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About Nigo

  • Birthday 01/19/2022
  1. Hello, I own a P80 (GH keyboard similar to P60 / 90 / P120, possibly the exact same action) and was looking at buying another DP with an amplifier. I'm very interested about this debate on feel and weight. I'm not sure the P80 / 120 feel is perfect - or nowhere near - but it is heavy. The hottest portable Yamaha is the P515 which was a newer NWX action with wooden keys (same as CLP-645 I believe), and reviewers say it is very heavy as well. Some say it is too heavy and not close to any acoustic pianos. Well, I say not ANY. My father owns a Petrof Grand from the 90s (not sure which model) and the keys are very heavy as well. I did not measure but we are in the 80 grams range as well. And where the Yamaha action gets light when the key starts to move, this is heavy from top to bottom. Anyway, I'm fine with heavy keys so far, I'm not sure the lighter Kawai action would suit me, but I may very well be wrong If this topic was only a search for light action, then just avoid Yamaha. It seems to me that when Yamaha does a light action, it's not very a good one.
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