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Posts posted by PaulArtola

  1. Five years ago, the ravages of time descended upon my fingers, hands and wrists with haste, leaving me with GIJoe Kung-fu grips, at best. With about 20% of my former dexterity and stamina remaining, 50 years of piano and keyboards quickly slipped away. Did I let that take away my life's passion? HELL NO!


    Now I program sequencers, clock, gates, triggers, and all manner of sound generation technology, that I can plug into my VCV-Rack Borg-inspired rig, to produce my tracks. As a result, not being limited by my mediocre keyboard abilities, I have found many alternate creative strategies. Instead of my fingers driving the sounds, control voltages and midi packets do the heavy lifting, as I sit back and smile...that'll do, pig. That'll do!


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  2. I have been shopping for the same basic thing, and just purchased the heart of my new setup, the RME Digiface USB. I have older gear that I want to give new life (MOTU 2408 mk3 and Fostex VC8), so I shopped hard for an interface that would allow them to work as ADAT converter/expanders. Had my heart set on a MOTU 828x and was ready to stroll into Chuck Levins to get one, but alas! they are a victim of Siliconus Unobtainium.


    Scroll forward several months, and a new ship is on the horizon...the Ferrofish Pulse16 with CV. 16 balanced analog IO and dual ADAT channels. Perfect! What to hook all this ADAT to? The RME!


    I would welcome anyone who has done something like this to comment, but this lets me get 32 channels of AD/DA, so I can wire up my collection of synths and effects, for about $1800.

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