave: )

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Eljefe, I really liked "And We're Back". :thu: The whole performance had a great feel; tight but not too tight – just right. I enjoyed your solo. Very nice lines and you kept a good rhythmic variety. I really envy jazz players. My stuff is a little “jazz-flavored” but I’ve got too much respect for real jazzers to call it jazz, so I label it “smooth jazz”. That way, I don’t offend anyone… I’ve always been afraid of posting on this thread because everyone's stuff sounds so good and I don’t still know much about getting a good recording, but here goes anyways: This is a tune called [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/3044/3044201.html][b]"Early Morning"[/b][/url] that I wrote a while back. I’m playing all the parts on a Roland GR-30 guitar synth except for the drums, which I played realtime with using my computer keyboard with the drum kit in Power Tracks. Paul
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[quote]Originally posted by pauldil: [b]Eljefe, I really liked "And We're Back". :thu: The whole performance had a great feel; tight but not too tight – just right. I enjoyed your solo. Very nice lines and you kept a good rhythmic variety. I really envy jazz players. My stuff is a little “jazz-flavored” but I’ve got too much respect for real jazzers to call it jazz, so I label it “smooth jazz”. That way, I don’t offend anyone… I’ve always been afraid of posting on this thread because everyone's stuff sounds so good and I don’t still know much about getting a good recording, but here goes anyways: This is a tune called [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/3044/3044201.html][b]"Early Morning"[/b][/url] that I wrote a while back. I’m playing all the parts on a Roland GR-30 guitar synth except for the drums, which I played realtime with using my computer keyboard with the drum kit in Power Tracks. Paul[/b][/quote]Thanks for listening to my tune! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I went ahead and listened to yours, as well. Good tune, nice relaxed feel. I got the feeling that it was almost there… but there were some things that bothered me. In the interest of honesty and constructive criticism, I’ll tell you what they are (I hope this isn’t perceived as insensitive!): Synthesized muted trumpets don’t really do it for me. They’re okay if they’re being used for hits/fills, but I never thought they could really carry a melody. I would get a real instrument, or use a different keyboard instrument. The song was recorded too hot. It’s distorting quite a bit. I would change up the drums. I know the drums aren’t supposed to be the centerpiece of the song, but the cymbal hit on every one and three gets old, and the congas aren't strong enough to really give the song momentum. You should probably quantize some of the instruments. Every once in a while I would get distracted by off-rhythm hits: occasionally the cymbal would be out of rhythm, or all the instruments would hit at once, but they would not be completely in synch. I hope this helps! eljefe
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[quote]Originally posted by eljefe: [b]Thanks for listening to my tune! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I went ahead and listened to yours, as well. Good tune, nice relaxed feel. I got the feeling that it was almost there… but there were some things that bothered me. In the interest of honesty and constructive criticism, I’ll tell you what they are (I hope this isn’t perceived as insensitive!): Synthesized muted trumpets don’t really do it for me. They’re okay if they’re being used for hits/fills, but I never thought they could really carry a melody. I would get a real instrument, or use a different keyboard instrument. The song was recorded too hot. It’s distorting quite a bit. I would change up the drums. I know the drums aren’t supposed to be the centerpiece of the song, but the cymbal hit on every one and three gets old, and the congas aren't strong enough to really give the song momentum. You should probably quantize some of the instruments. Every once in a while I would get distracted by off-rhythm hits: occasionally the cymbal would be out of rhythm, or all the instruments would hit at once, but they would not be completely in synch. I hope this helps! eljefe[/b][/quote]Thanks for listening, eljefe. I appreciate your honesty. I totally agree about the synth, but it’s all I’ve got to work with at this point to at least get an idea of what I’m hearing. It’s definitely no comparison to the real thing, and if I ever do a real recording of this, I will use real players. The same goes for the drums. They have always been a problem for me. My one disclaimer is that I use very cheap software (Power Tracks) and right now all my recorded stuff is just scratch-pad. As I learn more, my recordings will hopefully improve. Constructive observations like yours help a lot. Thanks again, Paul
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This is my first post of a song. The song itself is a contemporary Christian tune. The style is a bit unusual for me as I normally play pedal steel and do country stuff. The tracks were all done by me in my home studio. This is the second mix as the first one had too much compression. I went back and took the compressor completely out of the chain. I still may go back and remove the electric guitars and add pedal steel... Thanks for any comments. Equipment: MXL V69ME Langevin DVC Alesis HD24 Masterlink Mackie 8 buss Marshall JCM2000 half stack G&L Comanche Peavey Dyna Bass Martin D16GT Roland R8mkII [url=http://www.nowhereradio.com/artists/album.php?aid=2632&alid=-1]The Presence[/url] Steve Stallings
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ALL ORIGINAL HOMEGROWN UNDERGROUND INDIE MUSIC If you wish give a listen and let me know how you like OLD LOVE: [b]GOT SPEAKERS? TURN 'em up and read as you listen. If you wish to hear my latest, freshest and newest most favorite tune, CLONK that lonk and clank on some knobs to dial in that perfect tone for "your" ears. all original homegrown underground indie jams. "OLD LOVE" Old Love lofi link http://www.iuma.com/site-bin/ramgen.ram?aid=53822&sid=326242 original words and music by ar-ell Spencer jan 30th 2003 Will you still love me when I'm old Will you still love me when I'm old will you love me when I am fifty-one we could stay out late and have us lots of fun could you love me if I were fifty-two that's not so very far away for me or you will you still love me when I'm old I just gotta' know and when the time comes and my box goes in the ground you must find someone to put your arms around promise to stay out late and have yourself some fun and remember babe when we were thirty-one will you still love me when I'm old I just gotta' know thanks for listenin' and I will see you on the radio![/b] ar-ell Spencer OLD LOVE Recording Notes:Circa2003 week two. recording today. I have finished the lyrics and I have arranged the tune. Now if My ex-wife will leave me alone long enough I can get this fish grilled. I wrote this song to her as I do for most of my tunes. She is my muse. Take four: finally got a main rythym track going on. I almost cut my left index finger off a while back(four years)in the course of "fixing" a neck on an sg copy. The razor sharp chisel slipped and shaved two inches of finger to the bone. I have been in pain and extreme dis comfort every note of this song due to the positioning of my fingers for the chords involved. I am glad I can go on to the next phase of this song. third hour: got the vocals down and had to edit the lyrics to fit better. I believe I have it right. Hour four: twelve takes later;I got the bass lines down and although I can hear two stumbles I am gonna leave it as is for the good notes.. Nothin's perfect especially me ahaha! still more good notes than not. Final mix: jan 30 2003; "OLD LOVE" is in THE CAN! got it done in six hours all by my self. and GOD . mostly GOD .. thanks GOD I left the bass lines in front at the end cause they seem to ADD to the song somehow. A bass lead is sort of refreshing to this listener. I hope this mix translates well on REALPLAYER.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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OKAY I finally got this one where it belongs.. ahaha! [b]HI folkes! turn your speakers up and listen as you surf! ALL ORIGINAL HOME GROWN indie jams ALLEY CAT: words and music by arell Spencer,circa2002 ALLEY CAT lofi link http://www.iuma.com/site-bin/ramgen.ram?aid=53822&sid=271357 I WOKE UP in an ALLEY , and I wondered how I got there I had one mighty headache and I found blood in my hair.. oh when I tried to rise I wiped the blood from my eyes I saw I had no shoes. My SOCKS my socks they were gone too.. and does anybody know what's a boy to do?... I finally made it to the street then I had to take a breather man said he hated whities said I did'nt like 'em neither.. oh when the taxi came sis laid the blame all over me when I complained sis said take heart you're safe and you're free when I complained sis said thank GOD you're safe and you're free Now I'm always gettin' into all kinds of trouble I guess the only way to stop it is to put me in a bubble now I'm not too sure just how much more this old boy can take sometime it seems to me as if my hearts gonna break sometimes to me it seems as if my heart is gonna break[/b] THANKS for listenin' , I will see you on the radio!

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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HEY are we havin' FUN yet? ahahaha! I Am !ahahaha! This is one of my first trys at reggae... if you wish let me know how you like it...Thanks .. [b]Do you know what time it is? REGGEA #17 original words and music by ARELL SPENCER monday sept 9 2002 LOFI LINK: http://www.iuma.com/site-bin/ramgen.ram?aid=53822&sid=266499 REGGEA#17: Do you know what time it is? it's time to call 'de boys do you know what time it is ? it's time to make wid' 'de hoppy noise so lets get on 'de telephone and call 'de boys someone get on 'de telephone and call 'de boys yeah.yeah... DO you know what day it is? it's a different day from yesterday do you know what day it is? my baby she's gone away oh yesterday is gone.. tomorrow never come.. no,no whoa,whoa oh yesterday she gone tomorrow never come no. Do you like 'de hoppy sound ? if you do 'den 'donce around Do you like 'dis hoppy sound ? raise your arms and donce around exceptin' when you're floatin' keep one foot on 'de ground whoa,whoa, beside 'de time you're floatin' keep one foot on 'de ground.. hey,hey[/b]

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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