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Everything posted by Docbop

  1. Doing some listening for tune my teacher assigned me. [video:youtube]
  2. Play more tunes and less exercises. Playing tunes you should be more relaxed than doing battle with a metronome and you'll learn more about playing music on the piano.
  3. I like to use PayPal for buying things and for my Skype lessons, because I don't have to give my credit card to people/places I'm not familiar with. Also when getting something from Europe they automatically do the exchange rate. I especially like PayPal for subscriptions since I can cancel the payment myself and not rely on some company to do it. For the rare person who doesn't do PayPal if I know them from a forum or emailed and have a good feeling about them I will go to bank get a cashier's check and send it overnight to them.
  4. I've purchased from the classified ads on guitar forums I belong to over the years. I would only buy from people I knew were long term members and I would usually exchange a couple private emails and see how it felt before committing. I found I got better descriptions of the gear and condition it was in. I liked doing it that way so they weren't paying fees to eBay or Reverb. Last buy off a forum if things to go south you can broadcast it to everyone and the person will resolve or disappear.
  5. Those Guitar keys are so they can use open strings which can add nice sound and some case play more piano like voicings. Jazz guitarist like Jim Hall used to play a lot in "Jazz" flat keys because he could use the open strings to add altered tensions to chords.
  6. RD2000 have a lot of sounds, piano alone like 40 different ones all with different timbres and some will cut better than others. Cutting thru a mix is about finding a sonic hole to fill and in general bumping up Mid's and hi-Mid range. Speakers can playing into cutting thru with multiple small speakers like 10" versus single large speaker. The multiple small speaker move a lot more air compared to a single speaker, plus 10" speakers are fast responding and punchy sounding. Then speaker placement so getting them up a bit to have clear path to the audience.
  7. Yes, a rookie question. As I've said decades of playing guitar and just now learning piano so forgive my ignorance on the topic. So with the sad transition of Lyle Mays I've been listening to a lot of his work and realized I have some Pat Metheny Group live DVDs. I'm watching and listening with a focus on Lyle and I keep hearing strings, but I look and Lyle is on acoustic piano and Pat is on one of his non-MIDI guitars. I know Pat with his bands always has people play a second instrument so maybe someone else is playing a MIDI controller, but don't see any. Finally get to the last piece on the DVD and it starts with mainly Pat and Lyle featured on the acoustic piano. Again I hear strings coming in and out and the strings are same as what Lyle is playing on the acoustic piano. So does Lyle's Steinway have some sort of MIDI pickup he can control? In fact watching the whole show Lyle had the acoustic piano, three digital keyboards and guitar(s), but seems like from the shots he's in he's playing acoustic piano like 90% of the time. Any info on basics of his setup would be of interest to me. Thanks
  8. It's just two long II-V-I's in the particular version of a tune so could be a lots of things.
  9. From computer POV the less RAM the more the computer has to swap pieces of RAM in and out for all the processes running. The more programs running are creating overhead with context switching swapping pieces of processes in and out of the CPU. So this is why they say more CPU cores and RAM is better so the number of CPU registers and RAM swaps can be reduced.
  10. Sad day in music thank you Lyle for all you shared with us. RIP
  11. Ran into my friends a husband and wife who gig and teach full time. He's in a big tribute band and plays whatever local gigs when not on the road. His wife teaches piano, voice, and guitar and full schedule, she is also the busiest local musician in multiple groups so always working. On advice from a financial manager they are setting themselves up as a business and are busy getting all the licenses, DBA announcement, bank accounts and health insurance to be compliant with AB5. So I guess it will make it so gigs and teaching are contracting with their business and not be viewed as employees. I think the key is who's in the government is actually going to be monitoring musicians and others? I think someone will have to be pulling in a lot of money to catch the eye of the government.
  12. Elton had three other keyboard players on stage including Larry Goldings on B3.
  13. I used to roadie and do sound for a name guitarist and we opened for King Crimson once back in the mid 70's. I was hanging out watching Crimson's sound check it was the first time I ever saw a custom guitar pedalboard. But the best part was after the sound check Crimson started jamming and they were doing Jame Brown grooves and other funk stuff. It was so cool hearing them do stuff outside there normal fare and they sound great. I think it was Bill Bruford on drums and he was really grooving his ass off.
  14. What's that stuff they wrap cars in now doesn't that come on sheets. Seems like some of that wrap, an exacto knife, and a weeked you could cover the keyboard in a cool color and have a strong easy to clean finish.
  15. Been listening to a lot of YellowJackets/Russ Ferrante lately. As a new keyboard player I find hearing the keyboards is easy in Yellowjackets compared to others with lots of layers buried in the mix. So here's some recent Yellowjackets live. [video:youtube]
  16. I like the idea of this but being a ex-roadie and sysadmin I am all about what if "Murphy's Law" strikes on a gig and your laptop takes a dump and won't come back up. What is your backup plan to limp through the rest of the gig? When in designing production computer systems the question was always how many level of "Murphy" can you survive? So you have an old laptop or small computer to get you through the gig? I remember watching I think it was the rig rundown on Billy Joel's keyboard player. Huge rack of gear and all computer controlled and a nearly identical rach with hardware and software failover setup for emergencies. But I think the most impressive was of all the keyboards onstage one was an old workstation that the keyboard player had all the basic sounds necessary programmed in so if all the controllers and computers die he can switch to that one workstation and finish a show. So that's my concern with a setup like this how many levels of "Murphy" can you survive?
  17. You're only going to be as fast as the port you're plugging the drive into. So you need to factor port speed in so that slower 2TB drive might perform as well as the 1TB drive. So the super fast SSD might be slower because it's causing lots of wait states with the drive and the OS.
  18. Reply from Harvard.... We can teach you that in about five minutes, but first have to pay your $100,000 for two years tuition.
  19. Needs MIDI support. Per the FAQ it will read a MIDI file, but only writes in its own file format. Be nice to be able to play in parts via MIDI.
  20. I think it boils down to how you view music theory, do you thinks it rules for composing an playing, or labels for sounds so you can communicate with other musicians. I see music theory as label that get put on music after someone without rules created the music be it Bach or Monk. Everyone has heard how the old Jazz masters if asked questions would play you an answer and they didn't sit around talking theory. Well getting to hang with one of them it was explained to me that people come from different backgrounds, ear players, different schools of theory, so if you just play an answer to a question everyone can hang what ever labels they are comfortable with. Like when the great guitar legend Wes Montgomery was asked by another guitars about how he approaches II-V's Wes' response was "I don't know what that is?". The guy said you know like D- to G7 and then asked Wes what do you call that, Wes said "its a sound". The guy played something else and Wes said "that's just another sound". Guitarist Bruce Forman was in Ray Brown's band and asked about a tune Ray just called, Ray response was "it's just cadences". I like how those old masters everything was first and foremost a sound, the labels didn't matter. So to me music theory is just commonly used labels for sounds and sounds should always be taught first.
  21. Sounds good to me almost like when I first got serious and took workshops at Grove School of Music I could take what workshops interested me or were prerequisites for a higher class I wanted to take. If unsure what to take then office staff or Dick Grove himself would talk to you and suggest which classes according to you goals. Also when I got into computers UCLA had a whole lot of required CompSci classes, but over the years started switching required classes to elective for similar reason the Harvard music program did. Plus so many school public and private all those required courses are just to drain your wallet. So a looser program makes sense to me.
  22. Name players like Domi and most the ones in Nord (and others videos) aren't really their to demo the gear, they are just there so show endorses . These companies have field rep's that do the legit gear demo like Luke from Korg. Those company rep's work long and hard on creating demos that show off the marketing bullet points of an instrument and whizzing by perceived weaknesses. I like that Nord booth mainly have excellent musicians just come and play in their booths at trade shows, make me remember a company name than some slick company demo.
  23. All looking normal for me, have you been hanging out with Steve Martin lately. [video:youtube] I use one of the customer interfaces so I guess the forum every now and then logs you out, maybe updates have been applied. So all my setting are going until I log back in and my settings kick back in. May want to try logging out of the forums and log back in so all your setting get reapplied.
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