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Key hairman

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  1. As I am driving 2 hours today to get my broken Kronos fixed,I’m dreaming of a new Kronos+ for 2023.
  2. I own a window cleaning business. Definitely not what I thought my real job would be after college, but it’s been 30 years now!
  3. I just don’t know what to say except I feel better after watching😎
  4. I’ve always thought about having a keytar but this is the first one that gives me that lustful feeling. I hope it’s more than a one night stand but I’m definitely getting in bed with this one. 😇
  5. I think I must have one! I know I must have one!
  6. We have cancelled our upcoming gigs but I remain hopeful that this is not the end.
  7. I sincerely thank you for sharing your experiences. Somehow knowing what others have gone through helps.
  8. Thanks mate for sharing. Im sure we all react different to tragedy but I can sure understand you not wanting to be involved with modulate. Reminders are painful! Modulars
  9. Thanks mate for sharing. Im sure we all react different to tragedy but I can sure understand you not wanting to be involved with modulate. Reminders are painful!
  10. This weekend at a gig something happened while we were playing. A dear friend was struck while crossing a highway to get to his car. He was killed instantly. He was known to everyone in the audience and it was a devastating blow to our community. He was a prominent citizen and a lover of music. Of course the band and I are experiencing a million emotions but the obvious question in our minds is do we really want to continue after this life changing event. I wonder if any of you have had this experience? If so I would appreciate your insights or thoughts on the subject.
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