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I'm throwing my hat into the ring again wuth my first totally new tune in over a year. It's called "Wouldn't It Be". It's the fourth one down. http://www.mp3.com/spigots All done with completely different equipment than all of the others. Sequenced in Sonar, Vocals and AC Guitars with an NTK and 414 TLII, elec guitars through a J-station. Mixed on a MackieD8B. Let me know what you think, and please don't hold back :) . Frank
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[quote]Originally posted by spigots: [b]I'm throwing my hat into the ring again wuth my first totally new tune in over a year. It's called "Wouldn't It Be". It's the fourth one down. http://www.mp3.com/spigots All done with completely different equipment than all of the others. Sequenced in Sonar, Vocals and AC Guitars with an NTK and 414 TLII, elec guitars through a J-station. Mixed on a MackieD8B. Let me know what you think, and please don't hold back :) . Frank[/b][/quote]Hey Frank, great to hear a new one from you! Sounds great, as usual. Is the audio in Sonar, did you drop Pro Tools? What do you think of the difference? I like the song, the chorus is especially nice, the chords and everything, and the groove and ambience is very cool, very ethereal (almost Lennonish :) ). I'm not a fan of the drum sound, but that's just me. :rolleyes: And the way you go from the sort of gnarly part back to the groove, very nice. And I think you're singing is really good, I dare you to turn it up (a lot)!!! Great job, Macle
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[quote]Originally posted by macle96@yahoo.com: [b] [quote]Originally posted by spigots: [b]I'm throwing my hat into the ring again wuth my first totally new tune in over a year. It's called "Wouldn't It Be". It's the fourth one down. http://www.mp3.com/spigots All done with completely different equipment than all of the others. Sequenced in Sonar, Vocals and AC Guitars with an NTK and 414 TLII, elec guitars through a J-station. Mixed on a MackieD8B. Let me know what you think, and please don't hold back :) . Frank[/b][/quote]Hey Frank, great to hear a new one from you! Sounds great, as usual. Is the audio in Sonar, did you drop Pro Tools? What do you think of the difference? I like the song, the chorus is especially nice, the chords and everything, and the groove and ambience is very cool, very ethereal (almost Lennonish :) ). I'm not a fan of the drum sound, but that's just me. :rolleyes: And the way you go from the sort of gnarly part back to the groove, very nice. And I think you're singing is really good, I dare you to turn it up (a lot)!!! Great job, Macle[/b][/quote]Thanks Macle. The DAW was a Fairlight Mfx3plus. No bells and whistles so it's mainly just a very expensive recorder/editor. I'm not that happy with the drums either. I'm not a drummer, don't have any drums and all of my samples sound dated. If you want to send me samples of YOUR kit, feel free ;) . I'm about to embark in a different direction for a while. When I get something done, I'll post it. Again, thanks for the feedback. Frank
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http://www.ssrstudio.com/sys-tmpl/nss-folder/publicfolder/ I've uploaded two files to the same directory I listed above. Both were performed by my step-daughter's band "All She Wrote". The songs are called "Liar" and "Greed". She's (Samantha) doing all the vocals, and writes the majority of the stuff. I'd be interested in any comments and opinions. Thanks for listening, and for allowing me to play "proud papa".
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[quote]Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe: [b] I've uploaded two files to the same directory I listed above. Both were performed by my step-daughter's band "All She Wrote". The songs are called "Liar" and "Greed". She's (Samantha) doing all the vocals, and writes the majority of the stuff. I'd be interested in any comments and opinions. Thanks for listening, and for allowing me to play "proud papa".[/b][/quote]I like the rawness of it. How old are these kids/people? They could be a bit tighter, but that comes with time. Sounds like it was recorded as a band. Was it? The songs aren't very strong, but there is something there. Her voice has that "something" as well. I really like what was done with the BKG VOX on "Liar". Cool chords and they're held together really well. I'd buy the band members each they're own copies of Living Color's "Vivid" to help them with their chops. I'm rambling now and I will stop. Frank
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Originally posted by spigots: [b]I like the rawness of it. How old are these kids/people? [/b] Early 20's. [b]They could be a bit tighter, but that comes with time. Sounds like it was recorded as a band. Was it? [/b] Initially, yes. Basic tracks were cut, sans click track with drums, bass and one guitar... and a guide / scratch vocal. Then we did overdubs and "real" vocals. I agree with you about the "tightness". I've got the drummer and guitarist working with metronomes as we speak... ;) OTOH, I have somewhat of a reluctance to track everything and everyone to a click track... and I really don't like editing everything to utter perfection in PT either. Even though I CAN, I don't always feel I SHOULD. ;) But people nowdays are used to hearing that inhuman perfetion in recordings. I dunno... it's a judgement call. I normally will err on the side of humanity, but I agree with your basic assessment: they should get tighter. But IMO, that should be THEM, as individual musicians and as a band unit, and not from me editing them into submission. :D [b]The songs aren't very strong, but there is something there. Her voice has that "something" as well.[/b] I appreciate you expressing your honest opinions. I personally think "Liar" is actually a good song, but "Greed" isn't as strong. And while I think Samantha has some room for growth and improvement, she's got as very good voice. [b]I really like what was done with the BKG VOX on "Liar". Cool chords and they're held together really well.[/b] Thank you. That was actually my idea. :) [b]I'd buy the band members each they're own copies of Living Color's "Vivid" to help them with their chops.[/b] Excellent suggestion. I'll relay it. [b]I'm rambling now and I will stop.[/b] Not at all. Again, I appreciate your comments and that you took the time to D/L and listen to the files. Thank you very much for both!
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[url=http://www.mp3.com/salt_creek]Here [/url] is a song I just got approved on mp3.com.The song is "Nothin" it is my debut single receiving airplay on 3 Tx. radio stations hopefully more this week.Let me know what you guys think.Thanks,JG :wave:
jgc2002 is not responsible for damages ,injuries and or death as result of above post.Side effects include nasuea,dizziness,dry mouth,vomiting,blurred vision,nervousness,loss of memory and in extreme cases sexual side effects. www.mp3.com/salt_creek
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Hi all, I'd appreciate some comments on this: [url=http://www.qqquantity.com/mp3/DrownInSpit-BoyGenius.mp3]Drown in Spit[/url] -- the new single from my lo-fi rock project. Thanks, --za P.S. Mark, "littleciku.mp3", good job on the voice, guitar and organ sounds!
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[quote]Originally posted by ZA: [b]Hi all, I'd appreciate some comments on this: [url=http://www.qqquantity.com/mp3/DrownInSpit-BoyGenius.mp3]Drown in Spit[/url] -- the new single from my lo-fi rock project. Thanks, --za [/b][/quote]Obvious Radiohead comparisons aside, Nice tune. The only things I didn't like were the crash cymbal (lo-fi or not, it's really irritating), and the vocals were pitchy in places. Other than that it rocks. Frank
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This is a cover of the Monkees song "Pleasant Valley Sunday" that my band is working on.*[Pink Floyd tribute that is adding a 60's tribute on for good measure]*. Comments on the mix would be appreciated as this is the first song that I've[b] {semi}[/b]completed in a DAW environment. :wave: [url=http://floydtribute.hpwebhost.com/nss-folder/folder/PVS.mp3]PLEASANT VALLEY SUNDAY[/url] :wave:
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hey Khan, great job. Sounds solid and clean. I think maybe the drums could come down a bit, and the guitars and maybe the bass could come up a bit. The vocals have a very authentic 60's sound (is that you on the lead vocal? you can sing high!). Rockhan! -Macle p.s. I believe The Monkees will always be relevant. ;)
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[quote]Originally posted by ZA: [b]Hi all, I'd appreciate some comments on this: [url=http://www.qqquantity.com/mp3/DrownInSpit-BoyGenius.mp3]Drown in Spit[/url] -- the new single from my lo-fi rock project. Thanks, --za [/b][/quote]Good tune. Good emotion, the way it builds into the chorus. The melody gets a little monotonous, but I suppose you were going for that, part of the emotion. Still I think a little variation here and there might be good in the verse. The drums sound good (except the crash, of course, too loud!), how'd you do em? -macle
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Macle, thanks. The emotion is the whole point, to me, so I'm glad it came through. The drums are samples I took of a friend's kit, sequenced in ProTools. The crash is a $10 POS... I'll drop it down a few dB. --za
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Hi guys (and girls)...i noticed that most songs that are posted here aren't always finished recordings, and most of the songs still stand up on their own, so i hope it's o.k. to post something that's pretty much produced (in a home studio, i didn't say "well produced")...while i welcome any comments on the production and structure, etc...even if you think the song sucks (as you can see, i'm ready to get crucified here)my question more specifically is, can i realistically copyright this song...most of you will understand why i ask this when you catch the lyrics...they're all song and album titles from the 60's and 70's...so, even though i put them together to ALMOST tell a story, i wonder how copyright(able) they are... this is called [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/2517/2517050.html]"THAT 70\'S SONG"[/url] ...thanx for any input... [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/425/skinny_mulligan.html]SkiNNY MulLIGan[/url]
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[quote]Originally posted by SkiNNY MulLIGan: [b]Hi guys (and girls)...i noticed that most songs that are posted here aren't always finished recordings, and most of the songs still stand up on their own, so i hope it's o.k. to post something that's pretty much produced (in a home studio, i didn't say "well produced")...while i welcome any comments on the production and structure, etc...even if you think the song sucks (as you can see, i'm ready to get crucified here)my question more specifically is, can i realistically copyright this song...most of you will understand why i ask this when you catch the lyrics...they're all song and album titles from the 60's and 70's...so, even though i put them together to ALMOST tell a story, i wonder how copyright(able) they are... this is called [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/2517/2517050.html]"THAT 70\'S SONG"[/url] ...thanx for any input... [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/425/skinny_mulligan.html]SkiNNY MulLIGan[/url] [/b][/quote]The backing track is cool. The lyrics made me look around and make sure no one else saw me listening. Sorry, just too cheesy for me.
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[quote]Originally posted by spigots: [b] [quote]Originally posted by SkiNNY MulLIGan: [b]Hi guys (and girls)...i noticed that most songs that are posted here aren't always finished recordings, and most of the songs still stand up on their own, so i hope it's o.k. to post something that's pretty much produced (in a home studio, i didn't say "well produced")...while i welcome any comments on the production and structure, etc...even if you think the song sucks (as you can see, i'm ready to get crucified here)my question more specifically is, can i realistically copyright this song...most of you will understand why i ask this when you catch the lyrics...they're all song and album titles from the 60's and 70's...so, even though i put them together to ALMOST tell a story, i wonder how copyright(able) they are... this is called [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/2517/2517050.html]"THAT 70\'S SONG"[/url] ...thanx for any input... [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/425/skinny_mulligan.html]SkiNNY MulLIGan[/url] [/b][/quote]The backing track is cool. The lyrics made me look around and make sure no one else saw me listening. Sorry, just too cheesy for me.[/b][/quote]Thanx Spigots...it's cool...it is supposed to be a sort of "novelty" song...and if you found the lyrics cheesy, at least i can say they're not really my lyrics :) :) ....actually, the main purpose of me posting it was to see if anyone knew if i can copyright the lyrics...thanx
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Ok, time for TheWewus live. Here's the catch, you have to use KaZaa, but in a completely legal way. This is a quick, easy way for anyone to share their music if they don't have a website or belong to MP3.com or something like that. Go to Download.com and get KaZaa. Just do a search for KaZaa and it takes you there. Also get KaZaa Enhance if you want, it will remove the spyware and most of the ads from KaZaa. After installing both of these programs you will have two icons on your desktop, KaZaa media desktop and My Shared Folder. Configure the program as you like by hitting tools-options. Place any MP3s,Wav, or other files of your music you want to share into My Shared Folder. At any given time there will be 1.5 to 2 million people on this network that can access your music if they know what to search for. Just give the name of the song and we can enter that into the search box and it should come up in the field to the right for anyone searching. Right click and hit download, switch to Traffic mode at the top and you can see the progress of the download. On completion of the download the file will appear in My Shared Folder and you can play it in the player of your choice. Of course you have to be online and the program pulled up for people to access anything. Ok to listen to two of my "songs" do a search for EFC.mp3 or Take 2.mp3. These two pieces are part of a project called Emerging From Chaos. I've got my guitars, keyboards, and effects going through a phrase sampler and I just keep playing and improvising. It's all very low-fi but has a certain hypnotic effect. All done in one take and then edited a little bit. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DOWNLOAD COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL USING KAZAA!
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  • 5 weeks later...
The song is "Runaway". OK. I know this tune still needs something. I just don't know what yet? I need all the input I can get! I think it's almost there though. Anyone? http://artists2.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/JD_Atkinson/index-2.html I also posted this at a new site, http://www.SongCritic.com, where I could keep track a little better. Thanks all!
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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN: [b]This is a cover of the Monkees song "Pleasant Valley Sunday" that my band is working on.*[Pink Floyd tribute that is adding a 60's tribute on for good measure]*. Comments on the mix would be appreciated as this is the first song that I've[b] {semi}[/b]completed in a DAW environment. :wave: [url=http://floydtribute.hpwebhost.com/nss-folder/folder/PVS.mp3]PLEASANT VALLEY SUNDAY[/url] :wave: [/b][/quote]I like how you rock it out more, especially during the guitar riff. The instruments sound good in general. I actually like the drum levels - the thing is the kick sounds too sampled. Is the whole drum track sampled/looped? The lead singing is good on a lot but is out of tune too many times for my taste - especially during notes that are hold out.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]Ok, time for TheWewus live. Here's the catch, you have to use KaZaa, but in a completely legal way. This is a quick, easy way for anyone to share their music if they don't have a website or belong to MP3.com or something like that. Go to Download.com and get KaZaa. Just do a search for KaZaa and it takes you there. Also get KaZaa Enhance if you want, it will remove the spyware and most of the ads from KaZaa. After installing both of these programs you will have two icons on your desktop, KaZaa media desktop and My Shared Folder. Configure the program as you like by hitting tools-options. Place any MP3s,Wav, or other files of your music you want to share into My Shared Folder. At any given time there will be 1.5 to 2 million people on this network that can access your music if they know what to search for. Just give the name of the song and we can enter that into the search box and it should come up in the field to the right for anyone searching. Right click and hit download, switch to Traffic mode at the top and you can see the progress of the download. On completion of the download the file will appear in My Shared Folder and you can play it in the player of your choice. Of course you have to be online and the program pulled up for people to access anything. Ok to listen to two of my "songs" do a search for EFC.mp3 or Take 2.mp3. These two pieces are part of a project called Emerging From Chaos. I've got my guitars, keyboards, and effects going through a phrase sampler and I just keep playing and improvising. It's all very low-fi but has a certain hypnotic effect. All done in one take and then edited a little bit. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DOWNLOAD COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL USING KAZAA![/b][/quote]Thats way too hard man. And i don't want to install that shit on my sytem. I'd like hear some of your music. Here is some cheap [url=http://www.your-site.com/]space[/url]
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Thanks HallJams: I went ahead and uploaded those tracks to MP3.com but they're not approved yet, just do a search for Emerging From Chaos in a few days. I do think some kind of P2P network would be very useful to musicians though. I guess people are kind of scared of KaZaa because of the spyware and file trading issues. There is a little utility on download.com that disables the spyware.
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