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[quote]Originally posted by macle96@yahoo.com: [b]Hi, would love some feedback on a new song. Actually, I'm not sure if I like it :( , or, I don't know, this is the third version I've done of this song!![/b][/quote] Macle, your stuff is always well done, and this song is no exception. Very impressive.
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Originally posted by popmusic: [b] Hi Macle -- I checked out the song... I liked it -- it's a bit more commercial/"radio friendly" than some of your other stuff, so maybe that's why you feel like it doesn't fit in. [/b] Hi popmusic. Thanks! I think you're right, I think I'm paranoid that this one maybe seems "too" commercial. Like a teen song, or something from Dawson's Creek or something. :eek: [b]My only minor quibble is with the "let it go" part -- Although it certainly works with her voice sounding as gravel-y as it does it in that section, the vocal seems a bit more aggressive than the music behind it. [/b] This part was actually different at first. I had heavy guitars going, but I felt it was contributing to the cheesiness, sort of seeming like some kind of pseudo cheesy heavy metal. But I thought it would be a shame to lose the vocal there, cuz I really like that kind of throaty/edgy singing, and she did it really well. (Her vocal chords don't like it much!) But I love it in Beatle tunes like, ummmm, Golden Slumbers, it's very soft, but when he gets to the chorus, he really is wailing, or This Boy, the Lennon bridge is just the best thing ever! (Not that this song is like those, though!) Actually, on this new bridge, I was going for an Oasis' Wonderwall vibe! [b]All in all you did another great production job! :) [/b] Thank you very much! [b]BTW, I dug the pictures of your studio. Mine is nearly as crowded, especially since I got the rest of my drum kit last week. What Yamaha kit are you using? [/b] I've got a Yamaha Stage Custom with a Slingerland maple snare. The Stage Custom is the cheapest of the Yamaha line, but supposed to be decent as far as cheap drums go. The Slingerland snare I got from an online place, and I asked about it here, in fact, on the Drum Forum, and DJ, turns out, used to be high up at Slingerland (prez or vice prez, I forget now), and said it was a pretty darn good snare, and it was only $150! What kind of drums did you get? [b]Also, what's behind the yellow curtain?[/b] The great and powerful Oz! Really, a crazy overgrown garden, bushes and weeds and trees. That yellow curtain is funny, my girlfriend got that at a thrift store, to help in our pathetic attempt to "treat" the room (those things on the wall are mattress filler stuff, not that audiofile stuff!) The curtain reminds me of that Seinfeld where Kramer has a talkshow set in his apartment. Thanks again, for checking out the tune, I really appreciate it! Macle http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs PS-Maybe you've seen it, but Mojo magazine has a cover story on Brian Wilson and the making of the Smile album. You probably know all there is to know already, but thought you might want to check it out anyway. There is also a Marvin Gaye story, and Beatles, too. It's an issue on albums that were made, but never released. [ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: macle96@yahoo.com ] [ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: macle96@yahoo.com ]
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[b]Macle, I agree with popmusic, the production on your new song is awesome! As for the song itself, I really like the chorus, think it's really catchy, but the verses maybe seem to meander a bit, is that what you don't like? Hmm... I dunno, I'll have to listen again and give it some thought, I think the song is too good to just ditch but maybe we can help give you some ideas that would make you happier with it? --Lee[/b] Hi Lee, thank you! I'm not sure, really, that it's any one thing, I think it's the overall vibe, though my first thought is the lyrics. Most of these songs we're doing have a bit of "tongue in cheek" to them, and this one does too, really, but I'm not sure it's coming through. The funny thing is, under the surface of this song, the influence is sort of Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones (not anywhere in that league, of course!) I think, because the first version of this song was cheesy, that I can't get that thought out of my head or something, so I'm thinking, oh people are gonna think this is that commercial teenpop stuff! :o :eek: :mad: (Not that there's anything wrong with that :rolleyes: ) But, if you think it's alright, that's a great compliment, cuz I know you have high standards! :D [b]Hey Macle, i think that song is very well done. As usual, great job on the production and writing. I don't think you should worry about it fitting with the rest of your tunes, you have a pretty distinct style, it's good to stretch it in different directions, it's pretty obvious who it is (to me anyway)(and i mean that as a compliment too). I'm still not convinced that isn't you singing the lead! Thanks for sharing Macle,I'll be first in line to buy your CD. JH[/b] Thanks halljams! I really appreciate you're checking it out. That's so funny that you think it could be me! I wish I could sing that high. I really appreciate your comment about distinct style, especially considering there's two different singers, cuz sometimes we think people wouldn't realize at all that it's the same project. We were thinking at first that it wouldn't work at all, and we should make two separate CDs. Thanks again!! [b]I personally think the vocal is Spot On! Overall really nice production. Wish I could do as well.[/b] Thank you, daklander! Greatly appreciated. [b]Macle strikes again! Very well put together, my friend. Doesn't have the 'hook' that grabbed me like "The Buzz Is Over". I've had that one stuck in my head since I first heard it. Thanks for nuthin'! Steve[/b] Hi Steve, thanks!! Sorry about that Buzz in yer head, I've got a ringing in mine from listening to this stuff, over and over, way too loud. :) [b]Macle, your stuff is always well done, and this song is no exception. Very impressive.[/b] Hi Gary. Thanks a lot!! Macle http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: macle96@yahoo.com ]
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Macle, I just listened to your mp3's and I'm very impressed. The album John never made. Your wit and style are as evident as are your quality performances and engineering. I also think you nailed the vocal production on all your songs. The harmonies are excellent... first class stuff. It's not only that there's nothing wrong with your songs... IT'S ALL GOOD! My only concern is that many of the songs are SO indicating the John influence, that you won't be taken for YOU. Just a "one-off". Kinda like Julian sometimes is... It's all VERY CLEVER though, something to be proud of... A few specific song comments... - Hardcore is the least "like" the others. I liked it. It was the first song of yours I listened to and I got a Alanis vibe from the vocals and lyrics. But it doesn't quite match the wry wit or twists of the other songs. It's got a more straight ahead message... I think it's the best female vocal of the group. I agree with Lee and others that said that the chorus is strong. It's part of your style to have that sweet voice ooozing the words... Hardcore... It WILL appeal to the Dawson's Creek set... I also really like how THICK you make your songs sound. Very 3D with so much going on at the fullest parts. REALLY good strings too... :D gushhhhh... I agree with your concern that it won't "fit" with the other songs... but only if you think the "vision" evident in the other songs should be behind every song... - The Buzz is Over. From the first piano sounds on Buzz, I immediately got a John vibe. I really liked the way you pushed your vocals... again, great harmonies, strings, bass part... it's really all there. You could tell me that this was an "unreleased track" from 68 era and I would be nodding my head. The bass and piano thing at the end is pure 60's high style arranging. Very cool. Another one that the Dawson's Creek crowd could like... I can imagine the video on this one... :D - Joke could be the flip side of the 45 of The Buzz is Over. Again, exceptionally done, love the vocals, great lyrically... are you sure you didn't find a Lennon notebook somewhere? Is it rude to ask if that's your natural accent? - Fingerprints is one of my favorites. I love the idea of the bad guy singing about the horror so sweetly... "better think up something quick"... I love it. Again awesome production values... How much time do you invest in each song? Anyway, I hope you're complemented and not antagonized by my yearning for "true" Macle material. You've absorbed and synthesized this stuff so well... you're obviously a huge fan... but I wonder what else is in you? One other thought, where's all the guitar solo's... How 'bout the Beatles meet Hendrix? What songs would THEY have made? Call me if you need a... guitplayer

I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Hey Macle, what is your vocal chain?. Are there tube pre's and an 1176 or something in there, how are you getting that growl. I really like it. i just got some vintage tube pres from the 50's and am going to start experimenting with vocal sounds, they can get pretty dirty. Just looking for cool ideas.(i know you're are also nailing it with your voice BTW) Thanks
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b] Nice job - espcially consider it was all done in an Imac using the imac audio input etc... I'm sure you guys had loads of fun doing this. So did you write the music after the editing of the movie was done or was it the other way around or a little of both. We always wanted to write music for film - and maybe that's a good start.. :D if I may be blunt though... sometimes the difference between music segmebts was to rough for me. But that just a tase thingy - good job !! Danny[/b][/quote] Hi Danny, Glad that you liked the movie. Whole thing was done not an iMac but on an iBook and since iBook has no sound input I used a simple sound input unit iMic (USB). I wrote the music for the segments and editing of the music and film were done at the same time. Oh yeah, the transitions between segments are rough but Cem (the director) wanted that way and I said OK. I personally would have chosen to make'em smoother but I am really happy with the result now. Cheers!

Ufuk Onen


Ankara, Turkey

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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b] [url=http://play.mp3.com/cgi-bin/play/play.cgi/AAIBQv2jIQDABG5vcm1QLAAAAFJpxQMAUQEAAABDL7ZuPKX5ExiD95V5DXBWti6.yZs-/Immortal.m3u]Immortal[/url] Is a love song I've written to my wife - recorded with quartet of strings and a live Harp...Danny[/b][/quote] Beautiful!

Ufuk Onen


Ankara, Turkey

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Macle, I just listened to a bunch of your stuff, and it's uniformly excellent. I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere before on the long road of this thread, but could you describe some of your sound sources? I'm especially interested in the string samples (assuming they're samples!)and drum sounds on Despair. Are you a Giga user? What's your main vocal mic? That's enough for now. Anyway, the main point here is that you're a really formidable writer/player/producer from what I can hear. Despair is very evocative (not derivative) of the Aimmee Mann/Jon Brion scene, but IMO the music world could stand more of that kind of creativity. Great stuff. John
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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[b]popmusic said: I'm thinking that all of the other stuff you've done would fit perfectly as an album sold over at Not Lame. (Speaking of which, it's a great site for finding Beatles/Big Star/Beach Boys/Badfinger-inspired CDs... I need to spend some more time there...)[/b] How do you find these places?! :) That looks like a cool thing, I'm gonna have to check that out more. [b]...something from a major label that might be played on "alternative" radio....So I guess it's just a matter of which audience you'd like to appeal towards...[/b] Can you be commercial and not lame? :) Ironic that Beatles, Beach Boys, etc., were once as "radio friendly" as could be. I guess, though, that my main concern was can [i]I[/i] live with it. I just wasn't sure how "radio friendly" it seemed. But, I feel much better now that you guys have deemed it okay, even if it's not exactly what you like. Especially since I worked so hard on redoing it, and trying to make it better. It's been really hard (to say the least) to try and do something that incorporates the two of us, do something somewhat creative and not entirely cookie cutter or whatever, while still wanting to be somewhat accesible and modern, and that we both like and can live with! [b]Are you playing the Yamaha kit on your new song? If so, what mics did you use?[/b] Yes, on all the songs, though the Slingerland snare is just on maybe half. On this song, I used the Rode NTK as an overhead, over the shoulder, a D112 in the kick, and an AT4033 in front of the kit a few feet back, and that's it. The drums are in mono, btw. :) [b]Drooooool.... :p [/b] I [i]thought[/i] you might be interested in that. :) Macle http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs
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[b]guitplayer said: I just listened to your mp3's and I'm very impressed. The album John never made. Your wit and style are as evident as are your quality performances and engineering.[/b] Wow, thanks, that is really unbelievably kind and cool!! [b]My only concern is that many of the songs are SO indicating the John influence, that you won't be taken for YOU. [/b] I hear you. I know I tend to overdue The Beatle/John thing a bit, but I really love them!! Hopefully, will move on from that, or grow from that. Or with that. Or something like that! :D [b]The Buzz is Over...."unreleased track" from 68 era...Another one that the Dawson's Creek crowd could like...[/b] I like the fact that you think it's got that vintage vibe, but it still could fly with the current scene, that is exactly what I'm shooting for. I've got nothing against being modern or commercial or (Dawson's Creekish! :) ), so it would be great to sort of bridge that gap, and still do music that I feel good about. Someone else said they thought this stuff was "true to the genre, but fresh", and that made me very happy. [b]are you sure you didn't find a Lennon notebook somewhere? Is it rude to ask if that's your natural accent?[/b] I suppose it's not rude for you to ask, but is it rude for me to not answer! :) [b]Anyway, I hope you're complemented and not antagonized by my yearning for "true" Macle material. [/b] I'm hugely complimented by all the cool things you said, and I appreciate the feedback. [b]One other thought, where's all the guitar solo's...How 'bout the Beatles meet Hendrix? What songs would THEY have made? Call me if you need a...guitplayer[/b] That's funny you noticed no guitar solos, I was just thinking about that, I'm always doing little musical interludes or whatever, instead of solos, but the next one I'm working has a solo!! Not Hendrix though, more like George of course! :) (Actually , more like Paul on Taxman :rolleyes: ) But, if I decide to go with Hendrix, I'll definitely call you! :) Thanks a lot guitplayer, I really, really appreciate it. Macle http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs [ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: macle96@yahoo.com ]
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[b]halljams said: Hey Macle, what is your vocal chain?.[/b] Right now it's a Rode NTK to a Brent Averill API to a Distressor. But many/most of the lead vocals were done on different mics cuz I hadn't really figured out what was best and affordable yet. On Hardcore, for example, the lead was (I think) an AKG Solidtube to a HHB tube comp (classic 30 or something like that) to the API, but the backgrounds are the NTK chain. I also use the Waves Ren Comp a lot. At first, I had a TLM103, which was absolutely horrible for edgy/throaty/growly singing (in my experience, anyway). [b]Magpel John said: Macle, I just listened to a bunch of your stuff, and it's uniformly excellent. [/b] Jeez, thank you! [b]...could you describe some of your sound sources? I'm especially interested in the string samples (assuming they're samples!)and drum sounds on Despair. Are you a Giga user? What's your main vocal mic? [/b] The strings all come from the Gigasampler. They are mainly the Dan Dean strings, mixed with mellotron samples, sometimes mixed with a couple of free soundfonts I found on the web. The drums on Despair are me playing the brushes and looping them (I think I might have slowed them down a little too, I forget now). The vocal mic on Despair was the Rode Classic II, very nice, but too expensive, just rented it. Thanks a lot John, I really appreciate the Jon Brion comment as well!! [b]Lee said: Hey Magpel, I agree, I've been a big Macle fan since he posted his very first MP3. He rocks![/b] Thanks Lee! That first Joke thread was truly cool. Those were the days! :) Macle http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs
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[quote]Originally posted by MusicMan: [b]This is the first song of my own I have recorded in almost a year now. :( I used the Quadraverb 2 that Dan South gave me. Thanks Dan! http://home.attbi.com/~songbirdx/Sofine.mp3 It is called "So Fine The Wind". -john[/b][/quote] Hey John, really nice tune. I like the way it builds, and like I said before, I think you've got a real nice voice. I don't mind the doubletracking, btw, I like that sort of sound, too. A few things I thought, though: the music seems real mono, except at the end, the backgrounds come in in stereo, and maybe too loud, and that kind of threw me. Also, I thought the guitars could come up in relation to the drums and bass. Just some thoughts. Good job! :) Macle
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[quote]Originally posted by macle96@yahoo.com: [b] Hey John, really nice tune. I like the way it builds, and like I said before, I think you've got a real nice voice. I don't mind the doubletracking, btw, I like that sort of sound, too. A few things I thought, though: the music seems real mono, except at the end, the backgrounds come in in stereo, and maybe too loud, and that kind of threw me. Also, I thought the guitars could come up in relation to the drums and bass. Just some thoughts. Good job! :) Macle[/b][/quote] Macle, Thanks very much. You are absolutely right about your suggestions IMO. I always would have a very severe stereo spread in some of my earlier stuff so the drum OHs didn't get the full left/right treatment, and the guitars only mildly panned, etc... I need to find a happy middle ground. :) I am planning on using these new batch of songs as demos, and taking them in the studio sometime this year. This one was the first one I recorded. It was tracked and mixed hastily in about 5-6 hours. (I was jonesin' to record :) This kind of feedback is very helpful, and I thank you. [url=http://home.attbi.com/~songbirdx/Sofine.mp3][b]New Tune To Check Out[/b][/url] -john
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Well, This is what I did today...I thought I'd share it with you... It's one of my fusion compositions from a while back (1995), where I sequenced all the instruments... Today, I laid these fairly complex and challenging guitar parts and a solo... It's a dark, brooding harmonic environment, that goes to an all out, burning, straight-ahead double time feel for the guitar solo... Anyway, I've uploaded to webriffs.com for now, until I can get it up on my site, so that I could share it with you guys... Enjoy...and let me know what you think... It's an mp3 download: (--don't let the download time scare you, it starts out pretty high and drops pretty rapidly, but it may still take 10-20 minutes on a dail-up...sorry--) [url=http://webriffs.net/webriff-audio/JonesScott/Remember.mp3]Remember[/url] Peace, Scott
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b] [url=http://play.mp3.com/cgi-bin/play/play.cgi/AAIBQv2jIQDABG5vcm1QLAAAAFJpxQMAUQEAAABDL7ZuPKX5ExiD95V5DXBWti6.yZs-/Immortal.m3u]Immortal[/url] Is a love song I've written to my wife - recorded with quartet of strings and a live Harp... Danny[/b][/quote]cool tune Danny. this may sound weird, but i think it sounds like something for Sting...
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Well, i may as well give this thing a try, so: [url=http://www.mp3.com/the_gin_devils]My music[/url] the only thing is we recorded 9 tracks within 13 hours so excuse some of the mistakes, especially with timing. thanks -starfucker
Visit my band : www.neonfleacircus.net or www.myspace.com/neonfleacircus
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Hey Star... I can hear some of the timing being off like you mentioned but overall you have some nice things going. The organ in the mix kinda brought me back to the Animals a bit. Keep it up. Some touches here & there & you'll have it.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Hello All, I have a new track I would love for you all to take a listen to. It's called "Get the Groove on" and it's located here: [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/153/rich_green.html]MP3 Page...please scroll to bottom for song![/url] It is a tribute to Chic, so I tried to make it as funky as possible. I composed it in Reason, and then recorded and mixed it using Pro Tools. Tell me what you think! Cheers
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MusicMan: Ive just listened to a couple of your songs..i like the ones from 'cartoon johnny' especially 'Sail Away'-nice tune and well mixed. Someones Watching is nice aswell but i really dislike the guitar tone in the solo ~2:20mins. I'm not all mad about Clay Men but thats just i don't like the type of music, though the music reminds me of Rage against the Machine and the Singing more like Nirvana. 'All fall down' seems very farmiliar, but i have a feeling i might have just listened to your stuff before-i cant remember! alltogether though it all sound very profesional -starfucker
Visit my band : www.neonfleacircus.net or www.myspace.com/neonfleacircus
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please let me know if my band sucks or not [url=http://www.gravitysheeppeople.com]www.gravitysheeppeople.com[/url] or at least let me know if somebody read this message
Rock-n-roll junkie
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[quote]Originally posted by kamurah: [b]Hello All, I have a new track I would love for you all to take a listen to. It's called "Get the Groove on" and it's located here: [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/153/rich_green.html]MP3 Page...please scroll to bottom for song![/url] It is a tribute to Chic, so I tried to make it as funky as possible. I composed it in Reason, and then recorded and mixed it using Pro Tools. Tell me what you think! Cheers[/b][/quote]Pretty nice stuff. Get Your Groove On - Kinda Chic-ish. Definitely funky. Maybe needs a little rhythm guitar ala Nile Rodgers. That bass line is in the vein of the late Bernard Edwards. Good job Enchanted - Good Trance/electronica/House tune. I like that driving beat. Like that reverse High Hat sound sample. It fits the song very well. Nubiat - Nice snare sound. Phat analog-like keyboard sounds. The lead keyboard sounds are very cool. Like the Asian/Middle Eastern flavor. I Want You Baby - Good Trance/electronica/House tune also. You captured the genre very well. Did you mute the claps? Or process them is some kind of way. Or maybe it was just my Lo Fi connection. They sounded really crisp. Halfnight - Good Trance/electronica/House tune. That is one heck of a phat bass sound. What did you do to get it to sound so thick? What is the bpm on the drums at the chorus about 500? Fortier - Nice arppegiated sounds. That Sub Bass Drum is very thick on the intro when it comes it. Nice string/orchestral hit sounds. What sound is that on the break it is a very interesting layered sound. These are the ones I could get to play off of the website. Good work. Keep it up. RobT How did you like working in Reason? Is it pretty descent software? Any live/real/physical keyboards used?



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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[quote]Originally posted by rocksynthman: [b]please let me know if my band sucks or not [url=http://www.gravitysheeppeople.com]www.gravitysheeppeople.com[/url] or at least let me know if somebody read this message[/b][/quote]Good drummer. GTRs sound dated. The playing is there, the material isn't IMHO. And could you please add some more offensive imagery to your site? :D Frank
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[quote]Originally posted by kamurah: [b]Hello All, I have a new track I would love for you all to take a listen to. It's called "Get the Groove on" and it's located here: [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/153/rich_green.html]MP3 Page...please scroll to bottom for song![/url] It is a tribute to Chic, so I tried to make it as funky as possible. I composed it in Reason, and then recorded and mixed it using Pro Tools. Tell me what you think! Cheers[/b][/quote]I found "Get the Groove On" a little too repetitive and abandond it early on. BUT... I've listened to the electronica stuff all morning while I've been catching up on paperwork and I've gotta tell you the stuff is great! If I were you, I'd submit it to APM, or Killer Tracks or any other library house. "Fortier" was my favorite. How much of that is just Reason? I saw from your INFO page that you have quite a few synths/modules, so I'm curious how much is from inside the computer and how much is outside it. Great sounds and production. Frank
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This is the first project I've done from start to finish on this new computer. Me And These Memories http://www.mdvl.net/~wfturner/MeAndTheseMemories.html

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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[quote]Originally posted by WFTurner: [b]Me And These Memories http://www.mdvl.net/~wfturner/MeAndTheseMemories.html [/b][/quote]Wouldn't mind hearing it without the midi which, to my mind, sucks. It always sounds like the cheap imitation it is. Re do the song with real instruments & you might just have something. Though it sounds pretty much like a lot of Texas Honk it's got a decent hook.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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daklander thanks for the listen. I appreciate it. I realize purists have trouble liking the use of midi in some forms of music, especially country. In reality the term midi can cover a broad area of subject matter but in my case midi and its use is that simple spec that somehow miracously lets me hit a note on my keyboard that somehow triggers samples on my computer. As much as it may seem to cheapen the music, except for the sequenced click track with lots of timing flucuation as a starting point I have manage to develop myself to where I play it all. Hehe it's probably my keyboard skills that cheapens it. I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks, and still trying to master the old guitar trick. ;) . Thanks again.

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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[quote]Originally posted by WFTurner: [b] Hehe it's probably my keyboard skills that cheapens it. I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks, and still trying to master the old guitar trick. ;) . Thanks again.[/b][/quote]Nah, It's my dislike of the midi thing. I have to admit that with the right situation it seems like drums & some other percussion is ok & sometimes piano & organ but most of the other stuff grates on my nerves for some reason. I have a friend who uses band in a box & loves it, but to me...OOH! Nasty. Certainly don't take my personal quirks as gospel for everyone. Keep it up.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by daklander: [b]I have a friend who uses band in a box & loves it, but to me...OOH! Nasty. [/b][/quote]Band in a Box is a good tool for practicing and songwriting, but keep in mind that it's autoaccompaniment software, i.e. the computer decides what notes to play. This is far different than a musician automating his or her own ideas with a sequencer. William - I'm looking forward to checking out your tune this weekend.

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