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Everything posted by jefsco

  1. Thats what i have been trying to talk myself into doing for a couple years now. Alternate days between running and cycling. Running is both easier and more satisfying to me though . . .
  2. Ive gotten less consistent, performance wise, with age. But not to the extremes you are Josh. Dave, you and i have the same watch. Havent seen that good of numbers on mine though.
  3. Thats my thoughts on the Montage 8 action as well.
  4. When i researched before purchase, i had in my spreadsheet that it was triple sensor. Do not remember the source though, as Yamaha doesnt specify on their site. To repeat a note you have to let the key about halfway up, without the previous struck note going quiet. According to posts ive seen from anotherscott, that would be triple sensor behavior. Very odd that Yamaha does not specify on site though.
  5. Yes! We need Mr CP4s thoughts on the replacements. Maybe Dave will go to NAMM and demo the new CPs.
  6. Dave, youre doubling my distance at a faster pace! Not going to challenge you to a race. Sounds like good progress!
  7. Sorry to hear about the fall, Joe! At 61 i haven't received the benefits of a runners high in probably 20 plus years. Do it more now out of habit, and because i feel bad if i skip! Also i like to eat too much, and have to burn the calories. Guess ive been lucky on falling....now tomorrow ill probably hit the pavement.
  8. just fyi the p121 is shipping now. sweetwater currently showing stock on the white model.
  9. that amazon page appears to be gone now....
  10. some pics of the modx6 as well as close ups.... https://fr.audiofanzine.com/synthe-numerique/yamaha/modx6/medias/photos/
  11. yamaha just keeps cranking keyboards out lately....
  12. except that i made no reference to price, and did not imply that if the additional memory was added the price should remain the same. so none of that applies to my comments.
  13. The boards are entirely different. Comparing the two based on memory is like comparing two cars based on the size of their gas tanks. Not really very meaningful. I dont agree that they are entirely different. They have been compared to each other in the press. Ive heard the Kronos has over 200 GB to use. Dont get me wrong. I love playing my Dexibell. But with all the sounds they have in their library and access to SoundFont 2 sounds, 1.5 GB isnt enough. Sure the factory samples are always in the permanent memory and can be brought to the playable memory, but that makes for too much work. Just put in 20GB, at least, and their keyboards would be so much better and easier to use. ohhh man.....watch out! you may get him going on the different types of memory....
  14. The boards are entirely different. Comparing the two based on memory is like comparing two cars based on the size of their gas tanks. Not really very meaningful. only referencing memory size for comparison.... nord piano4 & electro6 users are complaining that their boards should have received the 3gb of the stage as well. comparing two cars based on the size of their gas tanks would be meaningful. along with the avg mpg would give you the range of the vehicle.
  15. is your s9 on the way? I didnt order one. I just signed up to be notified when it got in stock. I have a P7 and I wont buy anything else from Dexibell until they put enough user memory in it. does seem like if they were trying to one up nord they would have supplied at least what the stage has in memory.
  16. so you demod a dexibell s7 with the new platinum sounds and did not find it worthy? what did not satisfy you?
  17. have seen some good reviews on the new platinum library of sounds. supposed to be a significant improvement over the originals. not sure where you could demo them against a nord though.... maybe sweetwater
  18. they must look better in person than they do in pics!? have no local dealer for dexibell to get an up close look.... so you dont mind the tp100lr action either?
  19. you just mean it has more than you need vs. the S7, so no need to pay the extra bucks?
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