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  1. Could it be this one? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L9W2KX5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GA844A5KMH1TW6V27ZZ8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 And the 38" version, right?
  2. And it is even more difficult to understand taking into account the keyboard already has implemented the code for changing the names of the 4 "My Setup" configurations, songs, etc... I guess there has to be some good technical reason for it, but I really hope they solve this big flaw in a (not very far) future firmware update.
  3. Editable (docx) registration table for putting it on top of right speaker. (Improved version). Registrations table (9,5 x 16) 02.docx
  4. Great idea!! This way font size can be a bit bigger. Here you have a first approach. Registrations table (9,5 x 16) 02.docx
  5. Another Scott, many thanks for your useful thoughts!! Regarding keeping notes of the registrations, this is my solution. I leave the docx here in case you wan to edit it for your purposes. Registrations table (9,5 x 16).docx
  6. AnotherScott, Many thanks for your higly informed and informative review!! I find this kind of things extremely helpful. About clearly labeling the back panel connection, as a DIY workaround, I put some white paint on it and then clean the remainings. Unfortunately, I used Tippex!! My bad. I am sure with acrilic (water solvable) or some more suited kind of paint I would have achieved much better results. Anyway, it makes the job. 😀 🤪😏
  7. To the administrators ( @Mike Martin, I suppose??). Can we expect firmware updates on CT-S500 in a (I guess more far than near) future? Does CASIO usually do this or is it something they just don´t consider? (I mean, there could be good reasons for leaving the keyboards as they are, meaning not adding new capabilities, etc. Even so, it would be great to see implemented —why not dreaming?— the features I have expressed above in my "wishing list" 😀).
  8. (I have posted this also in CASIO Music Forums) I have been using my new CASIO CT-S500 for a few months now and I would like to share my impressions. Basically, I love it and I am very happy with it. It is great for having fun learning and playing this and that. I like very much the fact than both the keybed and the rubber buttons are absolutely quiet, no noisy at all. Also, the feeling and response of the keybed are quite good. Here some features I would like to see implemented on a future "CT-S600"? 🙂 : Hardware: • Headphones jack on the front-left panel, not in the back. • USB audio interface, so that it is easy to transfer audio to and from the computer. • USB type B connector (or similar) instead of microUSB, which is extremely weak and very very prone to fail. • MIC entry, with the possibility of recording the audio at the same time than the playing (it is so much fun singing while playing!!). Maybe even the possibility of applying a few simple effects to the mic audio (some delay, reverb, compression, etc.) Firmware: • The possibility of renaming the registrations. It´s a real pity one has to keep a notebook beside the piano to know which of the 64 registrations is which. • An easy way of exporting the recorded songs to wav files. This would be great for sharing ideas, etc. Right now the only way of taking the sound out of the device is via R L (or headphones) socket, which implies connecting cables, adjusting software, etc. • Better touch (velocity) curves. I am accustomed to playing a digital piano (ROLAND FP-90) and I find even the HEAVY touch mode quite light. Would be great to include a more detailed way of choosing the touch response. For instance, my digital piano has 100 values from soft to heavy. Also put the heavier level much heavier than currently is. • User arpeggios. The possibility of programming (even if it is at a very simple level) and saving user arpegios. • To my taste, intros and endings are far too long and convoluted. Would prefer some simpler ones. • I would increase much more the SYS FX reverb. Even the more intense values (specially CHURCH and CATHEDRAL) are barely noticeable. • Also, when using the keyboard as a MIDI controller, it would have been nice to have the possibility of using those 5 multifunction magic buttons as a Transport Bar. Maybe including an option in the "MIDI CTRL" menu. They would fit perfectly well for: Play/Pause Stop Rewind/Go to the beginning (long press) Forward/Goto the end (long press) Record/Stop recording Or, at least, that those buttons send some kind of MIDI signal (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) that then could be "rerouted" in a DAW. For instance, In REAPER it is easy to assign any function, including the transport bar ones, to any button (but only if they send some kind of message, of course). All that said, once again, I am very happy with the product. Keep the good work 😄. Many thanks!!! 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹
  9. REAPER .reabank files ("tricked") for CT-S500 ------------------------------------------------------------------- A .reabank file can have many bank entries of the same bank, so, in order to avoid shuffling the programs, I have created one bank entry for each program (for each tone). This way, it is much easier to select programs, for the list is in the same order as on the manual and the keyboard itself. You can even see the categories as they are on the keyboard. Have a look at the files themselves for more information. CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 0) (tricked).reabank Has all the LSB values set to 0. According to the manual, this means "the chorus, delay, and reverb types don´t change to match the tone". CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 64) (tricked).reabank Has all the LSB values set to 64, so, use this one if you want that "the chorus, delay, and reverb types change to match the tone". CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 0) (tricked).reabank CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 64) (tricked).reabank
  10. REAPER .reabank files (standard) for CT-S500 ------------------------------------------------------------------- For REAPER (a fantastic DAW) users, here you have a couple of .reabank files for the CASIO CT-S500. They may also work for the CT-S1000V, but I am not sure about it. These are the files with bank and program information that have to be loaded in the ReaControlMIDI plugin to have easier access to the keyboard soundbank. CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 0).reabank Has all the LSB values set to 0. According to the manual, this means "the chorus, delay, and reverb types don´t change to match the tone". CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 64).reabank Has all the LSB values set to 64, so, use this one if you want that "the chorus, delay, and reverb types change to match the tone". ------------------------------------------------------------------- (These ones are "standard", this is, with programs ordered by bank number, quite cumbersome to use, but I have also prepared a couple or "tricked" ones (see next post), much much easier to use. Have a look at the files themselves for more information). CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 0).reabank CASIO CT-S500 (LSB 64).reabank
  11. REGISTRATIONS notebooks ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) A little A5 table (ready to print in A4) for writing down the REGISTRATIONS (really hope this is fixed in the future!!!): 2) Same thing but for creating a smaller notebook in A6. Registrations notebook (A5).pdf Registrations notebook (A6).pdf
  12. MYSETUP / REGISTRATION savable settings comparative table ------------------------------------------------------------------- Just to help decide which one to use in each case. MY SETUP, REGISTRATION comparative.pdf
  13. Both CT-S500 and CT-S1000V are (simple) arrangers. • They have accompaniment mode. • They have 1 intro, 2 variations, 1 fill (that changes depending on when you press it) and 1 ending. They have 243 in-built rythms (more can be loaded), and each one has it´s own accompaniment style. So yes, they are great exactly for what you say, for playing left hand chords and right hand melodies.
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