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Everything posted by ChadSpud

  1. Hey thanks for all the resources, My plan is to be able to create an 'external Midi' track in Logic and, when I play the FA, have the sounds of the FA come out of my Mac. Right now I can create an external midi track and click 'use External instrument plug-in' where I change the output from the FA to 'built-in output' aka my Mac's speakers. This creates a generic instrument track where it records the midi input from the FA and I can hear the FA's sounds relatively clearly which is exactly what I want. But now there is a different problem. Whenever I create a new track, both of them play at the same time. I have changed the midi channels and they still play at the same time and I hear a weird mix of tracks which sounds like it would be used on a 80's special about space. Making some progress but essentially I just need to know how to route the FA into different 'external midi' tracks so that they don't all play at the same time.
  2. Hi there, I am having the same problem here in 2020 and was wondering if this ever got resolved? I have my FA-08 plugged into my Mac (via USB) with the correct driver installed. I have switched both the input and output to the FA and have created a track with the 'external instrument' tab. I even have the Mackie Control surface setup for the FA's DAW control. I get levels but I am not getting any sound. I figured I would just shell out on some monitors but I'm saving up a bit first so I would really just like the sound to come out of the Mac. I've been fiddling around with this FOREVER and it's driving me mad! If you or EscapeRocks found a solution I would love to hear it. Thank you!
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