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Posts posted by sharpnine

  1. Quick update: I ordered a Mackie 402VLZ4 mixer, and, as Dave suggested, that's pretty much solved the problem. Thanks, Dave! It's not ideal, I suppose, but I'm no longer dealing with distortion.


    Still curious if this is a feature or bug in my CP4, and whether anyone else here has this issue :/

  2. Thanks for the replies, Dave and Coker.


    Dave, I actually saw your post while Googling around. I was really curious to know what you ended up doing, so I'm glad you're on this forum! I did call a repair shop and discussed it over the phone. The guy thought he could probably fix it, so I may go that route. Is there any particular type of mixer I should use? (Sorry, I'm new to sound tech).


    Coker, I tried the line out and had the exact same issue.


    Can any other CP4 owners chime in?

  3. Thanks, Coker.


    I did just try a factory reset. Didn't seem to make a difference. I'd say I can get the volume to a comfortable level, but just barely. Beyond that, the I hear the distortion right when I hit a chord at ff. The distortion disappears once the piano sound starts fading. I figured I'd be able to get more volume if I wanted it.


    Since you have a CP4, are you able to reproduce this? Can you put your piano sound at max volume through headphones without getting distortion? Or did I purchase a subtly damaged board?

  4. It's not static because it's not always there. I guess it might be more accurately described as distortion. The greater the EQ values, and the more simultaneous notes I play, the greater the distortion.


    I've tried this with a pair of Bose IE2 and Grado SR-80 headphones, both plugged in using a 1/4" adapter. Do I just need a better set of headphones?

  5. Hey everyone,


    I recently purchased a second-hand Yamaha CP4 Stage. It's in excellent condition and appears to hardly have been played.


    However, I'm noticing static in the headphones when I raise the volume and mid-range EQ. It's especially prevalent when I play a large chord. I'm experiencing this with two different sets of headphones. I don't have an amp, so can't verify that this is happening with an amp. Is this normal? Bear in mind, I'm an audio noob. I'm hoping that this thing just puts out too much power for consumer headphones.


    Thanks in advance!

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