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Posts posted by BMD

  1. CDs are definitely in the doldrums at the moment, but the simple fact is that they're superior in sound quality to anything else that's out there. I'm sure their time will come again when people eventually wake up.


    Meanwhile, I have an excellent Denon CD player and two laptops (Sony and Acer) which both have onboard CD players. I'm a huge fan of CDs. To misquote Mark Twain: The reports of the death of the CD are greatly exaggerated. I love listening to music on CD - the sound quality is superb!


    There are plenty of CD fans out there. They/we just don't make a song and dance about it.



  2. 2 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

    Please tell me they are starting a band with Zach Starkey and Dani Harrison…


    Sounds good as long as Yoko doesn't decide to step in and take the mic...

  3. I prefer the sound of CDs over vinyl, but I prefer the look, feel, and general vibe of vinyl over CDs. Streaming doesn’t interest me - I like a physical product


    I have The Beatles 2009 remastered box-set on CD. Each album sounds great. Far better (in my opinion) than the Beatles albums on vinyl I used to own and which I sold to a DJ in the 90s


    Anyway, I had a brainwave. I’ve just ordered the White Album on vinyl. I no longer own a turntable, nor do I intend buying one, so my plan is to listen to the album on CD whilst holding and caressing(!) the wonderfully full-sized double vinyl gatefold LP. And, of course, the individual pics of the fab four are full-size as is the poster which contains the lyrics and a photo montage


    Can anyone relate to this, or am I losing my marbles?

  4. About a decade ago a guy called David Bash got in touch with me after hearing my songs on Myspace. He organises a festival called International Pop Overthrow, which happens annually at venues across the US and also The Cavern in Liverpool


    He wanted me to play the following year's festival at The Cavern. Two problems with that: 1) I didn't have a band, and 2) I'm too shy to perform. So with his approval I put a band together (I wasn't in it) and they played the festival


    I turned up with a camera and filmed the show. The band were (or was, if you're American) great. I uploaded the video to Youtube but removed it after a few weeks. My one and only claim to fame, unless you count the fact that Craig Anderton has covered a few of my songs

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  5. 4 hours ago, NewImprov said:

    My current favorite song I've written is not released yet, it will be on my band's new EP due out next spring. Will definitely shamelessly flog it here when it's out.


    Until then, I guess my favorite is this track from a 2012 release by my former band Xenat-Ra, I cowrote it with the drummer.



    It's based on a riff I stole from a Carnatic Indian record, the main part of the tune is based on a rhythmic cycle of bars of 5/4 alternating with bars of 5/8, and every 5th cycle, there's a bar of 5/16, then a break. The outro riff is stolen from a Soundgarden tune, and changed enough to disquise the origin. The tune came out of a discussion I had with the drummer about how 5 was the hardest odd-meter to make groove, we wrote this to be a challenge to the band. It was a lot of fun to play. I'm still kind of amazed our MC could rap over this groove.


    Deep Purple keys at the start. Nice!


    That was pretty amazing. As luck would have it I listen to a lot of Yes, Rush, and Colloseum, so the time sig thing was familiar. In fact, this reminded me a bit of Colloseum. And yes the rapping was incredible

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  6. On 12/19/2023 at 2:00 AM, Dave Bryce said:

    Probably this one:

    Rockin’ Wid De Woogman


    As to why, I guess it’s because I feel like it has the most finely tuned combination of fun and energy of anything I’ve written…and lots of synths. 😎






    That's excellent, Dave! A hint of Tom Sawyer right at the start, but then off we go into a funktastic groove with stellar playing and great vocals. I Googled 'Woogman' but I'm still none the wiser 

  7. 29 minutes ago, Greg Mein said:

    I remember when I was a kid, getting into the guitar a bit. I got a few dollars in my pocket somehow and headed to the music store to buy an effect pedal. I saw the compressor and thought, 'wow, that seems cool' so I bought it. I took it home, tried it out and thought it really didn't do anything so I took it back and got something that would actually do something like a delay, chorus, wah, etc..


    I had exactly the same experience many moons ago!

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  8. 2 hours ago, Greg Mein said:


    In reference to musician internet forums this is my favorite because it's totally about some of the interactions that took place. Everyone knows how snobby some folks can be about tube guitar amps, nothing else will do and anything else sucks!


    My goal was to use all the fake stuff I had available at the time; digital piano, digital guitar multi-fx/software amp emulators, etc.. It was a long time ago so it's impossible to remember what I used but I definitely remember I got a beat on a cheap crappy little Yamaha electronic drum that set the tone for it.




    Some very tasty playing on that track. And there's definitely a Joey Ramone vibe in your vocal delivery. Which is a compliment, by the way

  9. 14 minutes ago, Anderton said:


    Soprano, concert, or tenor uke on 'The Gift of Goodbye'? I have a tenor and a soprano. The tenor is easy to play. The soprano is very difficult. And I have small hands!


    'I Feel so Alive' - I wish I had your positivity...


    'Maladie Du Coeur' - I hear Paul Simon. Impressed by your command of the French language!

  10. 21 minutes ago, Anderton said:

    Intersting topic. My favorite is "Black Market Daydreams." Oh wait...you wrote that one. Never mind.


    Not to give a flip answer, but my favorite is whichever one I wrote most recently. When thinking about previous material, it really depends on my mood. I think "The Gift of Goodbye" is my best "song story," but "I Feel So Alive" is the most elevating and "Maladie du Coeur" is the most danceable. But next week I'd probably choose a different three songs. I guess it's like what people say about you don't have a favorite child, you like all of them for different reasons.




    I forgot to mention - links to said song(s) would be appreciated :)

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