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Mode Question

A String

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A Dorian scale with D as the root note already has an F natural as the 3rd degree of the scale. The notes in D Dorian are:


D E F G A B C D.


What are *all* of the notes of the scale you are playing? That'll be easier to name.






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I think I understand your question now.



The notes in a D minor scale, (natural minor, or Aeolian mode) are:


D E F G A Bb C D


If the notes in your scale are:


D E F G A B C# D


Then the difference between the two is you have raised the 6th and 7th scale degrees by 1/2 tone.


That's a melodic minor scale. For a "correct" melodic minor scale, the 6th and 7th scale degrees are raised by 1/2 tone when ascending, and returned to "normal" when descending.


So, a D melodic minor scale, up and down, would be:


D E F G A B C# D C Bb A G F E D






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A String, you must be tired, because I know you know this stuff.

When you are playing in a mode (Dorian or other), you are still in the original key. Say for example, you are playing a C Maj scale in the dorian mode, you are still playing the C Maj scale just starting and stoping on the D note instead of the C. So, playing a flatted third in the dorian mode would actually be flatting the fourth in the key of C (in my example).

If you change the root to D, and play the DMaj scale, you are no longer playing in the Key of C and now your f's and c's are sharp unless you intend on flating the third to create a Dm.

So you see, the dorian mode of CMaj is actually a minor, which is why the Dm chord is part of the CMaj chord progression.



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Hmmm... I seem to have had a musical melt down in my brain. I haven't dipped into the knowledge pool in a while.


I was trying to figure out what scale someone was playing in a song on TV. I grabbed the notes, but when I tried to figure out what scale it was, my mind drew a blank.


I got the notes D E F G A B C D played over a "D Major". I think I will go back to bed now. Sorry guys.

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Originally posted by A String:

I got the notes D E F G A B C D played over a "D Major". I think I will go back to bed now. Sorry guys.

If this is the case, then it's most likely that it's just a D major Scale, with some chromatic notes thrown in for colour.


In some forms these are known as "BeBop Scales".






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That's a D Dorian scale and yes it can be played over a D major chord. Our ears are very used to this from the Blues, just as it works fine to mix minor and major pentatonics over a major or major 7th chord. The tension this creates is nice but it is advisable to bend the F to F# now and then to give a release to the listener.
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