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Everything posted by Fliplip

  1. I use mine pretty much the same way. I did have the Superknob mapped like you, but found i wasn't actually using it so dont bother with it now. I find it easier to use the USB in knob to control the level. It seems more reliable and easier to know how exactly loud the iPad will be. I was getting in to a bit of a state, what with Leslie gain, Expression and Volume all making a big difference to the output. The MODX can send volume info to the iPad, but it only gets sent when the Performance is called up, you cant have different parts with different levels. You need to enable Midi Send in the Zone Master section for this to work. I have a default iPad performance set up with volume 100, Midi Channel 9, which i insert in to other Performance when needed. I also have this set to not enable the internal sound for the part.
  2. I gave up on using Audiobus to go between B-3x and iM1. I now do it manually. I have both set to not play in background, and this is working fine on my ipad 9 with iOS15.02 on it. Not had any hanging notes, crackles or the like, at have latency set low. I do find B-3x does re launch itself if i switch using the task manager, which is annoying as it i loose any adjustments ive made if i haven't saved them. Sticking with it though. As much as i feel Vb3m was more than enough for me, B-3x just seems to come alive more with a loud band.
  3. I dont get the fascination for so many pianos. It seems to me people just get them because they can. I mean, how many Piano"s do you need, and at the expense of losing a lot of memory for other sounds. Choice is good, but with so many high quality stock piano"s in the Montage/MODX already, what are people doing with these sample packs. To be fair, ive tried a few of the free ones myself, but none come close to the depth and feel of the Yamaha ones IME. Same goes for synth packs. You get the feel and sound of those vintage synths, but they seem flat compared to the original. Maybe its just me.
  4. Ive been struggling to like this app. When i play it on my ipad pro it sounds good, but seems a lot harder to get a sound i want to use, at least compared to VB3m. With the same drawbar settings VB3m just seems to be there, where as B-3x seems to be too full of life and jumps out of the mix. The higher register drawbars seem to be over powering sometimes and quite annoying. Obviously its me and not the app, but i keep going back to VB3m with a smile on my face. Im not giving up on it, and strangely it sounds a bit more usable on my new ipad 9 for some reason, buts its a hard choice to make. I originally got a refund from Apple as it wouldn"t run on my first gen Air, but brought it again now i have the ipad 9. In the meantime it still worked fine on my ipad pro, but i dont want to use that live. I agree also about adjusting the dials. What a PITA getting them in the right position. Im hoping i dont need to touch most of them, most of the time. Ive never played the real deal, and not bothered about all the features, i just want the sounds im more or less getting from V3m, but with more authority. I find VB3m to be a bit flat, although ii love the tome. It just gets a bit lost in the mix.
  5. Ive gone totally back to VB3m lol. I got a refund from Apple, but can still use it on my ipad pro. I had a rehearsal at the weekend and i found it a bit over powering. Now i know its me and not the app, but it seemed to have a lot of life to it. Compared to VB3m it was jumping out of the mix. The VB3m seems to fit better with the band, as im not doing any solos etc. Im not an organ player but it just seemed a bit over kill and with too many controls for my liking. I alos like that i can bring the distortion in with worrying about levels. This does fix the issue of me not wanting to use my ipad pro so its all worked out well. As for the Drawbar settings. You just hold on the one you want to over write and chose copy drawbar settings. That updates the slot. I do like that feature and wish VB3m had it.
  6. Actually so have i. Ive been going back and forth between this and VB3, but VB3 just doesn"t scream like B-3X does. Got a rehearsal on Sat and I"m going to give it a go. Ill take my Ipd pro. If it fits in a with the rig ill keep usin git until i see if the new iPad mini is released, if not i might just get the current gen ipad. Ive got the Superknob mapped to the Leslie gain as well. There doesn"t seem to be a huge change in volume so that will work ok. Ive found that although you can map the drawbars to the MODX, you have to actually have the part selected for them to work. You cant just have a performance and they will work without any intervention.
  7. This is quite an interesting post, as ive found the overdrive thing as well, and not keen on it. Ive been using VB3m and have the Superknob assigned to the Drive knob in VB3m. As you say, B-3X seems to increase the volume when increasing the drive, but VB3m just makes its dirtier without a volume increase. I though maybe i could control the drive on the pedal over midi, but thats not an option. In itself thats not a big deal, but it does mean I"m more likely to stick with VB3m, especially as that runs fine on my iPad Air 1, unlike B-3X which will need me to use my iPad Pro.
  8. Not sure if this solves it for him - one thing I do to get multiple 'instruments' from a single Performance, used to do same with Voices in Motif ⦠use AF1 and AF2. I will program half of the Elements to be active with ALL AF OFF, then half to be active with AF1 On (or AF2 On). I programmed a standard latch footswitch to enable me to trigger AF1 with my foot (hands free). I haven"t used scenes a lot yet. I"m also interested in VB3m - reading great reports on it. I am still loving my MODX, I"ve had it for almost 2 yrs though 1 yr was eaten away by COVID. So glad they came out with the MODX7 - thats the sweet spot for me to be comfortable with a one board rig. Anyone who got the 6, should get the 7 Cheers guys. Yes, thats a workaround but would probably involve too many compromises. Yeah, sometimes i do regret not getting the MODX7, BUT, being able to use public transport with my MODX6 on my back and everything other than a stand, in a bag is a real help, as i don"t drive. For the bands where i don"t need to drive as i get lifts, a MODX7 would be so much nicer, but those bands might not always be there and i know ill need to get myself to rehearsals at some point. The VB3m is amazing, even more so considering how cheap it is. Even compared to the PC version i also have. It may not do it all, but let"s face it, when your on stage with a band you don"t need 100% authentic (nor will you get it without the real deal). So close that its makes it a no brainier for me. You can split the keyboard zone on the VB3m, but its not like having a real key split onboard the MODX.
  9. Ive had my MODX for a year this month. Its my first synths since i brought a Korg N5 years and years ago. In fact ive not touched a keyboard for a good 20+ years, and I"m amazed at how things have come along since then. Really love my MODX, and at the moment I"m playing in two band using just this, and my ipad for the Organ sounds (VB3m). I really dont mind the Organ sounds in the MODX, they do the job well (I"m not an organ player as such, nor a pianist) but the VB3m blows them all away with its much better Leslie sim. My big negatives are, the lack of setting different key ranges in different scenes using the same sound. Big pain as its eating in to the sounds i can use in each performance. I tend to use one performance per song. I normally have slot 8 set to control my ipad on midi channel 8. So having to duplicate say 2 sounds to give me full keyboard and split keyboard doesn't leave much for others sounds. Although not all the songs are like this, i prefer using scenes as the 'real" buttons are easier to operate, and more reliable than the touch screen when timing is crucial. The other issue isâ¦â¦oh wait, nope, there isn"t any more lol. Just wish i had got the 7 and not the 6 now, but thats it. Love this thing. One day ill get the 7 and have both,
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