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Identify this Guitar! (issue 1049)


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Weird Guitar


I stumbled upon this one. I've looked up Crest, and Crest models on Harmony Central reviews and neither leads anywhere. I have an "Electric Guitar Encyclopedia" and it seems that it may be a Silvertone or some weirder models, but this exact guitar didn't turn up in the search.


What is it?

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Japanese, definitely, probably from the same factory that made Teiscos, Normas, and some Silvertones is the mid to late 60's. I' ve seen guitars like it before. It's not a Silvertone, but made by the same folks. It's crap, but fun crap, and there is probably some blues maven or alterna-punk out there who would kill to get his hands on it for "that tone".

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Well, Silvertones are not Silvertones, Starcaster. ;)


Silvertone was Sears & Roebuck's branding of musical instruments and amplifiers. The instruments were made by a variety of contracted companies, including but not limited to Danelectro, Kay, and others.


The Silvertone Crest you mentioned, Starcaster, is a 1940's lap steel. It's possible they reused the name for this guitar, but.. I doubt it.


I'm with Picker. It looks to have been made by the factory that built Teiscos, etc.

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There's a name from the past. I didn't know there were Stella branded electrics, but the first guitar I ever had in my hands was my brother's cheap ass Harmony Stella, which I think was commonly sold through Sears, for about $60. Stella used to be a legit well known respected maker, probably most visible as the 12 string played by Leadbelly. But by the 60's Harmony had bought the name. The one my brother & I played was really crap, but it got us playing.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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