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  1. Thanks, all. I had a chance to try out both models this evening. And, the YouTube videos didn't lie: I much prefer the AP sounds on the MX88. The action was slightly more responsive on the CK (I always use "Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum" from Debussy's Children's Corner to test this), but the MX was more fun and inspiring to play in general, for some reason. So, it looks like the MX88 is the keyboard for me (at least for the time being). BTW, I also tried out the P125, and the AP sound quality was comparable to the MX88. Also, the action was fantastic on the P125, even better than the CK!
  2. Hello, all: I'm looking at both the MX88 and CK88, and I can't decide which to purchase. The CK seems like it has many more options for sound sculpting on the fly, and I love the idea of internal speakers (what a hoot!), but something about the sound of the MX (especially the AP) sounds much more musical and makes me excited to play it. However, this opinion is based only on watching YouTube videos of both models. Any thoughts from anyone here who has played both the MX and the CK? Thank you!
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