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Everything posted by santellavision

  1. Just a follow-up. Duh, there was a USB Wifi plug in the original box, I didn't see it. So, for the record, new Mojo 61's come with one included.
  2. Can you still get the hidden Easter Egg DX sounds with firmware v1.52? I can't seem to get them to work.
  3. Got the USB Wifi plug. Works like a champ - Thx all!
  4. Question, using the Editor, there are a bunch of patches people have created and you can download. I am not exactly sure what parameters those downloadable patches send to the mojo? I do hear differences in some settings when they install, but they don't send the drawbar settings for the organ engine. Is that right?
  5. Got my Mojo yesterday. Love it. It's everything they said about it and more. Coming from a Hammond XK-1c, this is a nice improvement. One thing that stands out to me is the Leslie on the Mojo. The 1c had the improved Leslie sim, but the Mojo sounds so nice. The growl of the Overdrive on the Leslie is unreal. Sounds amazing. I don't want to go down the road of an external Mini Vent pedal, this is great as is. And, I bought the Half-moon switch, I know there's no screw holes on the bottom on the mojo, but I mounted it with velcro and it's rock-solid. And, I get the no memory save thing, not a big deal, I have one or two basic B3 sounds that I use most of the time. The Rhodes is great as is the Wurlie and Clav. I did download the new Piano and installed it. Question, I couldn't get my iPad to find the Mojo Wifi network? I thought it had build-in Wifi? I did get it to talk to my Mac with a USB cable and that worked fine. I'm going to have to dig around some more on this. Now, I'm jazzed, back to working on my next album!
  6. Thanks Eric for the info. Can't wait to get it. The tones I've heard are amazing.
  7. Hi, brand new to the forum. I just ordered a Mojo 61. Got a few questions about the Mojo 61. I've searched around the Interwebs and YouTube videos, but there really isn't any details on saving patches. I don't quite understand the presents and saving of sounds. I know the Mojo 61 only has 2 user presets. Here's my questions... What can be saved on those 2 presets? Only Organ or can you save one Organ and one as say, E. Piano. I understand you can edit your sounds using an iPad, but can you save sounds you edit using the deep-dive editing on the iPad into one of the on-board hard-buttons Presets A & B? Also, with the other sounds, E. Piano, Wurlie, Clav, when you select them onboard. Do they just come up as basic factory presets or does it remember as the way you last left them with effects you like? Do those changes stick in memory? And lastly, can you save your custom patch settings in the iPad for recall? Thanks in advance.
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