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Now I've done it!


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After much deliberation I've only gone and put a deposit on a new Sadowsky Metro! :cool:


I have tried no end of J basses lately without finding a single one that impressed me as much as a RV4 Metro that I tried a while back and didn't buy. (Well it was white and I don't really like white basses somehow!) :rolleyes:


I've gone against my try-before-buying policy but I really have only heard good things about Sadowsky.

Tell me I did the right thing...!

It was the exchange rate that made me do it!




ps. so much for my signature! :grin:

'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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Thanks guys. Quite excited by the prospect actually!
'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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  • 3 months later...

My Metro arrived last week! :D

Still feels a bit new but at rehearsal on Monday night it sounded absolutely brilliant to me. Very happy with the sounds I got. Loads of bass available when required and by just favouring the bridge pickup a fraction I had exactly the sound I've been after.

This could be the best bass I've owned.

I'll try and post a photo over the next few days for those that like that kind of thing! :thu:

Gigging Friday night and can't wait!

'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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Those Sadowsky's kick ass. I finally got to play LizzyD's last week and it is quite heavenly. The neck is very similar to my Lull and the action is super low/fast. :thu:


Nicely done on the new bass.

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Hey Barks,

I will have to come and see it in action the next time I'm in Derby! (Pity about the football)


No problem Phil. Let me know when you're up this way. As for the football, keep everything crossed for the play-offs!!



'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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Barks - more info! How does the neck feel? How is the construction (I'd expect it to be first-rate!)?


Glad you like the sound!





The neck feels really nice. Silky smooth satin finish rather than glossy. Quite a light colour wood which will no doubt get a little darker with use. It's almost too pristine at the moment. Jazz dimension neck feels just right to me and not too thin and weedy. Feels comfortable already. The edge dot markers may be a bit small to see on a dark stage perhaps.

Overall the build is great.

The wiring in the cavity is very neat and tidy.

The finish is a really nice'59 burst (pics soon I promise!) and all the hardware appears very good quality too. The controls all have a quality feel to them and turn nicely.

All certainly seems as it should so far!




'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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Ooh nice!!! Yeah, good luck to Derby in the playoffs now that Coventry are well out of the running! For the last few years we've always been your bogey team but not this season.
Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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First gig last friday with the Sadowsky. It was fantastic! Loving it!
'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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