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Everything posted by Nateee

  1. Got my Numa GT 88 delivered today. I’m pretty sure Sam Ash sent me a used or possible refurbished model. It came fully packaged but was pretty dusty and some of the keys have a slight grey discoloration on them. Specifically on the middle octaves. Not a big deal though. I did find I have a similar “clicking” problem that others mentioned. G4 and E5 have this weird clicking noise when pressed. Other keys just thud. Seems like a mechanical issue but not too noticeable when playing with headphones on. Still exploring this thing, but once I dialed in the velocity and keyboard sensitivity to my liking it really is a dream to play this keybed. Coming from a semi weighted Kurzweil Sp5 this keybed feels smooth like butter and responsive. Just want to keep playing and playing on it. Sounds are good too. The acoustic pianos sound good out of the box. The Rhodes and Wurlitzer need some tweaking for me tho but there’s plenty of options to mess with. Overall I think I will end up keeping this thing. There’s those few small quirks like the key clicking and sometimes it’s real easy to hit max velocity when I don’t intend to, but other than that, just the feel of the keybed and then joy of playing this keyboard , outweighs those few complaints I have.
  2. the fact that they released an update like that makes it seem like the problem is pretty widespread. Either way though, thanks both of you for your input. I bit the bullet and placed the order Hoping to get the keyboard in a week or so. Will keep you guys updated. Sam Ash gave me 15% off so it was pretty hard to resist.
  3. Any reason not to get this Numa X GT over the Yamaha CP 88 ? I have been going back and forth between these 2. I absolutely love the action on the 88 GT , but it does seem like some people have problems with inconsistent keys and other issues. Sounds are ok but I will use a VST mostly anyway. The CP 88 is great too. Action is good too but not as nice. the sounds and UI is more appealing to me. Also it’s pretty reliable compared to what people are against about the GT. I considered the Roland FP90 as well. Great action and piano sounds but I prefer to have some more effects. Overall, playing the Numa X GT felt like butter but I did notice some keys in the Guitar Center display model were inconsistent. Some louder than others. My main concern is getting the X GT and then it craps out 6 months from now. Any long term GT users here have any advice ? edit : just to clarify I’m an intermediate-ish hobbyist. Playing at home and through headphones mostly
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