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About DinoMike

  • Birthday 02/23/1963
  1. [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJt-C6I6EDs
  2. It's funny. Sometime in November I watched the a movie on the last remaining Juke Joints. In it, Robert Johnson came up. With that I read more and more about Robert Johnson and then ordered All the recorded music of Robert Johnson. I listened to it and I read the lyrics from it. It's never old or out dated. Study Robert Johnson, there is some very cool and spooky stuff there that's great. Plus, everyone stole it and used it.
  3. Hey Siri, please call my Mary Lou. REally doesn't work for me.
  4. On my board is: Boss CE5 T.C. E 3rd Dimension T.C. E Thunderstorm Ibanez DE7 Ibanez CF7 Danelectro Cool Cat Vibe
  5. I use a lot of backing track. Thousands free on Youtube and I've also bought hundreds on ITunes. Metal, Jazz, Country, Rock, Blues of all types,
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