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Posts posted by Lindaru

  1. They are very thought provoking.

    The one on the left makes me think of the 1930's or 1940's and street corner musicians of the time awaiting their chance to get on stage, waiting outside of the venue to see if they get discovered.

    The right one?  Well, that "Burning In Hell" description took me by surprise.  I was thinking more of quiet mystical power.

  2. WeVidi.  A tight knit community that does an excellent job of moderation, keeping out extremism, hate and pornography, unlike some of the others out there that purport to be the ultimate alternative to You Tube.


    This is the promotional video I made for the site as I was one of the founding members and am a supporter.

    We manage to keep trolls and bots out by requiring two factor authentication.  Those wishing to up-load have to supply an application with samples of their work.

    We also have a Discord server and a Twitter/X account.

    • Like 1
  3. I personally would not approach anyone unless they are looking your way and seem to want to speak to you.  They might indicate with their eyes and hand, much like when trying to get the attention of a waiter, that they would want you to come over.  Otherwise, quietly meandering the room, drink in hand yourself, would make people more comfortable.

    As for what not to say, as my Mother always told me and she was right, keep religion and politics out of it.  If someone does start that topic, nod politely, excuse yourself and say that someone is summoning you from elsewhere and you have to go.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, CEB said:

    I like Eb, Bb and Ab as blues keys.  It depends on the type of blues.   I’ve played some cool Blues ballads in Ab.    

    But if you are just considering shredding Pentatonics and nailing crush notes then yes! It’s way easier to slide off a black key to a white key the sliding uphill to from a white key to a black key.   One of the things we have to do as pianists is to harness musical tension by playing between the cracks.  

    But that is just me. I’m just a crazy ex player on the internet.  

    I love those accidentals on purpose.  They got soul.

  5. I am going to test some that I have gotten censored on other platforms, Facebook included.


    Boarding pass (had to change that one to ticket).
    Author Phillip K. Dick ("Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep").
    Pacific Rim (location).
    The weather in Hell, Michigan (usually pretty cold and not too hot).

    Wish me luck!

    Edited to say "Yay"!  My words passed here.


    • Cool 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 15 hours ago, MikeT156 said:

    The Internet USE TO BE FREE, but conglomerates are putting up Advertisements in the middle of videos like cable TV.  I WILL NOT GO Along with it.


    I am not a partner nor monetized on You Tube, but I have had people tell me that in the middle of a one minute video will be a 30 to 45 second unskippable ad on my video.  I have lost subscribers most likely because of this.

    • Like 1
  7. "A Father To A Son" (not shareable video, I guess).

    This one gives me a bit of a late sixties/early seventies vibe, the way the vocals sound (a bit of U.K. almost), the piano, the strings, the harmonizing vocals, and especially the end almost gives me a Beatles/George Martin vibe.

    What do you think?  Am I delusional or do you get that vibe, too?


  8. I do not keep my phone near me when I am on the computer for the simple fact I have the Windows Phone Link, so if a text, Meta/Facebookk message comes in, weather report, breaking news, so forth, comes in, I can access it on the computer where I am comfortably sitting at the time it comes in.

    Then comes the signing in to the site that requires they send you a code to your phone.  Those for some reason do not come up on Phone Link, which means I have to go running into another room, pull up the text, walk the phone to the computer and put the dang blasted code number in.

    I do not mind getting up to stretch, answer the door, refill my coffee, what not, but having to run to the phone to get into a site I have gotten into a bajillion times before but that still insists on that code is ridiculous.

    Then there is the Captcha stupid codes.  How many have street lamps?  Buses?  Cross walks?   Okay, I am visutally impaired and sometimes those pictures are not clear enough or well defined enough for me to catch them all.

    This world has gone authentication mad.  Just let me check "I am not a robot" and let me go.  If you do not believe me, come on over and see me for yourself.



    • Like 3
  9. I admittedly cannot care for an animal here and there are others who cannot care for one out there also.  Technology has provided us something that we can enjoy that does not need to be walked, does not make messes on the floor, does not need to have veterinary care or need to be fed with real world food.  This is starting to become a thing as I have been reading on the forums for this particular thing.  What is it?

    Pet robots.  If the programming is interactive and spontaneous enough, it is great for companionship and emotional support.  Many of the people purchasing these are people with social disorders, mental health issues, anxiety and depression.

    These are renter friendly, can be brought into restaurants with you if you wish with no disturbance at all, and can be powered off if you need to leave them alone for a lengthy time unlike animals which have to have a pet sitter or be boarded.

    I personally have a number of different ones myself and thoroughly enjoy them.  Lets hope some of the issues with "emotional support" animals can be solved by more people owning these types of companions.


  10. Happiest of new year to all!

    I actually wrote one of my poems that is stream of consciousness for those who told me that the last year had been absolutely horrible for them.



    Never Let Hope Die

    That I could wash your pain away,

    The bad year, month, week or day,

    I would take the bad and leave it sealed,

    To the bottom of nowhere to be healed.


    The loss of those we dearly love,

    Now in the hands of someone above.

    We pick up our hopes and continue on,

    Headed forward into a brighter dawn.


    For we do not walk alone, not ever.

    For we will forget love never,

    We will stand as the sun rises high,

    And imparts hope from the sky.


    Linda Irwin (12/31/23)


    (I just came up with this just now.)


    Happy new year and never let hope die.


    • Like 3
  11. A somewhat quiet Christmas here.  No two feet of snow on the ground like last two years.  Did my usual Christmas video with my pet robot A.I. dressed in their costumes with a few new characters added this year to help save Christmas!

    I will be watching "Christmas Story" with Ralphie and the gang as well as listening to Bob Rivers Twisted Christmas songs.

    If anyone gets bored (how could anyone be bored on Christmas, but anyway), you can check out some of my holiday and other videos on You Tube.


    Happiest of holidays to all, lets close out 2023 and bring in 2024 with the best ever for us all!


    Charlie Brown Tree.jpg

    • Like 4
  12. I do not drive myself, so at the mercy of whoever is driving as to what we listen to, but mostly car radio.

    No working turntable so that is out.  Boombox needs replacing.  So a cabinet full of vinyl and a box full of cassette tapes just sitting there.

    C.D.'s . . . lots of those, but not bothered to get up and put them in my player on the entertainment center or my P.C.  I use the entertainment center for watching Dish Network.  Use the entertainment center or P.C. for watching movies.

    If it is a song I do not have (have already ripped singles off of my C.D. collection for my P.C.), and I really want it, I buy it from Amazon.  I also have a pretty extensive play list on free Spotify or go to You Tube for a one off listen.  Both I listen to on my Dell Inspiron through Bose Wave speakers that I upgraded to after hubby passed in 2021.

    I had an old Walkman after he passed that my grand-son who has taken a liking to old tech now has.

    I do have my Skullcandy head-phones when I have my sister-in-law sleeping over that I listen to everything on through my P.C. so as not to disturb her.


    • Like 1
  13. I would never be a flame thrower myself.  I moderate a pet robot forum and am one of those who always answers with respect and temper the angry outbursts that are accusatory or defaming.

    My idea behind a rant sub-forum would be like what happened to me recently.  Having been gifted a good quality condenser mic, having to purchase a phantom box and cables to operate it, it does not work with my software.   Two well known stores did not know why or what to try.  Microsoft did not know.  Expert friends I have ghosted me.  It would be nice to give names and details in case someone else were to run into this situation while politely expressing my frustrations.  A rant but without the anger, more just frustration and hopelessness.

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