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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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Ok. It's offical. I'm really . My son and a friend of his was out at a club over the weekend watching a band that a couple of old friends of mine are in. He's at the table talking to some people sitting at the "friends of the band" table. Seems that they are looking for a classic rock bassist and that they are in extremis. My son says "Hey! My old man's a bassist and he's pretty good and has been playing classic rock for years!" The guy hands him the band's card and tells him to have me give that number a call. He calls me all excited and I tell him bring the card home, I'll check it against the "Do Not Call ... EVER!" list.


Story goes that they have been through a couple of bassists in the last couple of months. Won't say why they aren't working out. He slips me the card the next morning ... it was a band I auditioned for in mid May - Building Material. They told me (nicely) that I wouldn't work because they needed someone who knew the set list right now and I only had about a third of it (yeah, ZZ Top is REALLY hard to play).


So, should I call? Should I pretend I've never heard of them? Shall I tell them that since my son obligated me to call that I called out of consideration and that I was already auditioned once and that I didn't work out? Shall I point out that if they kept me in May, I'd be the bassist tearing it up now in August? Or should I put the business card way, in the pile of cards on my desks that represents all my false hopes, broken dreams and my motivation for retribution?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Why not call? You may be the perfect fit for them now that they're in need. But, the whole "knowing the set list" thing sounds like a load to me. There must have been some other reason bub.


Or, if you're willing to risk the Karma, call and then say "Wait a minute. Didn't I try out for you guys? Oh, yeah I remember. You're the A-holes who snubbed me. You guys suck!" and hang up.


Personally I would pass.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Be interesting to see precisely how desperate.


But, the whole "knowing the set list" thing sounds like a load to me. There must have been some other reason bub.


You mean like I suck? I'm a hack? No talent? Too old, slow and fat? Like I should end it all and send you the Millenium V?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Be interesting to see precisely how desperate.


But, the whole "knowing the set list" thing sounds like a load to me. There must have been some other reason bub.

You mean like I suck? I'm a hack? No talent? Too old, slow and fat? Like I should end it all and send you the Millenium V?


I mean like they maybe had someone else on the line they thought was better for whatever reason so, they lied to you - nicely but they still lied and Karma got 'em for it. Now they have no one. Wait a few weeks and ask around. If they are still looking talk to them maybe?


Too late. I've willed it to Moot.

Ahahahahahahaha! Suck it!


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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And even if you get the gig now, would you want to be in a band where you were second choice? I wouldn't.


Stuff 'em




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Stuff 'em


Or use it as a way to get others to see and hear The Mighty Powerful in action in order to get a better gig. Then stuff'em. The next gig doesn't ever find you in your living room. Go kiss some frogs.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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And even if you get the gig now, would you want to be in a band where you were second choice? I wouldn't.


Stuff 'em

As long as I got paid I wouldn't give a crap what choice I was.


...and I don't think they could afford me after that kind of treatment. Tell me the truth or STFU... I don't ask for (nor give) anything more than that. PC behaviour is all well and good, but deception (if that is the case) profits no one. In this case, the band is out a fine bass player and the bass player is conflicted.


Go with your gut instincts, Flank.


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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My gut sez ...


Go ye out to Ted Brown's and buy ye three sets (two chrome and one black) of Hennessey's strap locks. I've had a couple of close calls in the last couple of weeks and the leather straps (which I'm loath to get rid of) are starting to get warbed out holes.


This allows me to:

1) Modify a couple of basses without the danger of completely screwing them up (i.e., bridge replacement).

2) Play with the power screwdriver.

3) Allows me to rack up another $65 bucks on the credit card, thus helping stimulate the economy.


I was recently transferred to a different project. Since the "family photo" is my desktop on the computer, a couple of guys ramping up a garage project (including our industrial hygenist/local guitar teacher) have done the reach out and touch. I used to work with one of his students (also involved). I think I would fair better in an environment were everyone comes up together as a band rather that being "the guy that replaces the last guy".


No, I'm NOT a warbed out hole!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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So, there I am, at rehearsal working on songs for Wretched Men's second effort and bzzt! My rig gives out. I had a good input signal at the VU meter on the Ashy but no sound. I pooped a little!

After madly swapping cables and eliminating my pedal and my BBE I isolated the Ashy. My thought was I blew something in the output section - if not the power amp section altogether but, after testing both cabs the 8 cf with the 15 year old Carvin isn't working.

Since I have a gig Saturday I told the fellas "I gotta get home and order a new head". So, I get home, open her up and sure enough the fuse on the output jack board is toast.

I deduce that the Carvin baked the voice coil and that made the fuse go - if I'm lucky.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I grabbed a used EV 15BX to replace the ancient now defunct Carvin driver. $80 to my door. Love me some ebay!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Good news moot. My last few ebay encounters were discouraging.

This guy has 100% positive and guarentees he will refund it.

I have been bit before too but have a good feeling about this one.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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