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Bobby Simons

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Posts posted by Bobby Simons

  1. This seems to be a moveable line in the sand.

    I've used these converters, nearly always in a situation where I am learning a tune that I don't have, usually to prep for a gig with someone. Even if I do have the recording somewhere, it's usually just easier to grab again when my rig is a laptop, Mainstage and controllers, instead of trying to find it. Then I'll open in a slowdowner if I need to, or loop it in QuickTime. Am I really guilty of something? Sometimes I only need to play the Youtube a couple of times and I'm good to go. Innocent of wrongdoing then? Some time ago, I used a converter to grab the 'hellhound' howls at the beginning of Deep Purple's "Hush" to create a sample. Guilty? Where did THEY get that soundbyte from, for that matter?

    I'm not building a music library for myself on the cheap. I can live with myself having committed these transgressions, and there'll be no deathbed requests for absolution.

  2. As you may be able to see from my profile pix, I'm still using a QS8.1 as my Mainstage controller, but haven't used the internal sounds in years. I have a second one in a closet in need of some repair, and a pristine QS6.1 right next to it. Between playing two QS8's and a Generalmusic Pro 2 piano (in another closet) over the last couple of decades, the Fatar TP/20 action is second nature for me. (I wish I could find the equivalent in a new instrument.) I also loved that robust synth action on that QS6, hard to find that quality in a present-day 61.
  3. I find that Studiologic have a very interesting product line-up (including SL-series controllers, Sledge, Numa Organ, Compact 2x etc.) and I would welcome the chance to discuss with a Studiologic representative.

    Funny you say that. Not too long ago, in an effort to find somewhere that I could try a SL88 Grand controller, I was routed from 1. Gianni > 2. Bryan Pistone, General Manager, Studiologic USA > and finally 3. Mark Towles, Northeast Sales Manager, American Music & Sound, who I spoke to on the phone. Incredibly, although I live less than an hour from NYC, he was unable to suggest a single place where I could try one. I replied that it seemed my only option was to buy from someone online and return it if not satisfied. He seemed to agree. I found this depressing.

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