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Posts posted by Lindaru

  1. This is all new for me.  Bluebird (condenser) mic for which I purchased a Sterling Audio PHP, and the appropriate XLR to XLR and XLR to USB cables.  Everything is powered and working.  When I pull up my NCH MixPad software, make sure the correct input and output are selected, I can speak into the mic and it shows sound on the V.U.  However, it will not record onto it.  I checked my Windows 10 settings and I have microphone permissions on.  Any ideas why it might not be recording?  I also tried with Audacity and it will not record on there either despite having the input and output set.  One thing.  There is an extra choice which I have not selected ASIO CoreAudio microphone which I am not sure what that is.  I did for the fun of it try to select that and I got a message saying it would adversely change my audio.

    In searching, they are saying something about an analog to digital converter.  Am I going to need to purchase an additional device and cable to get it to work?

    Any advice is appreciated.

    Thank you!

  2. 3 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    In general, we tend to consider the past based on the small percentage of music produced that is still relevant. The massive sub-standard content that existed "then" has more or less been discarded with some exceptions (Oh Mickey? Gah!).

    We now have very affordable means of producing songs, albums, music of all types. Anybody can jump in and will. 


    There are a couple from decades ago that have long been forgotten and remain in my play list when I have the itch to hear them.

    "Surfin' Bird" by The Trashmen
    "Troglodyte" by the Jimmy Castor Bunch

    I do keep my ears open for that new thing that flips my switch and I just gotta have it.



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  3. 1998 had been my last year for trick or treaters.  I thought with the six kids in the family that moved in in January, that that would be my trick or treaters.  I broke down and bought a small bag of Reese Halloween shaped candy.  Earlier yesterday afternoon, one of the kids came to my door to bring my mail that got delivered to them.  He had his tee shirt pulled up over his face.  Found out the whole family has some kind of virus, so they did not get to trick or treat.  I handed him the bag and told him this is what I was going to give them.

    Later I attended an on line live event given by a friend of mine that he produced and I had even had a small role as a nurse in a psycho ward in one of the episodes.  We had a blast in the chat room and enjoyed the two and a half hour six episode presentation.

    That was my Halloween.  Now on to Thanksgiving.

  4. Yup.  I was turned to this back on October 1st.  The night time is so enchanting.  It could drive you batty with how still the thick foggy air is.  You could sink your teeth into it.  A wander through the grave yard, bloody mary in hand.  The howls in the distance of the wolves, so beautiful during the full moon.  Trick or treaters?  They are so tasty!  Um . . . so adorable.  Now I am lost.  Where is my castle?  You know, the one with the antique coffin?

    Seriously, no candy given out here.  I am going to give the kiddies something that lasts a lot longer than candy.  Something that in years to come will be extremely valuable as it is already fading into obscurity.

    Coins.  U.S. quarters, nickels and dimes.  Stash them away kiddies.  By the time you have kids of your own, this stuff will have been eliminated from actual use.

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  5. My sincerest hopes for everyone to stay safe.

    You would think Idaho would be out of the reach of a Pacific hurricane, but nope.  We are under a flood watch/warning through tomorrow night.  Oh, fun, lets bring in everything off of the deck including the barrel planter decorations.  I do not expect to have any real damage from the floods and goodness knows the dirt and vegetation is dying of thirst, but there will possibly be people stranded in remote areas from mud slides and rock slides.  I am hoping that does not happen.

    • Sad 1
  6. In looking at it in a different perspective, less of just a music performance but a stage performance overall, I have been in plays where we used "fake" alcohol as part of the script.  I doubt the audience thought we were using real alcohol but just presenting a part of the story.

    I do agree that it should be planned in advance (just like the directors and stage managers of theater know in advance that it is not real alcohol) and let them know it was just part of the musical script so to speak, although very ad lib.

    Just my two and a half cents (adjusted for inflation).

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  7. 1 hour ago, PianoMan51 said:

    Here’s my five dollars worth of advice, from the head and heart…


    Dave, make the ‘ask’.


    Just come out straight and ask us for money. 

    It will get easier over time.


    You’re not draining pension funds from widows!



    Even some of us widows on pension funds prioritize how we spend those funds.  I, for one, have included us here into my budget.



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  8. 13 minutes ago, Dave Bryce said:


    Okay, I think this should work...



    This is great!  This is a lot like the "Buy me a cup of coffee" that I have seen other places.  You can buy as many virtual cups of coffee at $5 each on that site.  A great way to get support and everyone can pay exactly what they want when they want.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Docbop said:

    Wikipedia  about once a year puts up popups asking for an annual donation, I use Wiki a lot so I donate.   I guess since I have donated a couple times I got an email from them about the upcoming donation period.  They talked about how few people donate and those that do how little they tend to donate.     So even for a tool most use almost everyday either directly or from search engine results people are they don't value it.   Like when people started downloading and stealing music, videos, software, books, etc if it's digital and they can't touch it they think it should be free. 





    I also donate annually to Wikipedia.  I agree that there needs to be an exchange of appreciation.  They give us a wide variety of information at the drop of a search, so I feel the public that uses it should help out financially.

    Maybe an annual MPN donation request to boost whatever people give through Patreon would be something to be considered.


  10. 7 hours ago, Joe Muscara said:

    I find it interesting that some of you say things about Patreon vs. subscription since they're pretty similar. I think some have said they'd do a subscription but not or haven't done Patreon. If you're okay with a subscription you could do Patreon in the meantime. Patreon has been "I need to figure out what I want to contribute to KC/MPN" for a while. I'm currently doing three. One is for a podcast that I really enjoy but I'm not crazy about the guy's music so I support him with that instead, another is for another podcast that has been life-changing for me and doesn't run ads, and the third is for a band that I love (and found out about from KC). In that case, they have levels that give you different access to stuff. It's really a fan club. I don't know if there are possible things MPN could do like that, or of we're better off sticking with the current, "if you love MPN, please consider contributing."



    I also contribute to the hosting of the WeVidi site (as one of the founders) and a pod-caster who has also featured me in a radio play last Halloween through Patreon.  The nice thing about Patreon is that all of your support is bundled into one deduction, so less to keep track of than a separate subscription for accounting purposes.

  11. You might want to check the number of patrons again.


    I will say this.  I do not like ads and do not wish to remove my ad blocker.  I would white ilst this site if it did not have splashy intrusive non-related ads on it if you go that way.

    I like the idea of raffles and auctions.  I think that would be one positive way to bring more members in.

    As for sharing the links on social media to here, I only use Facebook for Messenger.  I quit my Twitter last November.  I never had Instagram.  I have You Tube, WeVidi (I was one of the founders of that alternative video site) and an A.I. forum I am a beta tester and moderator on.  If I knew any other keyboard players, I would share the link via message or E-Mail.

    Just thought I would chime in.

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