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Everything posted by fantasticsound

  1. Unfortunately I was in no position to take the entire unit. It was out in the rain waiting for the garbage man when I discovered it and there was EXTENSIVE damage to the electronics from the looks of it. By the time I came back with tools to extract the amp it had, alas, been removed to the dump. Thanks for the info.
  2. I happened upon an old home entertainment center.... One even older than my memory, although we had something similar. This one was a TV, record player and radio in a cabinet on 6"-8" legs. (Unlike those of the 1970's where the entire cabinet reached the ground.) Anywho... the back was open and I noticed tubes... a bunch of them. Pulled some from the TV and others from the radio, including single 5Y3 and 12AX7-GT tubes from the radio. Some of the tubes (in particular, the largest TV tube) are obviously blown. Others look near pristine. Any chance they're worth anything to anyone. (Frankly, I don't own a tube amp so I can't even begin to entertain using them myself. 8^o ) Just thought I'd ask... I considered taking them to a shop to be tested but thought to ask your opinion before wasting time with them. (I have a list of mnfrs and models if you want to know the others. There are about 15 tubes in all, from Zenith, RCA, Raytheon, G.E. & Silvertone. (Which, in fact, was the brand name on the unit. Yes, I'm aware that was simply the Sears store-brand product name.) Thanks in advance for any info you can provide...
  3. Thanks again! I'll check out Dave and his book.
  4. Thanks, Bill and Myles! Myles, I kinda wanted to make this a DIY project as the amp can't be worth more than $50 - $100 in excellent condition. This one isn't disgusting but it isn't worth putting much money into. That said, I'll call Todd and find out how ridiculous just checking it out will be. I've been meaning to learn more about electronics.... Looks like I might just finally dive in the deep end.
  5. Thanks, Bill. You literally heat the joint to melting then let it cool or is there more to it than that?
  6. Hey Myles, I know you're the tube guru but I have a SS question. I own the first amp I ever used, my brother's old Peavey Pacer bought in 1978. I know... It was and is a real dog of an amp. Pity aside, I'd like to get it working properly either for occasional use or to sell and there is a specific problem I hoped you might identify before I go changing every cap and resistor in an amp unworthy of the time and expense. Specifically, the amp sounds like it is somehow synthesizing audio an octave below the guitar causing some nasty square wave type distortion. I've played with every adjustment with no change in the quality of this noise. Before I put it up in storage several years ago the amp would run fine for a few minutes before generating these noises. I'm sure the speaker, whatever its own issues, is not the source of this problem as I've run the amp into another speaker cab with identical results. Any thoughts on or other sources of repair info on this issue you might recommend? Thanks, in advance, for any assistance you might provide.
  7. Dang! You beat me to it, Rhino! I was going to say "Apparently life's too short to learn correct spelling or grammar." No tats here and no desire for one. There are long standing traditions and explicit prohibitions in Judaism against tattoos. The prohibitions say it is defiling the body God gave you. In modern times most Jews would never get a tattoo because of the practice by the Nazis of tattooing each prisoner with an identification number, in a way permanently stripping them of their identity. Some of the art is amazing though. I went to Guantanamao Bay, Cuba with a chick singer and her band. She fired half the band a month away from the trip and the guy supplying our PA knew the bass player from a 1990's hard rock band, Firehouse. So Perry came to Gitmo with us to play bass for a country act. That was a sight! Anyway, the point is every one of the guys in Firehouse have matching gorgeous tats on their right shoulder and arm. Damn! I can't find a good shot online of his tattoo. I'll have to find the pictures from the trip and scan something...
  8. Thanks for the reply. FWIW, the owner of the Classic 30 ordered a new tube which appears to have solved his pop. I guess all I can do to avoid beating up my eardrums (as an engineer I particularly avoid such noise) is to keep strumming the guitar until it's off. That seems to dissipate the stored energy without the loud pop. Thanks for clearing that up.
  9. Quick question on behalf of another thread. Is the popping sound observed when turning off an amplifier, some radios, etc. an immediate discharge of capacitors in the power amp section and is there a way to alleviate this to protect the speaker(s)? I've had luck, as a way to treat the symptom, strumming my guitar while powering down an amp with this problem, but I'd like to know if there is a modification that would make this unnecessary. My issues have always been with solid state amps, radios and the like, but the other thread was started based on this same problem occuring in a Peavey Classic 30 tube amp. Thanks for any suggestions, Myles.
  10. Tempted, unusual? Not really, IMO. But it is a great song! Fantastic arrangement and Paul Carrack's lead vox! Listen to some other Squeeze tunes (which, BTW, sound absolutely nothing like Tempted), and you'll hear some quirky, eclectic chord choices and arrangements. (Pulling Mussels From A Shell or Up The Junction come to mind...)
  11. Myles - I know you're Mr. Tube Amp, but I have a question about a SS and wonder if you could steer me in the right direction. I have a 25 year old Peavey Pacer, 40w into 1 - 12" speaker. For some time it powers up to a decent clean timbre, but quickly "jumps" into a square wave -sounding distorted tone. Just wondering if you have an idea if this would be a resistor, capacitor, or other type of problem from my description. I know it's not much to go on, but just thought I'd ask before spending money on a professional opinion that might very well be more than the value of the amp. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Domino would be very thankful. He winces every time the amp craps out while he's jammin'.
  12. Just to clarify, Myles... The tube that actually glowed was not installed during travel. It was a replacement one of the guitarists had brought. I take it from your answer that we should NOT expect the tubes in this amp to glow? Under all conditions, or should we expect the tubes to warm up over an hour and a half or two hour set? The stock tubes never glowed. I'm a novice when talking tube amps, but I thought most amp tubes glow after the initial warm up time. Is this correct? Am I missing something in your reply? Thanks.
  13. Hi Myles, My question was missed, as well. I had difficulty getting internet access on the rest of our Middle East tour, so I had few chances to bump the thread. Here it is. Neil\'s tube question regarding a Peavey Delta Blues 2 - 10" combo. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
  14. Repetitive phrase, Ted, just before repeat of, "...he asked me if I needed a ride.." and a real solo section that leads into the line, "Mama always told me not to look into the ___ of the sun... but mama.... that's where the fun is..." The solo timbre sounds very thin. Kinda mellow. Not sure what, beyond the obvious wah pedal what's being used. ------------------ Neil Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.
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