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  1. I don't think it's true that digital isn't made to sound round and welcoming. It's more about the problems surrounding the digital. For example, you could make the most amazing product, calculate every little detail, every nuance, you could even make it 'better' than its analogue counterpart...you could digitally mimic whatever happens in the real world and more. Problem is, you then need the cpu to run this powerful product, with a low latency too, on computers all around the world etc. And it must be as cheap as possible. It can be tricky balance. In terms of Leslie simulations I'm the first one to say that we are not there yet, some companies claim their product is perfect but it's not, let's be honest. Yet, it's good to have options that won't brake the bank or your back and in many scenarios (like in a mix) these emulations are indeed getting really good.
  2. Hi kwyn, I believe you're asking about external instruments/hardware (not software instruments)? You need a laptop/computer, a soundcard and a host to run the audio plugins (Logic, Cubase, Reaper, Cantabile etc). Then you simply connect your keyboard or guitar to the soundcard, load the plugins in the host and it's done. All plugins (usually) can also be controlled via midi so you can change their parameters in real time. Instead if you have a real Hammond organ you first need a "line output" from it, then you can connect it to the soundcard. Nowadays many people use a laptop on stage (pro musicians might also bring a backup laptop, just in case...)
  3. Hello everyone, thank you for your interest in the RS2 and for checking it out! If you have any question let me know and I'll do my best to answer 🙂
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