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[quote]Originally posted by Boggs: [b]Clips from our ensemble's CD can be checked out at [url=http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com/boggspage9.html]www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com/boggspage9.html[/url] andyou can hear clips of my various instruments by going to my index page at [url=http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com]www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com[/url] . Enjoy! Boggs[/b][/quote]Beautiful Stuff. Great production all around. Great performances. What else can I say?
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I am curious as to other peoples thoughts about the drums on [url=http://www.frii.com/~j1j1g12/mp3/Sundaydrive.mp3]Sunday Drive[/url] The guitar tones on [url=http://www.frii.com/~j1j1g12/mp3/kiddiepool.mp3]Kiddie Pool Fool of Porn[/url] have me a bit confused.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dano: [b] [quote]Originally posted by ... and J.Mathers as the Sylver: [b]See, no one reads this thread anymore![/b][/quote]I was thinking the same thing . Dano[/b][/quote]That's why I'm reviewing everyone that's posted recently. Maybe we can get it going again! Review away, Dano!
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Vitriolone: [b]I am curious as to other peoples thoughts about the drums on [url=http://www.frii.com/~j1j1g12/mp3/Sundaydrive.mp3]Sunday Drive[/url] The guitar tones on [url=http://www.frii.com/~j1j1g12/mp3/kiddiepool.mp3]Kiddie Pool Fool of Porn[/url] have me a bit confused.[/b][/quote]The drums on "Sunday Drive" are really flat. No life at all. I like the Willy Wonka bit in the beginning. The guitars on "Kiddie Pool Fool of Porn" seem to fit pretty well. They are big and wide and thick, which I would assume that you are going for.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by ... and J.Mathers as the Sylver: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/b][/quote]Sorry, the song is called "Lonesome One".. It's a bit of a departure for us since we tend to be a bit heavier. Any comments are welcome! Thanks again, Paul[/b][/quote]Very cool. Great song writing and performances. I love modern jump/swing. Guitar playing is killer, Paul. I was getting a little distortion in the highs, especially the cymbols Maybe it's the MP3? The mix seems pretty good overall, so I was thinking that maybe it's the compression.[/b][/quote]Sylver, thank you very much for the kind words. I love playing that stuff and having fun with dynamics. Besides, I don't get to use my '65 ES330 nearly often enough. This recording was a serious budget operation. I recorded with a single 8 track ADAT deck and I am a rank amateur. One of the reasons for the distortion is that I used a BBE Sonic Maximizer for the final mix. Dumb! The distortion really comes out when converted to mp3. As for this thread, I read it! I just don't always have the time at work to say insightful things. Unfortunately, I also have a slow connection and have trouble getting some of the files. Like yours. I've been trying for a couple of weeks to get those songs that you did with Flyscots and have yet to get them. In fact, as I type, it has been saying "43 minutes remaining" for the past half hour. I totally enjoy listening to what the denizens of this forum come up with. Your point is taken however. I promise to be more active and give some reviews on the stuff that I have been able to get. I will also post some more different stuff that I have been working on if there is no objection.
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[quote]Originally posted by dano: [b]Here are some tunes from Dan O'Neil ( dano) in Baltimore . I used a Ketron( Italy) Sd1 keyboard and Zoom 1044 HDR . I have been working on these tunes for a little while and would like to get some input .http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html Cheers ... Dan O .......[/b][/quote]Nice stuff. Good performances and production on all three. Shoreline is definately my favorite of the three. The other two were good too. Seems like you cross a bunch of genres, and lean towards progressive. Mystery was the odd ball of the group, more dance than anything. Are you targeting a certain market, or just making music?
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Vitriolone: [b]Can you just picture the carpeted basement room that the drums for Sunday were recorded in? Any suggestions as to some manipulation to get theme some life? A touch a verb and some top end eq?[/b][/quote]Well, I'm not production guy, but they could really stand some reverb IMO. They don't seem to "snap", but I don't know how to fix that. Reverb will help, I think.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b][QUOTE]Sylver, thank you very much for the kind words. I love playing that stuff and having fun with dynamics. Besides, I don't get to use my '65 ES330 nearly often enough. [/b][/quote]Lucky dog! That's one heck of a guitar. Bet it plays great. You usually play a PRS, right? [quote][b] This recording was a serious budget operation. I recorded with a single 8 track ADAT deck and I am a rank amateur. One of the reasons for the distortion is that I used a BBE Sonic Maximizer for the final mix. Dumb! The distortion really comes out when converted to mp3. [/b][/quote]Ahhhhh. I've heard good and bad things about the BBE. Other than the distortion I mentioned, the recording was pretty good, I thought. [quote] [b]As for this thread, I read it! I just don't always have the time at work to say insightful things. Unfortunately, I also have a slow connection and have trouble getting some of the files. Like yours. I've been trying for a couple of weeks to get those songs that you did with Flyscots and have yet to get them. In fact, as I type, it has been saying "43 minutes remaining" for the past half hour. I totally enjoy listening to what the denizens of this forum come up with. Your point is taken however. I promise to be more active and give some reviews on the stuff that I have been able to get. I will also post some more different stuff that I have been working on if there is no objection.[/b][/quote]Ouch!, that's slow connection. Give me a cable modem, or give me death! Post away on your other stuff. I'm gonna try to give feedback more on this thread from now on, maybe we can give this thread a breath of fresh air!
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by ... and J.Mathers as the Sylver: [b] [quote]Originally posted by dano: [b]Here are some tunes from Dan O'Neil ( dano) in Baltimore . I used a Ketron( Italy) Sd1 keyboard and Zoom 1044 HDR . I have been working on these tunes for a little while and would like to get some input .http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html Cheers ... Dan O .......[/b][/quote]Nice stuff. Good performances and production on all three. Shoreline is definately my favorite of the three. The other two were good too. Seems like you cross a bunch of genres, and lean towards progressive. Mystery was the odd ball of the group, more dance than anything. Are you targeting a certain market, or just making music?[/b][/quote]Not really targeting a market. I'm just producing tunes . I accually added arpegiated string parts near the middle of the song . It kind of gives the song some pace . Thanks alot for listening . Dano
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[quote]Originally posted by dano: [b]Here are some tunes from Dan O'Neil ( dano) in Baltimore . I used a Ketron( Italy) Sd1 keyboard and Zoom 1044 HDR . I have been working on these tunes for a little while and would like to get some input .http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html Cheers ... Dan O .......[/b][/quote]Hey Dan, I just finally listened to Shoreline and Spirit. Very nice stuff. I too, liked Shoreline better. About the only suggestions I have to offer (and this is highly subjective) are 1. I'd like to hear an "organic" sound in there somewhere. Vocals notwithstanding, the abundance of synth sounds and perfect timing make the music sound a bit too perfect for my ears. Know what I mean? With the vocals being natural and not as perfect as the rest of the mix (and that's not a bad thing) it just seems to me that there should be another organic sound to fill around the vox. Maybe a natural piano or subtle slide guitar. 2. I would try to tighten up the harmonies somehow on Spirit. Again, the rest of the sound is near perfect and IMHO it's OK, in fact, good for the lead vocal to sound human and a bit imperfect but I think that the chorus/harmonies/backup vocals should be treated more like an instrument and match the rest of them. Please take my suggestions with a grain of salt. I am certainly no producer.
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[qb][QUOTE]Sylver, thank you very much for the kind words. I love playing that stuff and having fun with dynamics. Besides, I don't get to use my '65 ES330 nearly often enough. [/B] [qb][QUOTE] Lucky dog! That's one heck of a guitar. Bet it plays great. You usually play a PRS, right? Yes I do. The PRS is the most stable versatile ax for performing that I have ever come across. I have several guitars but some just have a certain character. On 'Lonesome One', I actually used my '63 Gretsch for the chords and the Gibson for the leads just because of the tonal character. [qb][QUOTE]Ahhhhh. I've heard good and bad things about the BBE. Other than the distortion I mentioned, the recording was pretty good, I thought. Thank you. I think I just had too much of the BBE in the mix. It does a nice job tightening up the low end but the highs get harsh. [qb][QUOTE]I'm gonna try to give feedback more on this thread from now on, maybe we can give this thread a breath of fresh air! Me too!
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[quote]Originally posted by ... and J.Mathers as the Sylver: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Boggs: [b]Clips from our ensemble's CD can be checked out at [url=http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com/boggspage9.html]www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com/boggspage9.html[/url] andyou can hear clips of my various instruments by going to my index page at [url=http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com]www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com[/url] . Enjoy! Boggs[/b][/quote]Beautiful Stuff. Great production all around. Great performances. What else can I say?[/b][/quote]Thank you, Sylver! We got the 6 songs down and mixed in only 4 hours total... Since it was our first experience in a studio or recording ever, we were extremely pleased with the outcome. It's too bad you can't really get the layering of the Steinway piano in the clips as they happen more further into the songs. We do appreciate the kind words! Boggs :wave:
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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[quote]Originally posted by Boggs: [b] [quote]Originally posted by ... and J.Mathers as the Sylver: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Boggs: [b]Clips from our ensemble's CD can be checked out at [url=http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com/boggspage9.html]www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com/boggspage9.html[/url] andyou can hear clips of my various instruments by going to my index page at [url=http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com]www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com[/url] . Enjoy! Boggs[/b][/quote]Beautiful Stuff. Great production all around. Great performances. What else can I say?[/b][/quote]Thank you, Sylver! We got the 6 songs down and mixed in only 4 hours total... Since it was our first experience in a studio or recording ever, we were extremely pleased with the outcome. It's too bad you can't really get the layering of the Steinway piano in the clips as they happen more further into the songs. We do appreciate the kind words! Boggs :wave: [/b][/quote]I guess since it's from an album you don't want to give too much away. I liked the fact that all the instruments sat in thier own frequency w/o crowding the others. The tracks were all clear as a bell, and really let the nuances of the playing come through.
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Vitriolone: [b]I am curious as to other peoples thoughts about the drums on [url=http://www.frii.com/~j1j1g12/mp3/Sundaydrive.mp3]Sunday Drive[/url] The guitar tones on [url=http://www.frii.com/~j1j1g12/mp3/kiddiepool.mp3]Kiddie Pool Fool of Porn[/url] have me a bit confused.[/b][/quote]I have to agree that I found the drums pretty flat on Sunday Drive. I'm no real expert on this genre of music but the tune seemed pretty redundant to me as well. I kinda liked Kiddie Pool Fool of Porn though; it's a little more interesting. And I thought the guitar sounded fine.
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b]Just uploaded a new song to our mp3 page. Chck out : [url=http://www.mp3.com/Darlingnikkie]D.I.Y[/url] Doing IT yourself - Darling Nikkie style. preper to enjoy your self :D [/b][/quote]Hay Mr D. Loved the tune. I have to say that the vocal struck me as kinda funny sounding sonically. Too filtered Like it went through a guitar amp or something. Any way, i can't quite put my finger on it but it bugged me that it had that sound all the way throught the tune as well as the bu's, i wanted it to clear up at some point. Just the way i heard it. :)
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[quote]Originally posted by halljams: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b]Just uploaded a new song to our mp3 page. Chck out : [url=http://www.mp3.com/Darlingnikkie]D.I.Y[/url] Doing IT yourself - Darling Nikkie style. preper to enjoy your self :D [/b][/quote]Hay Mr D. Loved the tune. I have to say that the vocal struck me as kinda funny sounding sonically. Too filtered Like it went through a guitar amp or something. Any way, i can't quite put my finger on it but it bugged me that it had that sound all the way throught the tune as well as the bu's, i wanted it to clear up at some point. Just the way i heard it. :) [/b][/quote]I agree. I really enjoyed this tune but the vocals do have a strange feel to them. I don't think that it's so much filtering as performance. The singer seems young and untrained. She also doesn't seem to have a real good feel for phrasing or knowing when to breath. Of course some of the out-of-breath stuff is kinda exciting :) .
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]I agree. I really enjoyed this tune but the vocals do have a strange feel to them. I don't think that it's so much filtering as performance. The singer seems young and untrained. She also doesn't seem to have a real good feel for phrasing or knowing when to breath. Of course some of the out-of-breath stuff is kinda exciting :) .[/b][/quote]I for once to want to be rude but -[b] you have no idea what you're talking about[/b] This singer is one of the best in the business ... As for the vocals 'problem' its either my abilty as a mixer or the way the mp3 fucked up the sound - I'm totaly not crazy about what it did to the sounds since it sounds much better on a CD player... But I'll have another listen and let you know - there is no way I apply the same effect to BV as to the lead.... Thanks for the comments though.

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]I agree. I really enjoyed this tune but the vocals do have a strange feel to them. I don't think that it's so much filtering as performance. The singer seems young and untrained. She also doesn't seem to have a real good feel for phrasing or knowing when to breath. Of course some of the out-of-breath stuff is kinda exciting :) .[/b][/quote]I for once to want to be rude but -[b] you have no idea what you're talking about[/b] This singer is one of the best in the business ... As for the vocals 'problem' its either my abilty as a mixer or the way the mp3 fucked up the sound - I'm totaly not crazy about what it did to the sounds since it sounds much better on a CD player... But I'll have another listen and let you know - there is no way I apply the same effect to BV as to the lead.... Thanks for the comments though.[/b][/quote]That's OK, you can be rude. I'm only offering an opinion - not a professional review. And I certainly am not trying to offend. I really do like the song. And I really like the singer. Maybe it is the mix, the 24k MP3 or maybe it is your intent but I just find the vocals a bit nasally for such a sexy song. After listening a couple more times, I'll retract my 'young and untrained' opinion (she does have great control) but I still think some of the phrasing/breathing breaks are misplaced.
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[quote]Originally posted by Swoop: [QB[/qb][/quote]I guess since it's from an album you don't want to give too much away. I liked the fact that all the instruments sat in thier own frequency w/o crowding the others. The tracks were all clear as a bell, and really let the nuances of the playing come through.[/QB][/QUOTE] Aaron Ripley at Dynamic Recording Studios in Rochester, NY was the engineer. He used a 75Hz filter on my Carvin Cobalt C980 jumbo guitar so it would not interfere with the Taylor AB-3 acoustic/electric bass. We were all in the same room and did it as a live ensemble with no punch-ins or added tracks. Again, many thanks! Please feel free to contact me directly if you care to know more at boggsplace@yahoo.com . Boggs
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b][QUOTE]That's OK, you can be rude. I'm only offering an opinion - not a professional review. And I certainly am not trying to offend. I really do like the song. And I really like the singer. Maybe it is the mix, the 24k MP3 or maybe it is your intent but I just find the vocals a bit nasally for such a sexy song. After listening a couple more times, I'll retract my 'young and untrained' opinion (she does have great control) but I still think some of the phrasing/breathing breaks are misplaced.[/b][/quote]Thats much better, I was starting to really get pised. Its ok if you don't like the song/effect/chosen breath but once you start remarking on someone abilty its simply rude. Apolegy excepted :D As for the nesal effect - we were actualy after that - but we are going to remix all the song before we realese the album so we moght recosider ;)

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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Cool, actual guitar players and people willing to give actual educated criticism. I think I'm gonna have to jump in at the deep end here ;) probably you've never seen me before, only recently joined the EQ forums. I've been tracking an album- finishing it up now. It covers quite a range, and I intentionally did so many tunes that I'll have to throw some out. Anybody who wishes to listen to the tunes I have up (right now I'm finishing up four more strong ones) and tell me to throw out certain ones is welcome to. You can't possibly hurt my feelings worse than a real A&R guy would so don't hold back. Possible trouble areas could be: time (the concept of the album was that it was done with no click or sequencing, using human guide tracks), singing (busted my balls trying, but I'm still new to singing), tone (I'm not trying for a modern sound, you won't be hearing any effects for the most part), loudness (I refuse to go for 'competitive' loudness, it'd wipe out my tone). Mostly I have the track list front-loaded with the strongest ones on top- but anything on the page is fair game. If you want to be told to listen to a specific song, try "Tinderbox" or "Another Beautiful Friend" for a ballad. http://www.ampcast.com/chrisj Cheers :) *braces self for ruthless ego stomping* Chris Johnson
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[quote]Originally posted by jpetrisko: [b]Okay guys, let 'er rip! I can take it. [url=http://www.skeetermusic.com/mp3/king.mp3]King.mp3[/url] [/b][/quote]Very nice! If there is any criticism I can offer it's that the song seems kinda formula. Like it's stuck in the '80s. But I thought the mix and production were very good and the song itself is well written and very well performed. Nice breaks and hooks. I like the guitar tone as well. At about 2:13 there's a snare break that I like. It doesn't sound like every other MIDI snare tone in the world.
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