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Posts posted by Jose EB5AGV

  1. 3 hours ago, GovernorSilver said:


    I too am a victim of double GAS.  I own more guitars than I actually need, and same problem with keyboards/synths.  😀


    There is no denying that every hour you spend on guitar was an hour you could have spent on the keys.   Whether this or not this is truly a detriment to you depends on what you hope to achieve musically, how you wish to express yourself musically in various situations, etc.   For example if your main genre is pop music, are you being asked to play keyboard solos like Jesus Molina on every song?  Probably not.  And it's not like you'll be asked to solo on guitar like Matteo Mancuso or Isaiah Sharkey on every song either.


    If you have limited time to devote to guitar playing but want to do it anyway, you could probably get a lot of mileage of focusing on rhythm guitar playing.  Rhythm guitar is a desirable skill to have for any band situation.  


    Egberto Gismonti and Ralph Towner developed skills on both instruments.   That said, I notice both musicians stuck to acoustic guitar playing, which simplified their lives as guitarists quite a bit - once you get into electric guitar amplification, effects, etc. those things can be potentially endless distractions, and thus time lost, from actual music making on the guitar.  


    Well, as a late beginner on keyboard playing (at 50, now 56), and being it a hobby for me (even when our band is paid, if not too much 😉), I am working towards become a fuller musician. That is the reason I continue assisting to music theory classes (now focusing on harmony and composition) and want to add other instruments to my arsenal.


    And, yes, I won't be asked to play complex solos in any of them 😅. This doesn't mean that I won't pursue becoming a better player, but with no pressure.


    About guitar related gear, time will tell. Now I have the basics and that is enough to learn. One of my projects is use my Boss RC-600 looper along guitar and keyboard. And perhaps adding some percussion (for that I have some Maschine hardware). As I have told, I am not in a hurry. But also don't have so many years left, so I need to be disciplined and make good use of the practice time.

  2. 6 hours ago, Mr -G- said:

    Yes, you will be at a risk of developing double-GAS.


    Well, that is what has already happened 😬


    I began with three used guitars: an Epiphone, an Squier and a humble Yamaha C40. Just today I have paid a reservation for a Mexican Fender Stratocaster... What will come next? 😅

  3. I have a question for you which this thread has triggered... Do you think playing guitar is detrimental to playing keys in the long run?. Because I am finally getting serious on my attempt to play the guitar and, at 56, I wonder if maybe is the wrong move, as my main instrument is the keyboard 🤔

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Adan said:

    I recently decided that what I sit on for hours at a time while playing is worth spending some money on, so got this:




    Very happy with it. Due to the shape of the seat, which help you to lean forward a bit, there is some spinal support even without a back rest. Big difference between this and the generic flat surface stool. Money well spent.


    I also have a drum throne with a back rest but it's heavy and awkward to carry. 


    I have exactly the same one, very nice. I even got the optional back rest, but have not even tried it. But it is incredible how expensive is in USA compared to EU (159€ right now where I bought it!)

  5. 8 hours ago, Delaware Dave said:

    Forget what was said about the battery in the above post, the only thing the battery does on the PC3 series is power the clock and provides for an accurate time stamp on file saving, other than that it serves no other purpose.  It will need servicing; shipping is expensive so you might be out of luck .....


    Sorry, I was not specifically talking of the PC3, but in general, as sometimes a bad battery can cause serious issues and not power up correctly on other gear. I stand corrected 🙏🏻

  6. That part is the high voltage transformer for the display backlight. And that is working...  I would look for any battery, which may be depleted and preventing the unit to power up correctly.

    If that is not the case, you need to check power supply voltages and such. And look for any suspicious leaking or bulged capacitor.

    All in all, the display is not the problem, as even without display, you should have sound and buttons would  be operating. So the problem is on the control side of the keyboard.

    • Like 1
  7. I have done some more work on my Legend. I found that the fourth string buzzed if I did not use the string tree for strings 3rd and 4th, as I did on first test. But I had cut the strings short, because of the locking tuners. So, well, the 4th string broke when trying to re-route it. Besides a new string set (as all the strings from 1st to 4rd were compromissed, I decided to install barrel type string trees. Now, just in case, I have left some extra string looped on the tuners posts, even if that is not the standard way to do it on locking tuners:






    I have also lubed with Tri-flow Superior all the string friction points, as the saddles. Here you have a close view of the bridge:




    The action is decently low, at about 1.75mm:




    I will do some playing tests tomorrow, as it is late now. But, so far, the guitar has IMO a lovely tone. Well, I am just a beginner, but love it! 🤩



    • Like 6
  8. 9 hours ago, Motif88 said:

    Like a very good friend of mine said, “If you can afford to, do it. How many new cars will you drive before you drop dead?”


    Luckily I could afford a new MONTAGE. But I trust it won't make me a better player. So will do what I did with my current ones, will buy one when they are sold used at about half current price. Meanwhile will continue learning! (I understand it may be different for accomplished players)

  9. On 5/25/2024 at 8:27 PM, Jose EB5AGV said:

    Another interesting video on the internals of the MONTAGE-M




    BTW, what I sort of hate of these reviews is that the previous model is completely bashed, as having inferior DACs and ADCs, not enough CPU power and so slow GUI operation, less storage RAM, less sound engines and such. So, well, what should we do with them and all the previous models, as MOTIF series?. Trash them as crappy instruments?


    Well, my view is different. Yes, newer in this case seems better (except for the power supply 😆). But, as happened the other day on a nearby venue, when a funk band keyboard player used no less than a KORG M1 as his only board (and only with internal sounds), and did a wonderful job, I would say the instrument is just a tiny part of the overall result and so, as an example, both my MONTAGE and MODX+ are more than capable of sounding excellent, if properly played and programmed

    • Like 3
  10. I have just installed GP5 and has flawlessly load the rig I was working on GP4, with everything working as it should, including external MIDI controllers. Not that my rig was very complex, but well, it looks like smooth sailing so far! 👍🏻

    • Like 1
  11. Hi all,


    I struggled a bit some months ago to buy a license of Gig Performer 4 as I suspected v5 was about to release. Finally, in March I bought it. And now, the new v5 is released... and I get it for free!. Nice! 🎉


    Here you have the new version 5 information:




    I am using GP 4 for some time and it is truly a great platform, so I am eager to try the new one!



    • Like 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, Leroy C said:

    Are these tunes with sheet music that you have to learn note-for-note, or more like real book chord charts where you semi-improvise comping behind the singer?


    There was nothing available so I would need to do it my way, which would be real-book kind. Or even just the lyrics and chords. I use to play that way a lot, so I can play whatever I feel fits. But usually I play (a) along other people who play guitars or (b) on the band with all the usual suspects (drums, guitar, bass, sax, singer) so my "arrangements" are usually pretty simple. Both because there are other instruments and because my playing level is still basic.


    So, being only myself and a singer is, at this point, too much for me. And even more with just a week to get into it.


    Hope this clarifies my decision!

    • Like 1
  13. Oh well, sometimes things like this happen!. I have just been offered by my piano teacher a lot of gigs (about 45 in total), beginning with 9 in June. Just a singer and me. A singer who I have never met (he has played along her, but he is an accomplished pianist). And a repertoire of 50+ pop/rock songs, which I know about 70% but have played just about 30%, and all on a pop/rock band context, not alone with a singer.


    I honestly feel I am far to be ready for something like that, and have declined. But, honestly, one of my playing aims, along playing on a band as I do, is to do that kind of gigs. Even just me singing along (if those just for friends/family, I am not that great singer 😅)


    But I don't know how to work on this so, please, could you share some hints, useful videos, whatever you think may help?





  14. I am all in for bargain priced high end gear. It is part of the joy, looking and getting a bargain. I did with my two Montage 6, buying them at about 50% current price, both one owner, and one just with two gigs an 10 months on it (the beautiful white one)


    My approach with cars is similar, but I don't aim to expensive ones. Just what I need, with a reasonable amount of mileage on them, and always little money spent. You just need to be patient, they come.


    OTOH, I have done some silly instrument buying, as my brand new Genos, which has seen just some dozen hours on it since 2018. But, well, I was back then a complete beginner with no clue of my needs!


    PS: another nice catch was the mint 200€ DX7 just about three years ago 😆

    • Like 1
  15. 7 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    Nice, currently working on a Tele I built from parts. Needs a bone nut, I've got the blank cut to size, next comes putting slots in. Then I can adjust the action and intonate.

    I like that you used locking tuners, those are great. And some hardware stores sell drill bits that have multiple sized diameters and single cutting edges that do not grab the wood or lunge in and split it. I have one, perfect for enlarging tuner holds. I always use a drill press when possible, highly recommend that. Enjoy playing your guitar!!!!


    Thanks!. Yes, I knew it wasn't the perfect tool for that (I used two new good quality Bosch brand HSS drill bits, one 9.5mm and then the second 10mm). If I ever do that kind of job again, I will use other tools, lesson learned!

    • Like 1
  16. As I had already the neck and the body ready, it was time to put them back together!





    Once the knobs were back, the body looked pretty nice:




    If you compare with the first pictures on this thread, there is an small difference, right? 😅


    At long last, it was time to add the strings!




    And here you have the finished guitar!




    After that I did some adjustments and got it tuned.


    I still have to add the strap buttons, as the holes were too big and I have put some wood and glue on them so I can drill new ones.


    But so far the result is pretty decent. It sounds nice for my untrained ears. I will take it to our next band rehearsal so the guitar player can check it.


    For me this has been a very interesting project and I hope this guitar helps me to get into playing. I love to play instruments fixed by me, as I have done with some synths also.


    Thanks for reading!



    • Like 7
  17. Well, after a couple weeks, I have some news on this restoration!


    I got some new parts to replace the non-fixable ones:






    Even if I cared to select a bridge with 52.5mm spacing, it had some troubles: first, the four inner support holes didn't align, only the two external ones. And then the metal block was too deep, so it would prevent to close the rear cover.


    So I decided to use just the saddles, as the old ones were too oxidized and there was one missing.


    Before installing those parts, I did some work on the neck, polishing frets and oiling the fretboard:






    So I assembled all the body parts and checked the pickups with a metal screwdriver:




    And then the most delicate step, enlarging the tuners holes:






    And after some truggle and filling the small bits which had been cut on the holes, I got this:




    As the holes for the crews did not align, I filled the old ones and drilled new ones. That meant the tuner would be somewhat slanted, but I like how they look;






    And this is the result!




    More on next post...

    • Like 2
  18. Now a question... If you have never dealt with a real Chroma, would this VI still be an interesting synth to have in your virtual rig?. It seems quite a deep instrument, I am somewhat scared 😅


    I am steadily building a software rig around the Gig Performer platform. So I guess this synth could have a place there 🤩

  19. 13 minutes ago, Sunlight2 said:

    I agree with Rodan it's a poor action, even within the realm of synth actions. I simply could not play piano to any reasonable standard on it (classically trained) and I can manage pretty well on the Nord Electro 6 SW73 which I have below it. (Apart from anything else, the CFX samples sound terrible in mono, so the Nord wins out again there)


    But it's the most powerful synth I've ever owned for sonic capabilities, invaluable for a covers band.

    Sidebar - I wonder if the MODX + that was released will ever be able to accommodate the analog modelling in the new Montage/MODX M series, and whether that is planned?


    I remain perplexed by what exactly the point of the MODX + release was, apart from some VERY minor improvements. I still have my MODX7 and intend to keep it (the M update itself was not enough for me to upgrade)


    Well, the MODX+ has almost identical sonic and memory capabilities than the MONTAGE. I guess it is a way for YAMAHA to profit longer from that platform.


    For me is very handy to be able to copy my configuration back and forth the MONTAGEs and the MODX+ (all of them 61 keys), with no practical differences among them. I can have both with same libraries, as memory size is the same. That is a plus (pun intended 😉) for me.


    As a sidenote, the mod wheels were also upgraded to the same type the MONTAGE has. Yes, the keybed is not great. But I am surprised how I have adapted to it and, from being kind of impossible to deal with at the beginning, now I use it for all my rehearsals and most of my gigs (pop/rock, no need of very detailed touch 😅)


    PS: if you want to try a really bad keybed, play an M-AUDIO Venom 🤯

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