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Tommy OnIt

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Everything posted by Tommy OnIt

  1. allan_evett bought it twice as well, IIRC. It seems they got a lot right and a lot wrong, huh? Yes. You nailed it. Someone said it may be a good time to pick up a used RD with this Yamaha coming out. At first I did agree but if CK88 this is the same keyboard action as in the MODX 88, then I withdraw that opinion. I just played 3 MODXs at Guitar Center. 1 new, 2 used. For now I’ll work with my RD LOL. They all felt cheesy. The used ones were 2 different prices. Cheaper one was worse. (OK I didn’t actually “play“ them as there was no volume. One of them was turned off completely. But I didn’t need to play them. They felt terrible.) I’ve lost interest in the CK88. ☹️
  2. Excellent. I’m glad it’s great for you. I’ve never used any computer when performing. Perhaps I should investigate it. I only have an iPad and a cheap laptop so I don’t think those are an option.
  3. You can edit the key range of each of the parts, effectively creating 2 split points. Also the lower can be at the high end of the keyboard and visa versa. They can also overlap. after you set it up I think once you hit the split button it will throw this all out of whack. As I said the programming on a RD88 is tedious. It’s what makes the CK so appealing. only reason i bought it (twice) is because nothing else fit the price/weight/feature balance. CK may do just that. Plus with batteries. Hopefully the speakers are louder than the RD. They are usable only in a quiet area.
  4. I don’t love my RD88. In fact I bought one. Returned it. Then ended up buying another. It’s light and decent. But the programming sucks. The knobs should be continuous rotary encoder. In between I had a used Yamaha CP4 from Guitar Center for 44 days. Loved it. But it was heavy to carry to gigs and practice. And right before the return period ended, it developed a squeaky key. So I returned it and bought another RD. Does the job. MIDI connectivity indeed sucks. No rotary controller for data entry. It’s tedious to program. And the way the EQ is set up globally really is a downer. As far as trading. Nope, I’ll likely keep the RD even if I buy the CK. My biggest concern now, is if I will like the GHS action.
  5. Z Hi Lars. Congrats! Sounds like you got a great price! Where did you buy it from? I’m glad you didn’t order the compact 2x. I had one it was really crappy. Had super cheap sliders and knobs. Cheap crappy action. I expected it to be better because it was studiologic. Really nice organ sounds. And it was only 15 pounds. Super light and easy to carry. No battery operation. But the sliders were unreliable and would often “move” when you didn’t want them to. I ended up trading it in. Currently using a Roland RD88 for gigs. Difficult to program. No midi in. Going through menus with a push button and no rotary control is very difficult. I can go on and on about why I don’t like it. I love that it is not heavy. It’s very easy to transport to gigs. I don’t need a 20 pound case. This new CX88 looks awesome. And reminds me of my Yamaha CP4. Thinking about pre-ordering it myself. Let me know how you make out. Cheers-Tom
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