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typical decibel levels for a bar band

Ross Brown

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Is there a general range of loudness that is acceptable for bar bands? Is this something that varies with venue? I borrowed a meter from work and we hit between 90-100 decibels at rehearsal. The meter also measures peak values and they did not really go past 100 either. I am going to take some more readings tonight at different locations in the room. I suspect that there is no one size fits all answer, but can anyone share some experiences that could serve as a guide? Thanks.


"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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It depends on the venue, is it dancing or conversation that punters are after. As the night passes we tend to up the volume slightly to get the folk into it.


I have never used anything to measure our volume. I have learnt that it takes a certain level of voulume for people to enjoy the music yet at the start of the night they don't want to be shouting to order a drink. Most bar staff will tell if your past their comfort zone.

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punter == patron of the establishment


It can also mean other things but in this case I'm guessing that is what our friend from Ireland meant.


Average db level of a bar band varies drastically based on a number of factors. If forced to throw a number out I'd say 110db.

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I know it will matter where in the room it is measured. If someone sits in front of the speakers they should expect it to be loud. Just wanted an idea of the range that people have experience with.
"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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My last gig was at a big venue with a really nice sound system and the room was packed (~1500 people). They like to mix loud there. I would bet we were in the neighborhood of 125db anywhere near the mains.


I've also played a room on multiple occasions where they want us to be 90db at the very most - and they actually check all night.

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I would bet we were in the neighborhood of 125db anywhere near the mains.


I thought the threshold of pain was about 110-115, wouldn't 125 cause severe hearing damage? I SAID WOULDN'T IT CAUSE SEVERE HEARING DAMAGE? :P


ROCKY :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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No worries about the colloquialism, brah, just wanted to know.


The proper db level has not been achieved until all the rats leave the building, angrily flipping you the bird on their way out...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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